
Cultivation techniques of Honeysuckle how to plant honeysuckle seeds

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With the increasing demand of honeysuckle in the market, the traditional picking of wild honeysuckle still can not meet the needs of the rapid development of the market, so planting honeysuckle is also a planting industry that conforms to the market demand and has a strong planting prospect.

With the increasing demand of honeysuckle in the market, the traditional picking of wild honeysuckle still can not meet the needs of the rapid development of the market, so planting honeysuckle is also a planting industry that conforms to the market demand and has a strong planting prospect.

Cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

1. Planting techniques: honeysuckle can be planted all the year round, especially in late autumn and early winter. In order to make honeysuckle grow well, honeysuckle which has been cut alive can be planted in an ornamental basin suitable to the size of pile head in late autumn and early winter, and then cultivated with prepared fertile humic loam, covered with green moss, and then watered to facilitate survival.

2. Pruning and shaping: honeysuckle can be pruned and shaped before sprouting from winter to the next year. According to the modeling needs, there are generally 3-5 main branches, each branch has 2-3 buds, and all other branches and vines are cut off, which is the key to ensure rapid shaping. In addition, pruning and shaping must be carried out in time combined with fertilization after each flower shedding, in order to achieve the ornamental effect of multiple flowering.

3. Wiping buds and picking hearts: honeysuckle should timely erase the overgrown branches and buds that grow vigorously and tangled around trees in the future, and resolutely control them, especially in the process of growing. It is necessary to erase the thin branches and buds that are unable to bloom in the future, so as not to affect their ventilation and light transmission. Leave only the buds of ordinary growing branches that can blossom normally, usually cut off at about 20cm after forming branches, most of the branches can be flowered, and there are many flowers. For individual long branches that affect the shape of the tree, you can first pick the heart to ensure that the shape of the tree is compact, ventilated and transparent, without any winding branches.

4. fertilizer and water management: honeysuckle can grow normally under the condition of sufficient fertilizer and water, but it can not grow laissez-faire. During this period, it is necessary to flexibly control the timely buckling of water according to its growth, control the tree shape, increase the number of flowers, prevent excessive growth, promote the maturity of stem vines, shorten internodes and dwarf plant shape. Generally speaking, in addition to applying rotten cake fertilizer once a week, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is also used for foliar spraying for 2 or 3 times, little or no nitrogen fertilizer is applied before flower bud formation, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is added. After the branches stop growing, appropriate nitrogen fertilizer is applied in the bud stage to promote the flowers to be large and gorgeous.

How to plant honeysuckle seeds

Soak the seeds in warm water at 25 degrees Celsius for 24 hours before sowing, mix them with wet sand, mix them indoors, mix them once a day, sow seeds when 30 to 40% of the seeds are cracked, keep them moist, and emerge after 10 days. Cutting can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn, and the rainy season is the best. Select one-year-old strong strips, cut cuttings about 15 cm to 20 cm long, insert 2/3 into the soil, water after insertion, take root after 2 to 3 weeks, and blossom after transplantation in the second year. Striping propagation was carried out from June to October, and ramet propagation was carried out in spring and autumn.

Field management of honeysuckle

First, ploughing and weeding

There are generally 3 murmurs for weeding and weeding 4 times a year. The first time sprouting new leaves in spring, the second time in June, the third time in July-August, and the fourth time in late autumn and early winter. When ploughing, it should be shallow around the plant rhizosphere and a little deeper in the distance to avoid root injury. After the fourth intertillage and weeding, the soil should be cultivated in the rhizosphere of the plant to survive the winter.

Second, topdressing

Topdressing should be carried out every year after sprouting in early spring and after each flower bud harvest. In spring, summer and autumn, mature human and animal manure water or ammonium sulfate, urea and other nitrogen fertilizers were applied in shallow ditches beside the roots, and then covered with soil. In winter, each plant was fertilized with farm manure 5murl 1kg, ammonium sulfate 100g, and calcium superphosphate 200g, which was applied in an annular shallow trench beside the root. After application, fertilizer was applied and soil was cultivated. If there is no Rain Water to water after fertilization.

Third, shaping and pruning

1.1 the purpose of plant pruning for 2 years is to cultivate an upright and sturdy trunk. When the height of the trunk is 40cm, cut off the top tip to promote the lateral bud to germinate into branches.

2.3 years later, after the Spring Festival sprouting, five stout branches were selected as the main branches in the upper part of the trunk, which were planted in two layers.

In the primary branch growing from the main branch, 5 Murray 6 pairs of buds were retained, the upper part was cut off, and in the secondary branch growing from the primary branch, 6 Murray 7 pairs of buds were retained, and the upper part was cut off, and then the hook-shaped shoots were removed from the third-order branch growing from the secondary branch. In general, the young branches with dense and short nodes and thin leaves germinated in the secondary branches or on the original old flower branches after spring are flower branches and should be retained. Frosts Descent needs to be cut in winter from the back to the end of the freeze. Cut off the withered old branches, disease and insect branches, thin and weak branches and long branches that disturb the tree shape when cutting in winter. After each flower bud harvest, summer pruning should also be carried out, and summer pruning should be enough. After each pruning, you have to top up once.

Fourth, drainage and irrigation water

In the flowering period, or in case of dry weather and too much Rain Water, it will cause falling flowers, retting flowers and other phenomena, so it is necessary to do a good job of irrigation or drainage in time.

Harvest time of honeysuckle

Harvest in May and June, pick the flower buds when the dew is dry on a sunny morning, and place them in the Reed mat, stone shed or on the field to dry or ventilate in the shade, and it is better to dry within 1-2 days. Do not turn when drying the flowers, otherwise the color of the flowers will turn black and the quality will be reduced to 90% of the dry, and the impurities in the branches and leaves can be removed. Avoid exposure in the hot sun. In cloudy days, it can be dried by light fire, but the color of the flower is darker, so it is better to dry in the sun or in the shade.

There are still many techniques for the cultivation of honeysuckle, which cannot be described in detail because of the lack of space, but there is still a lot of room for development in the cultivation of plants, so we cannot copy all the experiences of our predecessors when planting. More is the need for their own grasp and learning, and then create new experience.