
The Winter Solstice sells leek and fennel quickly in Tianjin vegetable market.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, December 22nd is the 24 solar terms of the Winter Solstice, many citizens make dumplings at home. The reporter learned from the agricultural trade wholesale market early in the morning that since yesterday, the trading volume of dishes as the main stuffing of dumplings has increased significantly, but the price is not expensive. The wholesale price of leek reached its highest level a few days ago.

December 22 is the winter solstice of 24 solar terms, many citizens make dumplings at home. The reporter learned early in the morning from the wholesale farmers market that since yesterday, the trading volume of dishes as the main stuffing of dumplings has increased significantly, but the price is not expensive.

"A few days ago, the wholesale price of chives rose to 9.4 yuan per kilogram (the same below), and yesterday it dropped to 8.6 yuan." Some time ago, the temperature was too low, and the leafy vegetables were afraid of freezing, so the price was a little higher. The weather has improved in the past few days, and the price has dropped." In Tianjin Hongqi agricultural fruit and vegetable wholesale market, a vegetable merchant told reporters. Another merchant told reporters, because today winter solstice, many families will make dumplings, so more leek, fennel, cabbage and other stuffing vegetables. According to market price monitoring, the price reduction of leek, fennel, spinach, pakchoi and oil-wheat vegetables ranges from 4% to 10%. At the same time, curved beans, green pepper prices rose, curved beans per kilogram 6 yuan, green pepper per kilogram 5.4 yuan. Chinese cabbage, cabbage, cucumber, tomato prices stable, 0.8 yuan per kilogram, 1.2 yuan, 3.6 yuan, 5 yuan.

Reporters learned from some large supermarkets this morning that a new round of promotional activities will start today. The prices of pork stuffing, elbow and high-quality pork belly (the same below) for the three-day promotion are 7.8 yuan, 8.5 yuan and 12.8 yuan respectively. In addition, 1.18 yuan leaf vegetables, 0.99 yuan wax gourd and onion, etc., attracted many citizens to buy. Salespeople said that today's supermarkets are especially prepared to make filling-related meat and vegetables to meet the needs of citizens for dumplings during the winter solstice.