
Mingyue succulent how to raise good-looking Mingyue Culture methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Mingyue is a variety that can blossom in succulent plants. When it blossoms, it is usually a small white flower, which is of great ornamental value. It is precisely because of the beauty of the moon that it attracts many consumers to buy. But after buying it home, everyone's way of raising Mingyue is

Mingyue is a variety that can blossom in succulent plants. When it blossoms, it is usually a small white flower, which is of great ornamental value. It is precisely because of the beauty of the moon that it attracts many consumers to buy. But after buying it home, do you know anything about the law of Mingyue?

Mingyue succulent how to look good

1. Color. The small potted plant Mingyue is a succulent plant originally from Mexico. The good planting of the small potted plant Mingyue will show green with pink, which is very good-looking. If you want the small potted plant Mingyue to have this pink appearance, it should be very popular with ultraviolet radiation. Only by understanding the growth habits of the small potted plant, can we always maintain the beautiful appearance of the small potted plant.

2. Reproduction. The small potted plant Mingyue has a sturdy plant structure, and each leaf is very thick and round. As long as the growth environment is drier and the temperature difference is large, the small potted plant Mingyue can always remain pink and tender. The branches of a small potted plant can be cut or cut with leaves, and can be propagated in this way all the year round. The small potted plant Mingyue cut off the branches with a knife, dried the wound and cut it, which soon survived under the condition of water supply.

Mingyue culture method

1. Soil: the soil suitable for most succulent plants can be used for breeding Mingyue, which is generally peat mixed cinder, and the proportion can be maintained at about 3:7. Generally speaking, Mingyue is a very easy breed, vegetable garden soil can raise it very well, so there is no special proportion of soil, but we should pay attention to maintain looseness.

2. Watering: Mingyue is an extremely drought-tolerant variety, which originated in the desolate desert of Heixigo, so it does not need to be watered frequently. It is thoroughly watered in spring and autumn. Hot summer water 4 to 5 times a month, not watered thoroughly, in order to maintain the normal growth of the plant, the summer water is too large and easy to rot, and when the winter temperature is low, it has to control the water when it enters the dormant period. Usually when watering, try to pour it in the soil, not on its leaves to cause rot.

3. Light: this is a kind of plant that likes light. Although the growth is slow and the plant is short, it also needs enough sunlight to make it develop normally. Spring and autumn are the growing period of Mingyue, when the temperature is suitable, neither hot nor cold, and you can have full sunshine on Mingyue. It will be slightly dormant in summer, so it needs to be ventilated and shaded, while in winter it needs to be deliberately placed in a warm and sunny area for breeding.

Temperature: generally speaking, Mingyue is a kind of plant with great adaptability to temperature. the high temperature of 30 degrees in summer can not wither it, and it can withstand a low temperature of about zero degrees as long as it stays dry in winter. However, it should be noted that the temperature below 5 degrees will gradually cut off the water, keep the basin soil dry below 3 degrees and keep it no less than 3 degrees below zero as far as possible. under such conditions, Mingyue will be able to spend the winter safely.

5. Fertilization: this is a very barren plant, so it does not need to be fertilized regularly, but only needs to apply long-acting fertilizer once a quarter to meet its growth needs. and each time according to the size of its plant and the season, such as winter dormancy, you can stop fertilization, its plant growth characteristics like thin fertilizer, so do not apply too much. So as not to burn out the roots and leaves.

Points for attention of Mingyue

Maintenance during summer dormancy. Summer high temperature, Mingyue in a short dormancy, to reduce watering, maintain good ventilation, to prevent the breeding of diseases and insect pests.

Pest control of Mingyue

Scale insects: once Mingyue is harmed by scale insects, it will cause yellowing of leaves, withering of branches, plant decline and so on, and it is easy to induce coal fouling disease. Scale insects have strong reproductive ability, and the season with high incidence of insect pests is high temperature in summer. Hot and humid environment, they like, often attached to the leaves, crawling in the process of destroying the green leaves of axe leaf pepper grass, resulting in patches of gray lesions.

Control methods: scale insects generally have 1-3 generations a year, and a few 4-5 generations. Before nymphs turn into adults, there is often an intermediate period, in which the appearance is dull, and some even stop feeding. This time is before and after the annual sting. The second is from the end of May to the beginning of June. At this time, most nymphs hatch soon, the body surface has not yet secreted wax, and the shell has not been formed, so it is still easy to kill with drugs. Spray once every 7 days for 3 consecutive times.

Mingyue needs light in order to grow well, in different sunlight, it may lead to different colors! The breeding method of Mingyue can be carried out according to soil, light, fertilizer, water and so on. In the later stage, we also need to strengthen the management of insect pests, only in this way can we ensure the growth of the moon.