
The technique of Ji Bu Yue's long beheading method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The success of planting succulent plants is not only related to the yield of succulent plants, but also to the quality of succulent plants. Most succulent plants belong to their own mothers. As long as their own meat grows healthily, it doesn't matter whether they grow up or not. But since succulent farming is a kind of personal aesthetics,

The success of planting succulent plants is not only related to the yield of succulent plants, but also to the quality of succulent plants. Most succulent plants belong to their own mothers. As long as their own meat grows healthily, it doesn't matter whether they grow up or not. But since succulent farming is a kind of cultivation of personal aesthetics, you might as well make more efforts in appearance.

The method and skill of Ji Yueyue's long beheading

1. Beheading time

Strictly speaking, there is no specific time, beheading indoors, as long as the temperature, moisture is appropriate, and there is enough light, beheading can be done at any time. However, it is best not to be beheaded in winter, because the outdoor temperature is low, the air circulation in the house is poor, and the humidity is difficult to reach the standard, which will have a certain impact on the recovery of the plant.

2. The method of beheading

Choose sunny weather and cut off the long head with a blade or break it off with your hand. After breaking off, the seeds are planted in the original or other pots. The rest, now placed in the semi-shade for a period of time, and then transferred to the sun for normal care, will soon grow a lot of lateral buds. 3. Points for attention

After beheading, the two parts have varying degrees of dryness in a short period of time, never mind, this is a normal phenomenon, timely ventilation, ensure enough humidity, will soon recover. Look at the small head after taking root, do not rush on the basin, if there is enough space can directly grow in the original basin to avoid moving to hurt the root. Pay attention to watering do not overwork, spray water to the leaf should pay attention to, the heart of the leaf do not accumulate water, so as not to cause bad heart. Don't spray and water too frequently, once every 10-15 days. If it is properly maintained, it will sprout in about 10 days as soon as possible, and more than a month if it is slow.

The breeding method of Jihaoyue

The reproduction of Ji Yueyue can use leaf insertion and beheading to burst small side buds, if it is indoor all the year round, of course, Jihaoyue can also sow seeds. The reproduction speed of Ji Meiyue is super fast, especially the leaf insertion, the success rate is almost 100%, and it is the first choice for new leaf insertion. It can also be cut, but the old plant for many years also has a different sentiment. After the Lignification of the branches, the bottom leaves can be pulled out for leaf cutting, and the rest of the old plants can be used for individual plasticity.

Morphological characteristics and growth habits of Ji Yueyue

Ji Miaoyue is a perennial succulent herb, which is very similar to the genus Clematis, but it is not a bottle-shaped flower or a bell-shaped flower, but a star-shaped flower. Petals waxed, leaves arranged in an elongated rosette, covered with albino or leaf tips bearded. The leaf color is scarlet with brown, the leaf is melon seed type, the leaf end is sharp, open yellow floret, star-shaped.

Ji Meiyue likes a sunny, warm and dry environment and is resistant to drought. Spring and autumn are the main growing periods of Liriodendron. Generally about 20 days to apply mature thin liquid fertilizer, fertilizer should not be splashed on the leaves. When it is hot in summer, the plants should be maintained in a ventilated place to avoid the hot sun, and to control fertilization and watering.

How does Ji Meiyue break her head?

1. Soil: the soil planted in Jihaoyue can be cultivated in loam and coarse sand, but the soil should not accumulate water, otherwise root rot will occur.

2.Illumination: during the monthly growth period, it needs to be cultured in the sun. Otherwise, the plant will grow too long, the plant type will be loose, the leaf will become thinner, the leaf color will be dim, and the foliar powder will be reduced.

3. Watering: Jihaoyue watering should master the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly" to avoid stagnant water in the basin soil. When the air is dry, you can sprinkle water around the plant, but the leaf surface, especially in the center of the leaf clump, should not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause a bad heart. pay special attention to avoid long-term rain.

4. Fertilization: the mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus and potassium should be applied every 20 days or so during the growing season. Do not splash the fertilizer on the leaves during fertilization, usually in the morning or evening when the weather is sunny. In the evening of the same day or the next morning, water should be watered once to dilute the residual fertilizer in the soil.

5. Summer: Jihaoyue can be maintained in a well-ventilated place at high temperature in summer, avoid hot sun exposure, control watering and fertilization, and basically do not need watering at this time, so you can spray water to the plant to cool down properly.

6. Winter: Jihaoyue is placed in a sunny place indoors in winter. If the lowest temperature at night is about 10 ℃, and there is a certain temperature difference between day and night, it can be properly watered and fertilized as appropriate to make the plant continue to grow. If it can not keep such a high temperature, we should control watering, keep the basin soil dry, stop fertilization, make the plant dormant, and can withstand the low temperature of 5 ℃, and some varieties can even withstand the low temperature of 0 ℃.

Ji Meiyue's breeding method is very diversified, generally speaking, it is for the purpose of appearance and shaping, as long as it is good-looking and tasteful. However, after processing, Jihaoyue should be more carefully maintained, otherwise it will not be good to achieve the purpose that you want.