
How to raise Dendrobium

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Dendrobium is not only a traditional and precious traditional Chinese medicine, but also a good health care food, and Dendrobium will also blossom, which has a certain ornamental value. The shape of Dendrobium is very similar to that of orchids, and the aroma is charming, very beautiful and generous. that

Dendrobium is not only a traditional and precious traditional Chinese medicine, but also a good health care food, and Dendrobium will also blossom, which has a certain ornamental value. The shape of Dendrobium is very similar to that of orchids, and the aroma is charming, very beautiful and generous. So how to grow Dendrobium flowers?

How to raise Dendrobium

1. Lighting: the primary environment of Dendrobium candidum is generally in the shade and shade. The planting environment needs moderate shading.

2. Temperature: Dendrobium candidum stopped growing below 5 ℃ and began to dormancy. When the temperature is too low, attention should be paid to frost injury, and it is best to keep it above 0 ℃. If the temperature is too high, the growth will stop at about 35 ℃, and the most suitable growth temperature is about 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃.

3. Substrate: the substrate with good air permeability and good filtration should be used as planting material for Dendrobium candidum planting. It is generally recommended to use the mixed material of blue stone, granular peat and bark. However, due to large-scale production, the cost is relatively high, a single bark can also be used as the substrate.

4. Humidity: equipped with a hygrometer, it is best to keep the humidity above 60%. In cloudy and rainy weather, when the humidity is above 90%, ventilation should be strengthened to prevent the occurrence of bacteria.

5. Water replenishment mode and water quality: watering should be sprayed frequently and less drenched. It is generally necessary to wait for the matrix to dry before being drenched.

6. Ventilation: Langui ventilation: air circulation is very important for Dendrobium candidum, and it can also reduce the occurrence of diseases. Air circulation is also important for the roots in the substrate, so we recommend using granular materials, and watering must be thoroughly watered to bring fresh air into the substrate.

7. Fertilization method: use compound fertilizer with trace elements. Apply thin fertilizer frequently, do not use heavy fertilizer, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage. Slow-release fertilizer can also be used as base fertilizer when sprouting in spring every year.

Later stage management

1. Watering: the air humidity in the later stage of Dendrobium planting is too small to often water and moisturize, and a sprayer can be used to water it in the form of spray.

2. Topdressing: the barren growing land of Dendrobium should pay attention to topdressing. For the first time, nitrogen fertilizer was mixed with pig and cow manure and river mud before and after the Qingming Festival. The second time before and after the Beginning of Winter, peanut drum, rapeseed cake, calcium superphosphate and so on were added into the river mud to mix and paste in the root, in addition, fertilizer could be applied outside the root.

3. Adjust canopy density: the density of Dendrobium growing ground is about 60%, so it is necessary to prune epiphytic trees frequently so as not to be too shady or not dense enough.

4. Pruning: when it is new before spring every year, the withered stem in the clump will be cut off combined with the old stem, and the diseased stem, weak stem and diseased root will be removed. After planting for 6-8 years, it will be rebranched and propagated according to the growth of the clump.

Morphological characteristics

Authentic Dendrobium candidum is an herbaceous plant with tufted stems, cylindrical shape, 10 cm high and 3 mm thick. After drying, the leaves are bluish gray, papery and oblong-lanceolate. The leaf tip is delayed to leave an annular gap to form a "black node". Slightly with grass aroma, chewing taste light, at first have a sticky feeling, for a long time there is a strong sense of stickiness.

According to ancient records, authentic Laoyanshan Dendrobium is produced in Yandang Mountain, Zhejiang Province. Dendrobium candidum from Laoyanshan in Zhejiang Province is full of colloid, chewing without residue for a long time, solid size and the best effect.

Natural reproduction is very difficult, coupled with the slow growth and development of Dendrobium, small leaf area, low photosynthetic rate, and strict requirements for warm and humid climatic conditions, so wild Dendrobium is on the verge of extinction. Compared with Dendrobium, Dendrobium nobile flower is more precious, about 100 grams of Dendrobium nobile can be harvested 1 gram of Dendrobium nobile flower, can be said to be one in a hundred.

Scarcity is precious, not to mention the low yield of Dendrobium candidum flowers, and the requirements in cultivation and picking are also very high. Compared with Dendrobium, it is even more difficult to retain the flowers of Dendrobium. First of all, Dendrobium candidum has a short flowering period and must be picked in time. If it is picked too early, it will make the medicine insufficient, and if the picking time is too late, it may lead to the rot of Dendrobium flowers. Therefore, the season in which Dendrobium candidum flowers can really be harvested every year is only one or two months.

Edible value of Dendrobium

1. Reduce blood sugar

Dendrobium candidum flower has the function of nourishing yin, clearing heat and moisturizing dryness, and it has been a special drug for the treatment of diabetes since ancient times. Clinical studies have shown that Dendrobium candidum flower can not only enhance the activity of insulin, but also significantly reduce the level of blood glucose and restore blood glucose to normal.

2. Bright eyes

Dendrobium candidum flower has the function of nourishing yin and nourishing eyes, and has been regarded as a good product for eye care by doctors of all ages. Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Dendrobium candidum flower has obvious effect on preventing and treating senile cataract and protecting children's eyesight.

3. Wake up

Dendrobium candidum flower preserves the original efficacy of the stem of Dendrobium candidum, which tastes light and clear, can relieve depression, and does not hurt the stomach, and has the characteristics of "light Yang Sheng San". In popular language, the texture of Dendrobium candidum flower itself is light, and most of its chemical components are volatile oils, which are volatile. Dendrobium candidum flower can keep people who use their brains too much to keep their heads awake and people with high mental stress to relieve stress. so that the depressed get relief, the irritable get peace.

Above, the editor summed up the culture techniques of Dendrobium, hoping to be helpful to you! Dendrobium flower is beautiful and generous, the ornamental value is very high, what is more incredible is that Dendrobium flower can also be eaten! The medicinal value and health-preserving value of Dendrobium are also very high.