
How to raise succulent red infantile lotus culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Red juvenile lotus is a hybrid succulent variety, its shape is very similar to the blooming lotus flowers, so it has this name. Red juvenile lotus is generally more common in green and red, which is of great ornamental value, and many people like to raise it. But in the process of farming,

Red juvenile lotus is a hybrid succulent variety, its shape is very similar to the blooming lotus flowers, so it has this name. Red juvenile lotus is generally more common in green and red, which is of great ornamental value, and many people like to raise it. However, in the process of breeding, some problems may arise if it is taken care of improperly.

How to raise the succulent red lotus

1. The best breeding time: red juvenile lotus can be cut and cut all the year round.

2. The best growth soil: red juvenile lotus is suitable for loose, permeable and water-retaining soil, but the ratio of peat soil to granular soil is 1:1.

3, growth humidity requirements: red juvenile lotus avoid muggy and humid, like dry environment.

4. The best growth temperature: red juvenile lotus can withstand the low temperature of about minus 4 ℃ when the basin soil is dry, which is the indoor temperature.

5, the best growth light: red juvenile lotus needs to receive enough sunshine before the leaf color will be gorgeous, and the plant type will be more compact and beautiful.

The Culture method of Red Chili Lotus

1. Soil. The basin soil for breeding succulent plant Hongzhilian should have good looseness, permeability and drainage, so generally use mixed soil, with peat soil, vermiculite and perlite according to the proportion of 1:1:1, insert a little bone powder.

2. Light. Red juvenile lotus, a succulent plant, likes light, but it is not resistant to exposure, so it can be cultured in full sunshine in spring and autumn, but appropriate shading measures need to be taken in summer to maintain ventilation. In winter, we should pay attention to heat preservation measures, generally sufficient light and the greater the temperature difference between day and night, the more gorgeous the color of red nymph leaves will be.

3. Watering. The watering principle of succulent plant red lotus is that it is not dry or dry, and the growing frequency is generally once every 20 days. High temperatures in summer can increase air humidity by sprinkling water around.

4. Fertilization. Succulent plant red young lotus basically does not need to apply fertilizer, but can be topdressing once a quarter, mainly to mature thin liquid fertilizer, a small amount of fertilization can be.

5. Reproduction. The common propagation methods of red infantile lotus are branch cutting and leaf cutting, which can choose chopped branches or robust branches, leaves with strong, mature and full leaves, cut and dried, then inserted into the sand bed to keep the soil moderately moist and take root in about 15-20 days.

Matters needing attention in the culture of red juvenile lotus

1. If the plant type is not compact and is suspected of being overgrown, attention should be paid to increasing sunshine time and reducing watering appropriately.

2. During the growing period, red young lotus can be maintained in a sunny place outdoors, even in the hot summer season, so as to make the plant type compact and beautiful.

3. In greenhouse culture, it should be ventilated and fresh, otherwise it is easy to be harmed by scale insects, resulting in yellowing of leaves, so it should be cultured in a well-ventilated area.

How to deal with the red lotus after growing up

If it is slightly overgrown, you can adjust its culture environment at this time, such as placing it for outdoor maintenance, or controlling its moisture content. If you are exposed outdoors, you should pay attention to the excessive sunshine at noon; if you encounter cloudy and rainy days, don't worry, you can get caught in the rain, as long as there is no stagnant water in the basin. But whether or not to let it rain in summer, the high temperature in summer, coupled with rain, prone to diseases and insect pests. However, if the overgrowth is more serious, it can turn it into an old pile to raise, it will also develop a pot of different flavor of the old pile red young lotus, you can also use its leaves for cutting, raise a pot from scratch.

The breeding skill of red juvenile lotus is relatively simple, and it is cold-resistant compared to the price, so the survival rate of indoor culture in winter is still very high. The problem of overgrowth may occur in the process of breeding, which is generally caused by light and watering. As long as the cause is found, it can be well solved.