
How to solve the problem of root bending?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rooting, we should have seen pox, because it is a more common kind of multi-pulp plants, vitality is extremely tenacious, and growth speed is fast. But a lot of people appear when planting ground root leaf bending phenomenon, so why is this? under

Fall to the ground to take root, everyone should have seen acne, because it is a more common succulent plant, extremely tenacious vitality, and fast growth. But many people bend their leaves when they plant and take root, so why? Let's go and find a solution with the editor.

The solution to the bending of leaves when rooting on the ground

1. Pruning. The long-curved ground-rooted leaves are trimmed to a great extent to let them grow new leaves on their own.

2. Light treatment. Move to a place with plenty of light, a place with good light on the balcony or exposure in the yard. After a period of light treatment, the leaves can stand upright.

3. Replenish water. Some flower friends feel that it is easy to take root on the ground, or even ignore it for a long time, resulting in the basin soil is very dry, the water is insufficient to take root, and the leaves naturally do not grow well. Replenish some water at the right time to make its leaves bright green and straight.

What if it takes root and grows on the ground?

1. Bask in the sun. The florist who keeps it in the office or living room can move it to a sunny place and bask in it to make it stout and healthy.

2. There is nothing that cannot be solved by beheading. Water causes the ground to take root and grow too long, which can be solved by beheading. The rooting plants are easy to cut and have a strong ability of reproduction. After it is found that it is only growing, it can be cut off by beheading. You can not only get a pot of seedlings that you can "be a demon", but also get a pot of old plants that can sprout again, killing two birds with one stone. Remember to change the pot soil for the old plant to prevent stagnant water from causing its roots to rot!

The culture method of rooting on the ground

1. Methods of reproduction

Cutting, adventitious buds and sowing propagation are commonly used.

Cuttings, the best from May to June, put the strong leaves flat on the sand bed, close to the sand, and maintain humidity. The plantlets can grow from the tooth deficiency of the leaf margin 1 week after insertion. Cut and move into the basin after growing up. Cuttings, cutting the apical branches 8mur10 cm long, slightly dry and then inserted into the sand bed, 1 week later began to take root, 2 weeks later can be potted. The propagation of adventitious buds is more convenient, and the larger adventitious buds growing on the leaf margin can be peeled off and put on the basin directly.

After sowing, the seeds are small, and the soil is not covered after sowing. After sowing, the seeds germinate for about 15 days, and the germination rate is high.

2. Pruning requirements

The mixed substrate of 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of sand soil can be used in pot cultivation. For the new seedlings, the heart should be picked in time to promote branching; for the older plants, the stem is semi-lignified, detached, curved and not erect, and the ornamental value decreases, so it should be cut short to sprout new branches. Update and change the basin every spring to keep the plant in a beautiful state.

3. Water and fertilizer requirements

Usually watering should be dry and then watered, do not worry about drying to death, fertilization need not be too frequent, otherwise cause prosperous growth, and may cause plant rot, the growing season can be applied once a month twice a month. There should be a little shade in midsummer, and there should be sufficient light in other seasons, otherwise the color of the leaf edge will disappear. Watering should be reduced after cooling in autumn, and the room temperature after entering the house in winter can survive the winter as long as the room temperature is kept above 0 ℃. But the potted Tujia remained a little moist.

4. Disease and pest control

The main harm of rooting on the ground is gray mold and powdery mildew, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder. Insect pests are harmful to scale insects and aphids and are sprayed with 1000 times of 40% dimethoate EC.

Management skills of Water and Fertilizer for rooting on the ground

1. Watering skills

The principle of rooting and watering on the ground is that it would rather be dry than wet, do not worry, because it is resistant to drought. It is appropriate to wait for the basin soil to dry before watering. When it is found that the leaves are low in green, they can be sprayed.

Because of the cool weather in late autumn and less water evaporation, watering can be reduced appropriately. Low temperature in winter, to keep the basin soil moist, and pay attention to be frostbitten to death.

2. Fertilization skills

It is not necessary to fertilize the roots on the ground too frequently, otherwise it is easy to grow, and the distance between leaves is long and unattractive. Excessive fertilization may also cause plant rot. In the growing season, you can apply 1 Mel fertilizer twice a month, and the amount of fertilizer should be less!

Through the above content, I believe you have a certain understanding of the maintenance skills of rooting on the ground. In fact, many people like to take root on the ground, not only because it is very easy to grow, and the appearance is exquisite and beautiful, the leaves are fat, and the edges have neat buds, very unique and beautiful!