
Fangfeng planting technique Fangfeng planting time and cultivation method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, At present, Fangfeng is distributed in a small number of areas of our country, and it is a kind of medicine that can withstand severe cold and drought. Fangfeng has a wide range of uses, so it is very popular with consumers in the market, so many people want to increase their income by planting it. Then I'll take it first.

At present, Fangfeng is distributed in a small number of areas of our country, and it is a kind of medicine that can withstand severe cold and drought. Fangfeng has a wide range of uses, so it is very popular with consumers in the market, so many people want to increase their income by planting it. Then first of all, we must understand its planting time and technology.

Fangfeng planting technology

1. Soil preparation: Fangfeng likes well drained, loose sandy loam and light clay loam. Fangfeng has a certain saline-alkali resistance, and Fangfeng can also be planted in light saline-alkali land. Do not choose waterlogged, too wet soil so as not to cause root and basal leaf rot. Heavy clayey soil is easy to cause too many windbreak bifurcations and decline in quality. Before sowing, the land should be ploughed deeply, combined with soil preparation, farm manure 3000kg, calcium superphosphate 20kg, potassium sulfate 10kg should be applied per mu. Flatten it, rake it fine, and wait for sowing.

2. Sowing: in spring sowing, the seeds should be soaked in warm water for 1 day to fully absorb water to facilitate germination. Then sow the ditch with a spacing of 30cm and 40cm in the finished border, with a depth of 2cm, and then spread the seeds evenly into the ditch, cover the soil flat, slightly suppress, cover the grass and water, to keep the soil moist. The amount of seed used per mu is 2m / m and 3kg / mu.

3. Interseedling: when the seedling height is 5-6 cm and the first true leaf appears, the seedling is 6-7 cm apart; when the seedling height is 10-12 cm, the plant spacing is 13-16 cm. If it is found that there is a lack of seedlings, the seedlings should be replenished in time.

Fangfeng planting time

Seeds can be sown in both spring and autumn. The spring sowing time is from late March to mid-April in the Yangtze River Basin, in the first and middle April in North China, from September to October in the Yangtze River Basin, before the ground freeze in North China, and in the following spring.

Cultivation methods of Fangfeng

1. Choose the place. Fangfeng is not very strict to the soil, but the sunny land with high and dry terrain should be selected, and the sandy loam with loose, fertile, deep soil layer and good drainage is the most suitable. Clay, waterlogged, acidic or heavily saline-alkali land is not suitable for planting.

2. Fertilization. In order to meet the nutritional needs of perennial Fangfeng growth and development, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, 3000kg / mu high-quality farm manure and 20kg / mu calcium superphosphate or 8kg diammonium phosphate. It is best to apply to the ground surface before turning deeply in autumn, and then turn into the ploughing layer. At the latest, it should be applied before the land is prepared. Fertilize evenly.

3. Seed treatment and sowing. The selected seeds were soaked in warm water 3-5 days before sowing. Soak the seeds in warm water of 35 ℃ for 24 hours and soak in warm water of 40 ℃ ~ 50 ℃ for 8 hours for 12 hours to make the seeds fully absorb water and facilitate germination. Soak while stirring, while sowing seeds, fish out the shrunken seeds and impurities floating on the water, soak the sunken full seeds, dry them a little and sow them.

4. When sowing the seedling field in the buckle arch shed, straighten the border surface, spray through the water, and then sow the seeds artificially, using 2.5kg to 3.0kg per mu. After sowing evenly, use a bamboo or iron sieve on a 2.0 cm thick moist new soil to preserve moisture, cover the seeds strictly, and then insert the bow and buckle the film. Strip sowing was used for raising seedlings in the open field, and artificial drug picks were used to open ditches with a row spacing of 15 cm and a depth of 2 cm (slightly shallow loam soil and slightly deeper sandy soil). The seeds were evenly sown in the ditch with a point seeder, and the covering soil was 1 cm 1.5 cm thick. To be slightly dry, press and preserve soil moisture.

Harvest of Fangfeng

Winter is harvested from late October to mid-November or before budding in spring. Fangfeng, which is propagated with seeds, can be harvested the following year. Fangfeng, which is propagated by split roots in spring, can be harvested in the same year when the roots are 30 cm long and 1.5 cm thick under the condition of sufficient water and fertilizer and luxuriant growth. Autumn sowing is harvested from October to November of the following year. When harvesting, a deep trench should be opened from one end of the border, dug sequentially, and the residual stem and soil should be removed after the root is dug out. 150-300 kg of dry goods can be collected per mu.

There are two planting times for Fangfeng: spring seed and autumn seed. You can make a good choice when planting, and then the location is also critical. After sowing, the management in the later stage needs to be strengthened. And then harvest at an appropriate time. Only by doing a good job in this series of work can we ensure the growth of Fangfeng.