
Culture methods and matters needing attention of false epiphyllum the reason why false epiphyllum does not bloom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, False epiphyllum has a variety of colors and colorful flowers, which is one of the reasons why many flower friends like it. Although false epiphyllum has strong vitality and is not too picky about the requirements of the culture environment, there will still be a lot of headaches in the breeding process. Today, little

False epiphyllum has a variety of colors and colorful flowers, which is one of the reasons why many flower friends like it. Although false epiphyllum has strong vitality and is not too picky about the requirements of the culture environment, there will still be a lot of headaches in the breeding process. Today, the editor will take a look at the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of false epiphyllum.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of false epiphyllum

I. the culture method of false epiphyllum

1. Temperature

Like warmth, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃-25 ℃. Not cold-resistant, the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃ and not resistant to high temperature, and the plant will be dormant at high temperature. The formation of flower bud is related to sunshine and temperature. Under the condition of 10 ℃ and short sunshine, flower bud can be formed in about 50 days; when it is more than 15 ℃, it will inhibit the formation of flower bud; when it exceeds 20 ℃, it is difficult to form flower bud.

2. Lighting

Like sufficient scattered light, avoid strong light exposure. Pay attention to shade and ventilation when the summer and autumn light is strong, and plenty of sunshine is needed in winter.

3. Watering

It is not resistant to drought and the basin soil should be kept moist during the growth period. But avoid pots of stagnant water, and avoid too much Rain Water. After the end of flowering, there is a dormant period of 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to control watering and keep the basin soil slightly moist.

In the dormant period of high temperature in summer and autumn, the plant absorptive capacity decreases, such as poor management, there will be a large number of stem nodes falling off, and even root rot and death. Rain should be prevented and watering should be controlled. Watering should also be controlled in winter.

4. Environmental humidity

Like the humid environment, the growing season should spray more foliar water to improve the relative humidity of the air. In addition to shading and ventilation, we should also do a good job of environmental water spraying at high temperatures in summer and autumn.

5. Fertilization

When the plant grows in spring and autumn, fertilizer should be applied freely once a month, which should be "thin fertilizer and diligent application". When high temperature in summer and autumn and low temperature in winter, fertilizer should be stopped.

6. Pruning

When dormant after anthesis, the plant should be pruned once to cut off the weak and dense branches so as to promote the growth of new buds in spring and blossom more in the future. The growth potential of the old plant cultivated for 2-3 years began to decline and needed to be reproduced and renewed.

7. Planting

Turn the basin once every 1-2 years, cut off the rotten old roots, and replant them with loose and breathable culture soil rich in humus.

2. matters needing attention in the culture of false epiphyllum

1. Change the basin

The purpose of changing the basin is to make the flowers grow better. Generally, the pot is changed in late spring or early summer, and the pot is changed every 2 years. When changing the basin, you can remove the old soil and replace it with new soil to ensure that the soil is rich in humus.

2. Diseases and insect pests

The main diseases of false epiphyllum are leaf spot and Fusarium wilt, which can be treated with 50% carbendazim. The pest of false epiphyllum is the harm of red spider, which can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate EC.

The reason why false flowers do not blossom

1. Overgrowth

Generally, in the case of more nitrogen fertilizer, it will lead to the overgrowth of false epiphyllum plants, when the plants grow only, a lot of nutrients are consumed, so that the flowering lack of necessary nutrients, so there will be no flowering.

2. Too covert

Sufficient light is the first condition for false epiphyllum blossom. if it is too hidden, it will lack light, the plant is easy to grow, and will affect the differentiation and growth of flower buds, so it is not easy to bloom.

3. Exposure in the sun

False epiphyllum in the sun will make the stem yellowing, and will affect flowering.

What if the false flowers don't blossom?

First of all, during the growth period, we need an adequate supply of water and fertilizer, as the temperature rises, we need to strengthen the supply of water and fertilizer, but after entering the flowering stage, we can appropriately reduce water and fertilizer, and spray more to increase air humidity.

Then, after the emergence of the bud, we should apply more nitrogen fertilizer to make the flower bright and colorful, and after flowering, we should control water and fertilizer.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure reasonable lighting. Because false epiphyllum in the process of breeding can not lack of sunshine, long-term concealment, but also can not be too exposed to the sun, so that its sunburn. Basically, sufficient light can be given during the growth period, such as the spring and autumn season, but when the summer light is strong, it is necessary to shade and cool down in time, and an Arbor can be built.

Finally, in order to make the false epiphyllum blooming better and more stylish, it also needs to be pruned in time.

The difference between falling Flower Dance and false epiphyllum

1. Different florescence

Dance of falling Flowers: usually blossoms in May-June.

False epiphyllum: usually blossoms in April-May.

2. Different flower patterns

Dance of falling flowers: the plant is much branched, growing in clusters, and the leaves are fleshy and succulent, usually 3-5 ribs, and there are also flat or irregular edges with purplish red edges.

False epiphyllum: petals are pointed and straight, and when they bloom, the petals extend around averagely, shaped like open umbrellas, and the petals are regular and neat.

3. Different designs and colors

Dance of falling flowers: there are many colors and fragrance.

False epiphyllum: the flowers are usually bright red and tastes light and elegant.

4. Different stem nodes

Dance of falling flowers: the stem node is prismatic, generally with three edges, four edges, no more than five edges, and the edges are also purplish red. Thicker flattened stem nodes can appear under the condition of grafting.

False epiphyllum: the stem node is flat and oval, and the leaf margin is smooth and purplish red.

The above is the editor's general introduction to the cultivation methods of false epiphyllum. Have you learned it? Although false epiphyllum is a kind of plant that likes warm and humid environment, it still needs more attention in water and fertilizer and needs to be dealt with correctly according to its growth habits. Only with proper care can beautiful flowers bloom.