
"Internet + Agriculture" ≠ e-commerce to the countryside

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Over the past year, in the face of the blue sea of the future, whether it is giants such as Taobao and or rookies such as rushing the streets, from painting walls collectively to setting up service sites to setting up e-commerce industrial parks, e-commerce enterprises are scrambling to go to the countryside for horse racing and enclosure. In the face of this new wind, local governments also hope

Over the past year, in the face of the blue sea of the future, whether it is giants such as Taobao and or rookies such as rushing the streets, from collective "painting the wall" to setting up service sites to setting up e-commerce industrial parks, e-commerce enterprises are scrambling to go to the countryside to "horse-racing enclosures". In the face of this new wind, local governments also hope to make use of their efforts to boost the local economy and create bright spots. For a time, everyone opened an online shop, villages engaged in e-commerce, agricultural e-commerce seems to be in full swing.

But behind the hustle and bustle, there are hidden limitations and even misunderstandings in the understanding of "Internet + agriculture". At a time of uproar, how should local managers, especially agricultural authorities, deal with it? "Internet + agriculture is not just about e-commerce going to the countryside." On December 4, the province's first working conference on agricultural informatization has made a calm reflection.

A breakthrough

High-quality agricultural products are popular all over the country on the e-commerce express

At 00:00 on December 12, on the big screen of the western (Mengyang) agricultural products e-commerce incubator, the numbers began to jump, seven orders per second, and the turnover reached 20184 yuan in 10 minutes. Jintang Hongxin pomelo is being sold all over the country by e-commerce express.

This is the marketing campaign launched by the incubator and Taobao Sichuan Pavilion in "Shuang 12" to test the interaction between traditional agricultural products wholesale and e-commerce. "Farmers earn 50 cents more per jin and 5000 yuan more per mu." Liu Yuan, the person in charge of Taobao Sichuan Pavilion.

Just a month ago, agricultural e-commerce showed "magic" in Sichuan. On November 11, the transaction volume of Anyue lemon e-commerce reached more than 4900 million yuan. "the second and first place in the country is Chu Orange." Xu Zhixun, secretary of the Anyue County CPC Committee, said. Yibin tea enterprises have also achieved remarkable results: on the day of "double 11", six enterprises, including Chuanhong and Chuancha, sold 12.1549 million yuan with the help of a network line.

It's not just blockbuster products like lemon and tea. In December, Leng Xiaolian, a large grain grower in Guanghan, sold a large quantity of grain online for the first time in Guanghan, while more than 70 local grain growers have sold 5000 tons of grain online. On December 3, the physical store of Neijiang Fisheries Electronic Mall in western Sichuan officially opened, settled in more than 50 fishing-related enterprises, and contributed to nearly 100 million yuan in offline fresh fish transactions. "our goal is to create the first platform for aquatic e-commerce in Sichuan." The person in charge of Neijiang Agricultural Bureau said.

"the application of 'Internet + Agricultural Management' in the province has achieved remarkable results in multi-channels, multi-channels and multi-platforms." Tu Jianhua, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, told reporters.

Xu Yong, director of the Marketing Department of the Provincial Agricultural Department, said that there are mainly two ways: one is to build its own professional platform, such as the Tiandi Network of traditional Chinese Medicine, which has become the market price and sales benchmark of traditional Chinese medicine in the country. Mai Wei net has become an important window for online sales and offline experience of localized agricultural products and leisure agriculture. There are also platforms such as Chengdu Wenjiang District Flower E-Commerce Center, Tongwei Quannong Hui, Luzhou "Animal Husbandry purchase Tianxiang match", Neijiang "Fish net World" and so on. Second, with the help of third-party platforms, such as Qingchuan girl Zhao Hailing, who sells fungus online, with annual sales of more than 5 million yuan, Renshou has become the country's first e-commerce pilot county on a third-party e-commerce platform, with 100000 kilograms of loquat sold online.

Behind the cases and figures are many high-quality agricultural products in Sichuan. Indeed, in this wave, they have taken the express train of e-commerce and realized "selling all over the country".

B misunderstanding

Many people think that "Internet + Agriculture" is to open an online store.

