
How to raise Fugui Bamboo Culture methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fugui bamboo is a kind of plant which is very suitable for family breeding both in name and appearance. Rich bamboo not only has an auspicious name, but also has a strong fengshui effect. For those who have students in the family or have the desire to make a fortune, they can put an appropriate amount of wealth and wealth.

Fugui bamboo is a kind of plant which is very suitable for family breeding both in name and appearance. Rich bamboo not only has an auspicious name, but also has a strong fengshui effect. For those who have students in the family or have the desire to get rich, they can put an appropriate number of rich bamboo in a reasonable position, which can improve the fengshui of the family.

How to raise rich bamboo

1. Try to place transfer bamboo in a semi-shaded environment. Transfer bamboo prefers a damp environment, where transfer bamboo grows faster and its leaves grow brightly.

2. Keep the soil loose and choose fertile soil. Transfer bamboo is suitable to grow in well-drained sandy soil or semi-muddy sand and alluvial clay, do not choose clayey or alkaline soil. Therefore, the soil for cultivating transferred bamboo should be selected as far as possible, which can contribute to the healthy growth of transferred bamboo.

3. The suitable growth temperature of transferred bamboo is 20 ℃ 28 min, so the transferred bamboo should be placed in a warmer room as far as possible to ensure its luxuriant growth. Although the transferred bamboo can withstand a low temperature of about 3 ℃, it will affect its growth for a long time, especially in cold winter to prevent frost.

4. Avoid exposing the transferred bamboo to the sun for a long time or putting it in a dark place where there is no sunlight. For a long time, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow, fade green, grow slowly and so on. Especially from April to September, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight and exposure, otherwise it is easy to make the leaves rough, scorched and weak.

5. Pay attention to the time and method of watering the transferred bamboo. Generally speaking, it is better to water early in the morning or one night, especially in winter, when watering the water temperature had better be the same as room temperature, very cold water can be heated by adding a little hot water. It is also necessary to often spray or sprinkle water on the leaves of the transferred bamboo to increase the humidity of the air and keep the soil moist.

6. After several years of growth, the branches of the transferred bamboo should be thinned and cut to keep the plant shape beautiful. The cut branches can be cut or raised in a transparent glass container, which is very beautiful.

Culture methods and points for attention of Fugui Bamboo

1. Temperature: if it is cultivated in a warmer place, there is basically no need to worry, it can grow all year round. However, if the altitude or latitude is high, you need to pay attention, especially when it comes to winter. When the temperature begins to drop at the end of autumn, you must guard against the cold.

2. Lighting: it is best to put it in a place where there is scattered light, not too shady and not directly illuminated by light. In summer, if you feel the light is too strong, you should also shade properly.

3. Fertilizer: when the plant begins to take root, apply a small amount of compound fertilizer so that its leaves will have luster. In addition, a small amount of nutrient solution can be applied every three weeks.

4. Precautions: when applying fertilizer, it should not be too much or too thick. Otherwise, the leaves of the plant will become dull.

It is good to raise some rich bamboo.

1. One or four

As we all know, rich bamboo is raised in water, and there has always been an idiom, "Tianyi is water," so if you raise one, it means you will attract wealth to yourself. At the same time, if you raise one, it will also make it less likely to compete for water by other plants, which will be more conducive to its growth, making the leaf color and plant shape more beautiful and good for viewing. But some people may think that if you just raise one, it will be particularly monotonous, then you can raise four, if you can raise four, you can not only strengthen its purification, green our environment, but also play a role in attracting money, so it can be seen that if you want to raise money, you'd better choose this number to raise.

2. Two or five

In addition, I believe many people do not know that raising two or five roots can also attract wealth. In fact, this is said from the aspect of the five elements, in the five elements, 2 actually represents fire, 5 represents soil, so that the rich bamboo can grow smoothly and grow extremely well. Maybe when raising, some people will feel that if you raise five, it's really a little too much, and it looks crowded, so you'd better raise two, which is good for attracting wealth. In addition, if some people want to raise five, they need to pay attention to it. when choosing rich bamboos, it is best to choose four long ones and match them with a shorter one. In fengshui, this method represents the meaning of fortune and can bring us good luck.

3. Nine

This number seems to be a lot, so you'd better find a larger appliance when raising it. Why is it best to raise nine? you can read that "nine" means "for a long time". If you raise nine, it means that the spirit of wealth will accompany us for a long time. In addition, we can also put some copper coins in the water to prevent the breeding of insects.

Can I put the rich bamboo in the bedroom?

Of course, first of all, rich bamboo is non-toxic, not harmful to the human body, but can purify the environment. In fact, the flower cultivation of rich bamboo is relatively extensive, water-raised rich bamboo as long as sufficient water, will grow very well.

Put the rich bamboo in the bedroom, both sides do not affect each other, decorate the room, happy mood.

Rich bamboo can be placed not only in the bedroom, but also in the living room, kitchen, balcony, study and other positions, but the rich bamboo is not suitable to be placed on the wealth position of a family, and some vitality should be placed on the wealth position. then plants that are evergreen all the year round, such as happiness tree, fortune tree and so on.