
How to raise daffodils the culture methods and matters needing attention of daffodils

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Daffodils are very temperamental plants, which usually appear in people's homes and public places in the form of hydroponics. Although there are many experiences and materials about daffodils cultivation, most people are not very specific about the details of daffodils cultivation.

Daffodils are very temperamental plants, which usually appear in people's homes and public places in the form of hydroponics. Although there are many experiences and materials about daffodils cultivation, most people do not know much about the details of daffodils cultivation.

How to raise daffodils

1. Soil culture is planted in the soil in flowerpots. Buy the ball may not have germinated, first buried the ball in the flowerpot, and then covered with about a centimeter of soil, pour enough water, put in a cool and ventilated place to wait for it to germinate, after germination, you can bask in the sun normally.

2. Another planting method is sand culture, which is to grow daffodils with pure sand. Put daffodils in the sand and cover them with some sand. Water should still be watered. Then, just like the above method, put them in a shaded and ventilated place to wait for germination.

3. The most common is hydroponic daffodils. Prepare a special hydroponic flowerpot, full of water, the flower ball in it, the whole sphere soaked in water, but not too much water, soaked to the bud there, easy to let the bud rot. First, put it in a place where there is no sun, let it sprout, and then you can bask in the sun.

4. What should be paid attention to in these breeding methods is that the daffodils must not be cut off. As soon as they see that the soil is dry or the water is less, they should immediately replenish the water. If the water is raised, it should be changed frequently. If there is no change of water, there will be a peculiar smell inside. Dirty water is easy to make the daffodils rot. And after sprouting, make sure you can get some sun every day. But even if the temperature is too high.

5. When raising daffodils, if you think its shape is very ordinary, you can also give play to the advantages of your own craftsmen and transform its shape. Carve out some interesting and interesting shapes, so that the posture of the daffodils is more beautiful.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of daffodils

I. maintenance methods

When there is plenty of sunshine during the day, it should be placed in the sunny place and put back in the house at night. (it is important to pour all the water out of the basin to control the growth of the leaves. Add fresh water the next morning, and remember not to move the bulb.

At the beginning of the basin, the daffodils should change the water once a day, and then change it in 2-3 days. When she forms a bud, she can be watered once a week. Let the daffodils bloom in about 45 days, so that the flowering period can be maintained for more than a month.

II. Points for attention

1. Control florescence

Water raised in autumn and winter, blooming in spring, about 40-45 days.

2. To prevent excessive growth

When raising in water, remove the brown capsule, cut the knife vertically and horizontally on the daffodil ball, and put it into a shallow basin for cultivation. (remember not to hurt flower buds) get enough light to avoid overgrowing leaves.

How to prevent "dumb flowers"

"dumb flower" refers to the phenomenon that the scape of the daffodil dies in the middle of the water culture, the bud withered or the bud decayed before it opened. The "dumb flower" phenomenon is mainly caused by the following reasons:

The main results are as follows: 1. The quality of daffodil ball is poor: the sphere is small, the flower bud is dysplastic, the sphere suffers from diseases and insect pests, the root disc is dry and rotten, the hairy root is few, and the physique is weak.

2. Improper maintenance: not frequently changing water, insufficient light, too high room temperature, poor ventilation, resulting in long leaves and thin scape. In addition, the damage to the root and scape during the change of water will also lead to "dumb flowers".

3. Improper water season: if Frosts Descent's former bulb is in the dormant period or when the temperature rises after the Qingming Festival, there will be "dumb flowers".

To prevent "dumb flowers", we must first select high-quality bulbs for breeding, use clean water when raising water, store tap water for one day before use, and then ensure that daffodils have adequate light, not less than 6 hours a day, and pay attention to indoor ventilation. the temperature is maintained at 12-15 degrees, and when the weather is dry, spray water to the daffodils every day.

Are daffodils suitable for growing indoors?

Daffodils are not suitable for growing indoors for the following reasons:

1, daffodils have a certain toxin, its toxin is located in the daffodil bulb, called Latin poison, if eaten by people, mild vomiting, enteritis and other diseases; severe cases can faint, or even more serious, life-threatening.

2. At present, the basic species of daffodils in China are domestic daffodils, and the two most important ones are Jade Linglong and Jinzhan Yintai. The fragrance of their flowers is scattered, but they are fragrant and beautiful, but they carry a lot of toxins. Domestic daffodils usually bloom during or after the Spring Festival, so it is necessary to prevent their families from eating by mistake.

3, pay attention to indoor ventilation, when daffodils bloom, its pollen is extremely harmful to pregnant women, the juice of flowers and leaves can cause skin redness and swelling, and pay attention to children should not accidentally eat, pay attention to safety.

4, daffodils had better be placed in a high place, do not let children touch, because of curiosity and poisoning is not good, remember that if there is a wound on the hand, must not touch daffodils or carved daffodils, so as not to be infected with toxin poisoning.

5, daffodils fragrance overflowing, if only put a basin indoors, it will not have any harm and impact on the human body. But if you smell the fragrance of daffodils but feel dizzy, you'd better plant the flower outdoors.

It is well known that daffodils are poisonous, so when planting daffodils, we usually want to put them outdoors. If we must put them indoors, we need to be careful not to eat them by mistake. At the same time, the pollen of daffodils is harmful to some extent, so we should pay attention to ventilation indoors.