
Planting technique of Ligusticum chuanxiong planting time and method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Since the main producing area of Ligusticum chuanxiong is in Sichuan, especially in Dujiangyan, the first problem to be considered in planting Ligusticum chuanxiong is the creation of natural environment for planting Ligusticum chuanxiong, while respecting the growth law of Ligusticum chuanxiong. Choosing the right planting time is also a key issue.

Since the main producing area of Ligusticum chuanxiong is in Sichuan, especially in Dujiangyan, the first problem to be considered in planting Ligusticum chuanxiong is the creation of natural environment for planting Ligusticum chuanxiong, while respecting the growth law of Ligusticum chuanxiong. Choosing the right planting time is also a key issue.

Planting technique of Ligusticum chuanxiong

1. Land selection and soil preparation: the cultivation of Ligusticum chuanxiong should choose the soil with sunny topography, deep soil layer, good drainage, high fertility, neutral or slightly acidic soil, but not sandy cold sandy soil, yellow mud, white eel mud, wet field and so on. Remove weeds before planting, burn the grass into charcoal to make fertilizer, fine and flat after ploughing the ground. According to the topography and drainage conditions, a bed with a width of 1.6 to 1.8 meters was made.

2. Planting at the right time: the furrow spacing of 33 × 20 cm was planted on the finished border around the first and middle of August, and the ditch depth was 2 cm to 3 cm. At the same time, a row of Ling is planted every 6-10 rows to prepare for seedling replenishment. Ling Zi should be planted shallowly, put flat in the ditch, and the buds should be planted upward and pressed into the soil. Make it not only contact with the soil, but also part of the node plate exposed the soil surface.

3. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: Lingzi was covered with fine compost or soil dung after planting, and the cover was removed after half a month, and weeded every 20 days or so. The lack of seedlings is combined with mid-tillage for seedling replenishment and weeding for the last time, and soil is cultivated around the rhizome to protect the rhizome through the winter.

4. Reasonable topdressing: after planting Ligusticum chuanxiong, topdressing was concentrated for 3 times within 2 months, once every 20 days, and should be applied before Frosts Descent for the last time. The amount of fertilizer applied per mu is 1.2t of farm manure, 30kg of cruller, 100kg of plant ash, 25kg of ammonium sulfate, 40kg of superphosphate and 10kg of potassium sulfate. When the stems and leaves grow rapidly in spring, the amount of fertilizer applied is the same as before.

5. Timely harvest: it is the most suitable to harvest in late May in the second year after planting. Digging prematurely, the underground rhizome is not fully mature and the yield is low. If you dig too late, the rhizome will be ripe and perishable in the ground. Picking and digging should choose a sunny day, dig up the whole plant, knock off the soil on the rhizome, remove the stems and leaves, bake it with a low-fire Kang, put it in a bamboo cage and shake, remove the soil and fibrous roots.

How much is the seed of Ligusticum chuanxiong?

The market price of Ligusticum chuanxiong seeds is about 810 yuan per jin. Ligusticum chuanxiong is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine plant, which likes mild climate, abundant rainfall, sufficient sunshine and humid environment, but cold climatic conditions are required in the cultivation and storage period of Ling chuanxiong. The growing period is 280-290 days. Sandy loam with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, good drainage, rich organic matter, neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam should be selected.

Field management of Ligusticum chuanxiong

1. Ling land management

Seedlings emerge before and after the sting. When the seedling height is 10-12 cm, weed control, seedling thinning, soil loosening and fertilization are carried out. When thinning seedlings, 8-12 stems with uniform thickness and good growth were selected, and the rest were pulled out. Grain Rain after ploughing weeding, topdressing. The middle ploughing should be shallow. 2000-3000 kg of pig manure and 100kg of vegetable cakes are mixed with each mu. At the same time, we should do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, drought prevention, flood control, lodging prevention, animal prevention and animal trampling.

2. Management of Chuanxiong Land in Dam area

① seedling supplement: in the first and second times of ploughing and weeding, choose cloudy days, dig "Biandan Lingzi" or "seal Lingzi" to replenish seedlings. Seedlings should be transplanted with soil and watered after replenishment to ensure survival.

② intertillage weeding: generally ploughing weeding for 4 times. The cover grass was removed after planting for about 15 days, and the grass was removed by middle ploughing and shallow removal. After 20 days, the second time, loosening the soil is slightly shallower than the first time, so as not to hurt the root. It will be carried out for the third time after 20 days, but only weeding but not ploughing. In the middle and late January of the following year, the stems and leaves were withered and yellow for the fourth time. Ploughing and weeding, and covering the soil between rows on the border to protect the rhizome through the winter. ③ topdressing: generally applied once after the first three times of ploughing and weeding. For the first time, 1000-1500 kg of pig manure water per mu, 3 times of water and 25-40 kg of rotten cake fertilizer were mixed evenly. For the second time, 1500-2000 kg of pig manure water per mu, 2 times of water and 30-50 kg of rotten cake fertilizer were added, and the method was the same as the first time. For the third time, 2000-2500 kg of pig manure water was mixed in front of Frosts Descent, mixed with twice as much water, and 2-3 days later, 45-60 kg of rotten cake fertilizer, 100-125kg of plant ash and 250,300kg of compost or soil fertilizer were used to fine mix well, apply to the base of the plant and cover the soil. In some producing areas in the early spring of the following year, spring fertilizer was applied once according to the seedling situation, using 1000-1500 kg of light pig manure per mu, adding water twice as much as water, to promote growth and increase yield.

Harvest of Ligusticum chuanxiong

Due to different harvesting seasons in different regions. Sichuan harvested from late May to early June in the second year after the cut. After planting in Beijing, it was harvested in early August of the following year. After the aboveground parts withered in the second year from October to November in Yunnan, sunny days were selected to remove deciduous leaves, cut whisker roots, soil, and seeds (Shaolingzi) were left as seedlings that could not be insolated. Separate according to size, bake or sun-dry with slow heat, then shake in the bamboo basket to remove the outer bark, fibrous root and soil. Generally 1.25 kg of fresh Ligusticum chuanxiong get 0.5 kg of dry information.

Ligusticum chuanxiong needs to be carefully selected in the planting environment, and the planting process should not be allowed to be careless. in addition, the harvest, processing and processing of Ligusticum chuanxiong are the key to determine the quality of Ligusticum chuanxiong, so the growers and people of traditional Chinese medicine should be the most weather-friendly people in the world.