
How to raise daffodils how to grow daffodils

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In fact, there is not much difference between raising daffodils and other flowers and plants. It is usually a rough process of selecting species first, then cultivating them to take root and then sprouting, growing and then flowering. But how can we make the growth process more smooth?

In fact, raising daffodils is not much different from raising some other flowers and plants. It is usually a rough process of selecting species first, then cultivating them to take root and then sprouting, growing and then flowering. However, how to make the growth process more smooth is our focus today.

How to raise daffodils

The main contents are as follows: 1. We should pay attention to the three main points of shape, color and pressing feeling in the selection of balls. Look at the shape: high-quality Narcissus bulb, generally large, flat, hard, wide stripes of the longitudinal veins of the epidermis, tight media, bright skin color, broad and thick root disc, symmetrical bulbs beside the main bulb; look at the color: from the appearance, the corm is dark brown, the capsule is intact, the color is bright, there are no signs of decay and insect pests. Pressing: pressing is the main means to select and identify the number of daffodil arrows. You can use your thumb and index finger to hold the bulb and press it a little hard. The outline of the handle is columnar, elastic and solid, which is a flower arrow; the handle is soft, the outline is flat, and the elasticity is slightly less.

2. Choose the appropriate growth environment. Daffodils like sunshine and warmth, and require high humidity in the air, not very cold-resistant, and afraid of heat, and the vegetative growth period needs wet sandy soil without stagnant water. Narcissus is different from other perennial herbaceous flowers in that it begins to grow in autumn, blossoms in winter, stores nutrients in spring and dormancy in summer.

3. Hydroponic cultivation method or soil culture method should be selected correctly to cultivate narcissus. The water culture method is the shallow basin water immersion method. Put the Narcissus upright into the shallow basin of Narcissus after budding, and it is appropriate to submerge the bulb 1/3 with water. The bulb can be fixed with quartz sand and pebbles in the basin. During the day, the Narcissus basin should be placed in a sunny place and moved into the room at night. The water in the basin should be poured out to control the excessive growth of the leaves. Add fresh water the next morning, and be careful not to move the direction of the bulb. During the period of daffodil water culture, it is necessary to give sufficient light. It should be placed in the sunny place during the day and under the light at night, which can prevent the daffodil leaves from growing, while the daffodils leaves are short, wide and strong, the leaves are thick and green, the flowers are fragrant, and the water raises the daffodils, generally without fertilization. If there are conditions, apply some quick-acting phosphate fertilizer during flowering, the flowers can bloom better, as long as you master the conditions for the maintenance of daffodils, you can "bloom as you like". Otherwise, it will be delayed, or even the leaves will not bloom.

The soil cultivation method is seldom used in families, that is, the cultivation of daffodils is cultivated by the cultivation of most embellish flowers. In mid-late October, large bulbs were planted in small porous flowerpots with fertile sandy soil, half exposed, and some fine sand should be padded under the scales to facilitate drainage.

How to grow daffodils

1. Buy the daffodil seeds first and wash them clean.

2. Take out the hydroponic cover and put the daffodils in. the root is on the bottom of the head and on the top.

3. Take out the fish tank and fill it with water, and then cover the daffodils.

4. After putting it up, let's see if the water goes to the root. Before we get there, we continue to release water to the root, and then we don't release water. Can't go beyond the root. Then when this is over, we will take off the hydroponic jacket and put the colored stone in it. It's probably fine. Don't put too much.

Then you can drop a few drops of nutrient solution into it, but don't drop too much, or it will be bad.

Note: when the water is dirty, you must change the water. Don't wait for the completely yellowed one to change the water. If you have time, change the water every day. Generally, it will blossom in about 30 days.

Propagation methods of daffodils

1. Lateral bulb reproduction: this is the most commonly used method. The lateral ball is planted on both sides of the bulb, and only the base is connected with the mother ball, so it is easy to break away from the mother ball. It will be separated from the mother ball in autumn and planted separately, and a new ball will be produced the following year.

2. Lateral bud propagation: lateral buds are buds wrapped inside bulb bulbs. Only during bulb castration, lateral buds are separated from the mother along with the broken scales dug out, white buds are picked out, sown on the seedbed in autumn, and new balls are produced the following year.

3. Double-scale propagation: the bulb disk with two scales is used as propagation material, which is called double-scale propagation. The method is that the bulb is first placed at a low temperature 4C~10C for 4 to 8 weeks, then the bulb is cut small at room temperature, so that each piece has two scales, and the upper end of the scale is removed and left 2 cm as propagation material, and then the plastic bag is filled with 50% water-containing sapphire or 6% water-containing sand, the breeding material is put into the bag, the mouth of the bag is closed, and the small bulb can grow in the dark place in 20C~28C temperature after 2-3 months. The ball rate is 80% to 90%. This method can be carried out in four seasons, but it is better from April to September. The survival rate of the generated bulbs after transplanting can reach 80% to 100%.

4. Tissue culture: using MS medium, adding 30 grams of sucrose and 5 grams of activated carbon per liter, using bud tips as explants, or using stem disk 5X10 mm with double scales as explants, PH5~PH7, cultured in 25C, producing small protuberances 10 days after inoculation, small balls after 20 days, transferring to the medium containing NAA0.1 mg 1 / 2MS one month later, roots and leaves were produced after 6 weeks and 8 weeks, and the transplanting field could survive 100%.

What does daffodil symbolize?

Daffodils in the New year symbol-yearning, indicating reunion.

Daffodils symbolize the yearning for their loved ones. It has pink ice heart, delicate orchid fragrance and beautiful stems and leaves. At a time when the twilight days are cold and the flowers are dying, the ice muscle jade flowers are flowing with fragrant and elegant fragrance, which is refreshing.

The maintenance of daffodils is very picky, she has been adhering to the principle of reaping the melon, good pay has a good return. So the more careful we are in the process of planting, the better daffodils are likely to grow. at the same time, daffodils are a flower with a very good meaning in our country, and good planting is also very beneficial to the improvement of the family environment.