
How to grow Straw Mushroom planting techniques of Straw Mushroom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Straw mushroom is a kind of common mushroom food, and it is also called Chinese mushroom, orchid mushroom and so on. It generally grows in humid places. The nutritional value of straw mushroom is very high, often eating can supplement some nutrients needed by the human body, and is deeply loved by consumers. that

Straw mushroom is a kind of common mushroom food, and it is also called Chinese mushroom, orchid mushroom and so on. It generally grows in humid places. The nutritional value of straw mushroom is very high, often eating can supplement some nutrients needed by the human body, and is deeply loved by consumers. So do you know how to grow straw mushrooms?

How to grow straw mushroom

1. Cultivation raw materials: cottonseed hull, rice straw, corncob, wheat straw.

2. Raw material formula: ① cottonseed hull 100, wheat bran 5, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.3, calcium superphosphate 0.5, carbendazim 0.2, lime 6, insecticide 0.1, water 140. ② corncob 80, cottonseed hull 20, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.3, calcium superphosphate 0.5, carbendazim 0.2, lime 6, insecticide 0.1, water 140.

3. Pile-building fermentation: the cultivation raw materials were pre-wet for 3-4 days and then built and heated up. When mixing materials, mix evenly, the water content of cultivation raw materials is about 65%, and it is easy to grow miscellaneous bacteria with large water content. After 3-4 days of fermentation, actinomycetes were seen, the smell of wine was smelled, and when the raw materials were brown, the cultivation materials were adjusted so that the pH value was 8-9, and the seeds could be sown in the shed.

4. Sowing in the greenhouse: as straw mushrooms are mostly cultivated in the summer high temperature season, straw mushrooms can be cultivated in idle greenhouses and arched sheds in fast-growing forests. The paving material should not be too thick, 15 cm thick, and the cultivation bed should be 60 cm wide. The bed is wavy. Hole sowing or layer sowing can be used to punch holes in the material layer. Cover the bacteria with a small plastic shed and ventilate properly. Mushroom buds can be seen 7 days after sowing and appear on the market 10 days after sowing. Straw mushroom growth process in the high temperature season, should spray water frequently, spray water temperature should be the same as the greenhouse temperature, can store water in the shed for reserve.

Planting techniques of volvariella volvacea

1. The suitable time for cultivation: early sowing of volvariella volvacea is not conducive to growth because of low temperature, and too late sowing affects the production of vegetables in autumn and winter. After the production of vegetables in winter and spring is over, the garden can be cleared, disinfected in greenhouse and fumigated with sulfur. At the same time, the soil was treated with dichlorvos or trichlorfon.

2, nourishment treatment: straw mushroom cultivation materials should be fresh, dry and mildew-free, expose to the sun for 2 to 3 days before use, then mix well according to 100 kg of wheat bran and 10 kg of lime and put into the pool, the upper part should be covered strictly with plastic film. After 24 hours and 36 hours of full soaking, fish out.

3. Cultivation methods

①: the cultivation border of volvariella volvacea is north-south, with a width of 1 meter, and its length depends on the width of the shed. The depth of the border is 8-10 cm, and the distance between the border is 30-50 cm. The soil dug the border is temporarily placed on the ridge.

② paving material: the soaked culture material is laid into the shape of tortoise back in the border, or wavy shape, with a ridge thickness of 15 cm, a thickness of 5 cm on both sides, and a material of 15 kg / m2.

③ sowing: break the cultured bacteria into 1 cm square pieces, use hole sowing method, hole spacing 8 cm 10 cm, evenly sow the bacteria into 1 cm deep material, each hole sow 10 grams of bacteria, and then cover the soil on the ridge on the culture material.

④ cover soil: do not use clay and sand, do not be too dry and too wet, cover soil thickness is 1 cm thicker than material ridge, material ditch thickness 3-5 cm, then use 2 cm diameter sterilized wooden stick to ventilate, eye distance 10 cm, hole depth to open material is appropriate.

Straw mushroom cultivation season

The cultivation season of volvariella volvacea under natural conditions should be determined according to the temperature needed for the growth and development of volvariella volvacea and the local temperature. It can only be cultivated when the daily average temperature is above 23 ℃. The time of cultivation with natural temperature in the south is from late May to mid-September in the Gregorian calendar. The cultivation from early June to early July is the most favorable, because at this time the temperature is suitable, it is also the mildew and rain season, the humidity is high, the temperature and humidity is easy to control, the yield is high, and the quality of mushroom is good. In the midsummer season (from mid-July to late August), the temperature is on the high side, dry and the water evaporation is large. Management is difficult, and it is difficult to obtain high yield and high quality of volvariella volvacea. In Guangdong, Hainan and other provinces, it is more suitable to cultivate straw mushroom from April to October under the condition of natural temperature. It is suitable to be cultivated from June to July in the northern region. Cultivation in greenhouses and plastic sheds can be advanced or postponed as appropriate. If the use of foam mushroom room and heating equipment, can be annual production.

Brief introduction of volvariella volvacea

Straw mushroom, also known as orchid mushroom and bract mushroom, originated from Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. It was artificially cultivated in China 300 years ago and was introduced into the world by overseas Chinese in the 1930s. It is an important tropical and subtropical mushroom. It is the third largest cultivated edible fungus in the world. The output of straw mushroom in China ranks first in the world, mainly distributed in South China.

Straw mushroom is nutritious and delicious. Each 100g fresh mushroom contains 207.7mg vitamin C, 2.6 g sugar, 2.68 g crude protein, 2.24 g fat and 0.91 g ash. Volvariella volvacea protein contains 18 kinds of amino acids, of which essential amino acids account for 40.47-44.47%. In addition, it also contains a variety of mineral elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and so on.

Straw mushroom gets its name because it often grows in wet and rotten straw and is mainly produced in Guangdong and Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi and Taiwan. Fat, thick meat, short handle, smooth, delicious, so it is known as "orchid mushroom" and "delicious foot mushroom".

To sum up, straw mushroom is one of my three major cultivated fungi, the annual output is very high, but at the same time, the annual sales and consumption of straw mushroom is also very amazing, although the cultivation of straw mushroom has a certain prospect, but the competitive pressure is also relatively large!