
How much is the chicken head polygonatum cultivation technology?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As everyone pays more and more attention to health care, not only many health foods are very popular, but many Chinese herbal medicines with extremely high health effects are particularly popular, and one of them is Polygonatum. So planting chicken head polygonatum mu yield is not high? below

As people pay more and more attention to health care, not only many health foods are very popular, but also many Chinese herbal medicines with high health effects are particularly popular, and chicken head Polygonatum is one of them. So is the yield of planting chicken head Polygonatum per mu high? Let's get to know it with the editor.

Planting technique of Polygonatum polygonatum

1. Rhizome propagation: in late autumn or early spring around late March, the underground rhizome was dug, the tender part of the apex was selected and cut into several segments, each section had 3 or 4 nodes, the wound was slightly dried, according to row spacing 22~26cm, plant spacing 10~16cm, deep 5cm, planted in the whole border. Cover the soil with 3~5cm after planting, press it slightly and water it. Water the soil every 3-5 days to keep the soil moist. For those planted at the end of autumn, some livestock manure or manure should be covered after freezing to keep warm and survive the winter. after thawing in the second year, the dung should be broken and flat, and the soil should be kept moist before emergence.

2. Seed propagation: after the seeds matured in August, sand storage was carried out immediately: 1 seed and 3 sandy soil were mixed evenly and stored in the Kang of 30cm in the shade to keep moist. In the last ten days of March of the second year, the seeds were screened out, sowed evenly in the shallow ditch on the border surface according to the row spacing 12~15cm, covered with soil about 1.5cm, watered and covered with a layer of grass. Remove the cover before emergence. When the seedling is high 6~9cm, the seedlings can be transplant properly in the dense place, and transplant after 1 year. In order to meet the growth habit of Rhizoma Polygonatum, corn can be planted on the ridge.

What is the yield of Polygonatum polygonatum per mu?

Rhizoma Polygonatum, which adopts the wild planting pattern under the forest, can harvest every four years, the yield per mu can reach 3 tons, and the benefit per mu can reach about 50,000 yuan. Because of the combination of medicinal, edible, ornamental and cosmetology, the market demand is increasing day by day and has good economic benefits. At the same time, with the increasing market demand, the number of wild Polygonatum polygonatum is less and less, so artificial cultivation of Polygonatum polygonatum is a good choice. The prospect of omni-directional and multi-level development and utilization of this plant is very broad.

Control of diseases and insect pests

1. Disease: black spot is the main disease of Polygonatum polygonatum, which harms leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, irregular yellowish-brown spots appeared from the leaf tip, and there was a purplish red edge at the junction of the disease and the healthy part. after that, the disease spot spread downward, and the leaves of the diseased part were withered and yellow in the rainy season. Methods of prevention and treatment: clear the garden during harvest and eliminate the disease and residues; spray 100 times Bordeaux solution or 1000 times of 50% bacilli before and at the initial stage of the disease, once every 7 to 10 days, several times in a row. 、

2. Insect pests: damage to grub larvae. Bite off the seedling or eat the seedling root, resulting in seedling breakage or root cavity, serious harm. The ground tiger harms the seedlings and rhizomes. Control methods: 75% zinc parathion EC can be used to mix seeds according to 0.1% seed quantity; during the field occurrence period, 90% trichlorfon is irrigated with 1000 times liquid; adults are trapped and killed with black light or poison bait; manure should be fully mature, preferably compost at high temperature.

The utilization value of Rhizoma Polygonatum

1. Edible value

Rhizoma Polygonatum is sweet and refreshing to eat. Its fleshy rhizome is thick and contains a lot of starch, sugar, fat, protein, carotene, vitamins and a variety of other nutrients. Raw food and stewed clothes can not only satisfy hunger, but also be used for fitness. It can make people double their strength, fill their muscles and strengthen their bone marrow, which is very beneficial to the body. Rhizoma Polygonatum rhizome is shaped like a potato, and people in mountainous areas often eat it as a vegetable.

2. Economic value

China is rich in wild Polygonatum germplasm resources, and the reserves are huge. Because of the combination of medicinal, edible, ornamental and cosmetic, the market demand is increasing day by day, which has good economic benefits. Therefore, the prospect of omni-directional and multi-level development and utilization of this genus is very broad.

3. Ornamental value

Rhizoma Polygonatum has a well-developed rhizome for storing nutrients, which is easy to be ornamental under the forest and in pots. In early spring, plants break through the ground and spit Xinna green; in late spring and early summer, yellow-green flowers are shaped like a string of wind chimes, hanging in the axils of leaves, swaying in the wind, and are very good-looking; their flowering period can be as long as 20 days, flowers and fruits come out, gradually turning from green to black, white, purple or red, until mid-autumn, full of fragrance, unique charm. From flower viewing to fruit viewing for half a year, it is a rare ornamental product. It is suitable to beautify the environment by planting it as a ground cover plant in sparse forest and grassland, beside the stream under the forest and around the green space on the shady side of the building, such as flower bed, flower border, flower bed and lawn.

In fact, there are many broad prospects for the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine, because their use value is very extensive and high, just like chicken head Polygonatum, not only the extremely high medicinal value is very high in the treatment of some diseases, but also can be stewed or cooked. Eating is very helpful to human health.