
How to reproduce the coral species

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Now home are often placed in a few pots of green plants on the windowsill, balcony and table several places, used to improve the indoor environment. The tenacious vitality and relatively good feeding of the coral has become the preferred target of many people. Most succulent plants are propagated by cutting and marriage.

Now in the home often put several pots of green plant in the windowsill, balcony and case and other places, used to improve the indoor environment. Ji coral, which is tenacious and easy to feed, has become the first choice for many people. The propagation methods of most succulent plants are cutting, grafting, etc., so is the reproduction method of Ji coral the same? Next, let's take a look!

Propagation method of Ji Coral

The process of reproduction is as follows:

Step 1: select cuttings

The cuttage propagation of Ji coral should first select a disease-free and harmless branch on the sturdy Ji coral plant, and then cut the bifurcations with scissors. Hold the cut part of the plant with chopsticks or clips to prevent damage to the branches and to prevent prickling.

Then to prepare a flowerpot, in the flowerpot, to be covered with sand mixed with soil, that is, the soil with high humidity, to provide cutting.

Step 2: prepare the cutting substrate

The cuttings of the cut branches can be inserted directly into the soil, and they can be inserted into the sand with chopsticks or clips, and then righted. Then water it thoroughly, but remember not to apply fertilizer so as not to burn the bottom and prevent it from taking root.

Step 3: cuttage maintenance

Keep the small plants of Ji Coral in a place where there is no direct sunlight, and pay attention to shading for about 5 days during this period. When the root growth of Ji Coral is stable, you can put Ji Coral in a place where there is direct sunlight to supplement the lighting needs.

Matters needing attention in the reproduction of Ji coral

First of all, we should pay attention to the selection of cuttings, we must choose healthy and harmless strong plant above the branches, otherwise it is not easy to survive.

Secondly, pay attention to the use of clamps when intercepting, so as not to hurt the branches to affect the cuttings, but also to avoid hurting your own hands.

Finally, pay attention to watering, to abide by the principle of dry and thoroughly irrigated, so that do not dry do not water, so as to avoid the phenomenon of rotten roots.

How to raise Ji coral

1. Soil requirements

During cultivation, the basin soil should be sandy soil with good drainage and air permeability and rich in calcium. It can be made of 3 parts of river sand, 2 parts of shells, 2 parts of cinder and 3 parts of rotten leaf soil (pond soil).

2. Planting method

Prepare a larger basin (thick mud basin is suitable), match the soil, and keep a little humidity. Select some sturdy stem segments (a section can be) implanted into the basin, and then spray water to make the surface of the basin soil bonded, and then directly into the sun exposure. Do not often water, the basin soil remains dry, after a period of time, some stems will begin to grow golden thorns, the stem will begin to flatten, widen, palmate trend.

It can't be watered very often, which is the way to force the palmate stem to grow. Then if the new born is always high quality and moist from the beginning, then the new stem will not have the tendency of applause, but grow as the original plant. When the stem is about 2cm wide, it can be put on the pot.

3. Fertilization method

Ji coral avoid the application of chemical fertilizer, which can easily lead to root rot, so it is appropriate to apply less or no fertilizer. You can apply rotten baking liquid twice every half a month in spring and late summer and early autumn. The basin soil should be dry rather than wet. If it is too wet for a long time, it will cause the lower part of the plant to rot, which will soon extend to the whole plant.

4. Lighting requirements

When Ji coral is placed in a room with insufficient light for a long time, it will grow too long, the new stem will be light green and become very slender, and the whole plant will have a different flavor. However, if the stem is then moved outside, the new stem will become thicker again, which will seriously affect the shape of the whole plant. Therefore, do not change the light conditions of Ji coral at will, and keep the light relatively stable.

What are the points for attention in culturing Ji coral?

1. Change the basin once a year

In the second year after transplantation, the soil was changed before the spring growing season, and the management remained the same. To the peak growth period, the stem will grow completely palm-shaped, but at this time the stem is not very large, and the plant is not tall. If you want to get a bigger stem, you have to break off some extra stem buds and let it stand out. In the spring of the third year, some larger pots are replaced. If managed properly, the stem will grow out in the prosperous period and it should be the largest stem piece.

2. Avoid decay

Fully formed palm-shaped plants should be extra careful in watering and fertilizing. once they rot, it will be a great loss of painstaking efforts for several years.

We should mainly pay attention to the following points: 1. Avoid applying thick fertilizer. 2. Better dry than wet. 3. Keep plenty of sunshine.

Ji coral does not have high requirements for soil, but it is necessary to pay attention to the use of better drainage and ventilation in the process of culture. Although the overgrowth of most succulent plants will affect the ornamental ability of the plants, if the coral grows without light for a long time, the branches will become more slender, which is a different landscape.