
How to grow tea tree mushroom tea tree mushroom planting time

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tea tree mushroom is a kind of fungus that we usually eat more. It tastes delicious and nutritious. It is very helpful for human health to eat it regularly. Do you know how tea mushrooms are grown? The following small series will explain the tea tree mushroom in detail for everyone

Tea tree mushroom is a kind of fungus that we usually eat more, delicious taste, rich nutrition, often eat is of great help to human health. So do you know how tea mushrooms are planted? The following editor will explain in detail the planting method and time of Pleurotus ostreatus for you.

How to plant Pleurotus ostreatus

1. Cultivation place. In addition to the standard mushroom house, sites that are bright and capable of shading, ventilation and close to water sources should be selected. in rural areas, idle open space or rice fields can also be used to build a simple greenhouse, requiring cleanliness around, no garbage piles, no weeds and insect pests, and a bacteria room can be set up under certain conditions.

2. The formula of culture material. Tea tree mushroom for human domestication of fungi requires rich nutrition, general sawdust 52%, cottonseed shell 26%, wheat bran 19%, sugar, lime, gypsum 1% each, sawdust requires broad-leaved tree sawdust, cottonseed shell should be short cashmere broken shell is better, in order to increase nutrition, the proportion of wheat bran is higher than that of general mushrooms.

3. Mix and bag. First, dry mix the ingredients according to proportion, and then add clean water to mix well. The water content is controlled at 70%. Generally, the bags are packed with polypropylene film bags of 15 cm × 30 cm and 5 silk meters, and the materials should be compacted. Each bag contains 0.3-0.4 kg of dry material. After the bag is packed, it should be handled gently to prevent pollution caused by piercing, and a bag can be added if possible.

4. Disinfection, inoculation and culture. Disinfection usually uses a large atmospheric pressure disinfection pot, disinfection begins with a rapid rise to 97000100 ℃, and keeps 1200014 hours above 95 ℃. When the temperature in the pot drops to 500060 ℃, the pot is transported to the inoculation room while it is hot to reduce pollution, waiting for the bacterial package to cool to less than 30 ℃ before inoculation, the whole process should be strictly aseptic. After inoculation, the culture temperature in the culture room should be controlled between 20: 26 ℃, and the shading and ventilation should be done well. The temperature should be adjusted when the temperature is flat and high, the package should be turned over to prevent burning bacteria, and the miscellaneous bacteria should be checked by turning the pile.

5. Mushroom production management. After the bacterial bag is full of mycelium, increase the temperature stimulation, open the window at night, close the window during the day, maintain 85% 95% humidity to form favorable fruiting body, when the bag turns brown, you can open the bag to produce mushrooms, and strengthen the management of humidity and ventilation, spray 2 times 3 times a day, generally 15-20 days after opening the bag, mushrooms can be harvested in 5-7 days, water is stopped for 5-6 days after harvest, and the mycelium growth can be restored, and the average biological efficiency can reach more than 100%.

Planting time of Pleurotus ostreatus

Generally speaking, it is better to make bags from March to April or from September to November, when temperature and humidity are beneficial to mycelium growth and less miscellaneous bacteria pollution.

Distribution of producing area of Pleurotus ostreatus

Tea tree mushrooms are mainly produced in Guangchang County, Jiangxi Province, Lichuan County, Jiangxi Province, and Gutian County, Fujian Province.

In addition, there is also production all over the country, and Kunming, Chengdu, Beijing and other places are large fresh mushroom producing areas. Lichuan County in Jiangxi Province is also an important producing area of tea tree mushrooms. Most of the products on the market come from Wulingyuan area of Zhangjiajie, the first national forest park in the country-- ten thousand mu tea garden. Natural tea tree mushrooms have been dried and manufactured. In the past year or two, tea tree mushrooms, especially Xiang Xiaowu's popular sales in South Korea.

Nutritional value of Pleurotus ostreatus

1. Pleurotus ostreatus contains 18 kinds of amino acids needed by human body, especially 8 kinds of amino acids, glucan, bacterial protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients that can not be synthesized by human body.

2. Tea mushroom is also rich in B vitamins and a variety of mineral elements, such as iron, potassium, zinc, selenium and other elements are higher than other fungi.

3. Tea tree mushroom is rich in nutrition, the protein content is as high as 19.55%, and there are 18 kinds of amino acids in the protein, of which methionine accounts for 2.49%, followed by glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, glycine and alanine. The total amino acid content is 16.86%, and the eight essential amino acids for human body are complete.

4. Tea mushroom has the effects of tonifying kidney, diuresis, treating low back pain, wetting, invigorating spleen and relieving diarrhea. it is an ideal food for patients with hypertension, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

As mentioned above, if you want to grow tea mushrooms, it is best to choose the right temperature and humidity from March to April or September to November, when the most favorable mycelium grows. At the same time, planting tea mushrooms not only requires humidity and temperature. and it is also closely related to nutrition, moisture, optical fiber and other environmental conditions!