However, an expert, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that in fact, the proportion of e-commerce online sales is still only a drop in the bucket, and the "eyeball-pulling" effect caused by the combination of the most native agricultural products and the most foreign disk network is far greater than the actual effect, and all parties are shouting, "everyone is on fire." village smoke, burning money + crowd tactics, after the uproar, only a few survived. "

The reporter's survey also found that many e-commerce enterprises went to the countryside to set up service stations, with the purpose of obtaining projects or "horse racing enclosures", and many sites were vacant, in fact, insufficient or even weak efforts in the entry of agricultural products into the city. In a Rimen village, which often becomes a place to visit various meetings, an e-commerce service station has been in operation for seven months, only helping farmers buy more than 40,000 yuan of products, and selling local agricultural products is still zero. This is not an isolated case in the whole province.

At the second Western E-commerce Forum held in Chengdu in October this year, several experts also pointed out that agricultural e-commerce should first let farmers make money rather than spend money blindly.

According to Qian Liang, director of the Information Center of the Provincial Agricultural Department, agricultural e-commerce should include several major sectors, such as agricultural materials to the countryside, agricultural products to cities, and leisure agriculture to order online and offline experience, not only industrial products and agricultural materials to the countryside. He is more worried about the quality and safety of agricultural products behind the blooming everywhere. "once something goes wrong, it will have an impact on the whole industry."

It is precisely this momentum of e-commerce entering the village that "indiscriminately spends and gradually attracts people's eyes", coupled with the various interests of all parties concerned, and at the same time, there are limitations in understanding the new thing of agricultural informatization in many places, in the view of a considerable number of people, agricultural e-commerce is synonymous with "Internet + agriculture".

Qian Liang has been invited to teach agricultural informatization courses in cities and counties many times. When he asked what "Internet + Agriculture" is, 95% of the listeners thought it was agricultural e-commerce. "many people, including the agricultural sector, are ignorant. If you think that agricultural e-commerce represents agricultural informatization, just opening a few online stores will be in the wrong direction." At the provincial agricultural informatization work meeting, Tu Jianhua said.

C direction

Using informationization to promote the transformation of production, operation, management and service

"Internet + Agriculture", this marriage of soil and foreign, fast and slow, how can we go further?

At the provincial agricultural informatization work meeting, Tu Jianhua first clarified the concept and made it clear that "Internet + agriculture" added modern agriculture, not just agricultural products. Taking modern information technology as a breakthrough, the whole process of agricultural activities is regulated by information flow, including full utilization of information resources, highly intelligent infrastructure equipment, automation of agricultural operation technology, and networking of agricultural management information.

How to break through? Tu Jianhua believes that the key is to use information technology to promote the four major changes in agricultural production, operation, management, and service, and to promote accurate poverty alleviation. All localities should focus on these aspects.

In terms of agricultural production, at the beginning of this year, Sichuan Huapu Agriculture spent 60 million yuan to comprehensively promote the Internet of things system in Cangxi 20, 000 mu kiwifruit base, and the base workers can use mobile phones equipped with APP to realize intelligent operation on the production and management of the park. "it used to take 400 workers to water each time, but now it only takes three." Wang Gui, the company's boss, said that precision and intelligent agriculture is completely replacing the traditional experience agriculture in the past.

Even agricultural e-commerce in the field of operation, Tu Jianhua believes, must not be grasped at once. "it is necessary to cultivate 1-2 industry benchmarking agricultural e-commerce platforms according to local leading industries, such as Anyue attacking lemons, Panzhihua engaging in mangoes, Huili focusing on pomegranates, and so on. You can't sell everything and have no say in anything." He said that we should also pay attention to the formulation of standard specifications and the formation of brands.

In August this year, China's first "e-commerce standard for traditional Chinese medicine" was adopted in Chengdu, changing the pricing model of traditional Chinese medicine. This is the breakthrough of Tiandi Network of traditional Chinese medicine in local e-commerce in the past 10 years. "this is the basic work of agricultural e-commerce, thus mastering the voice of the industry." Qian Liang believes that at the same time, the platform will also become a symbol of quality and credibility, forming a brand.

In terms of management and services, Xu Yong believes that mainly through the establishment and application of big data, the distribution of agricultural production in a consumption-oriented manner, and the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products through information traceability, it will involve all aspects of agricultural non-point source pollution and pest monitoring, land rights management, and three capital management, and provide technical, financial, insurance and other services according to the needs of farmers.

In the face of the major event of industrial poverty alleviation, Tu Jianhua said that it is important to focus on "one village, one product, one network". "one village should have a leading industry and sell products around the leading industry, instead of making money and shouting after others."