
How to raise white palm culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, White palm is very popular in recent years, not only because it is beautiful, but also a good flower plant, which is the first choice for many friends to cultivate flowers at home. But just because white palm is good at breeding doesn't mean you can ignore it. At the same time, you still need to know some breeding skills.

White palm is very popular in recent years, not only because it is beautiful, but also a good flower plant, which is the first choice for many friends to cultivate flowers at home. But white palm good breeding does not mean that you can ignore it, at the same time, you still need to understand certain breeding skills, so that white palm will grow more luxuriantly and vigorously.

How to raise white palm

1. White palm is more shade-resistant, as long as it has about 60% scattered light to meet its growth needs, so it can be cultivated in indoor places with bright scattered light all the year round. Summer can cover 60% to 70% of the sun, avoid bright light, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow, and sunburn will occur in serious cases. Greenhouse cultivation in northern winter can not shade or less shade. If the light is too dark for a long time, it is not easy to blossom.

2. White palm is a kind of species that likes high temperature and should be cultivated in high temperature greenhouse. The lowest temperature in winter should be 14-16 ℃ at night and about 25 ℃ in daytime. Long-term low temperature is easy to cause leaf shedding or scorched yellow. During the growth period, we should often keep the basin soil moist, but to avoid watering too much, the basin soil is moist for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and plants withered and yellow.

3. In summer and dry season, we should often use a fine-eye sprayer to spray water on the leaf surface, and sprinkle water on the ground around the plant to keep the air moist, which is very beneficial to its growth and development. If the climate is dry and the air humidity is low, the new leaves will become small and yellow, and when they are serious, they will wither and yellow and fall off. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly wet.

4. White palm pot cultivation requires loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, and can not use heavy soil. Generally, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite can be used as substrate, and a small amount of organic fertilizer can be added as base fertilizer when planting. Because of its fast growth rate and large amount of fertilizer, liquid fertilizer should be applied every 1-2 weeks in the growing season; at the same time, sufficient water should be supplied to keep the basin soil moist, and water should be sprayed to the leaf surface and ground during the high temperature period to improve air humidity. If the surrounding environment is too dry, the new leaves become small and yellow, and when they are serious, they wither and fall off.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of white palm

The maintenance of white palm is nothing more than watering, fertilizing, basking in the sun, the sun may not be controlled by people, but at least watering and fertilization control your hands.

1. The best method of fertilization.

White palm grows rapidly and needs a large amount of fertilizer. You can apply rotten liquid fertilizer once a month. If Xiu Anze is a solid fertilizer, remember to water it the next day. In the choice of fertilizer, thick fertilizer and raw fertilizer are prohibited.

In the process of fertilization, loosen the soil and promote the absorption of fertilizer, which is beneficial to the growth of white palm. In addition, fertilization should be careful, do not sprinkle fertilizer on the leaves, so as not to sit on the leaves. Due to the high temperature in summer and low temperature in winter, the growth of white palm is slow, and fertilization is stopped at this time.

2. The best watering method

The amount of water is slightly different in different seasons. In summer or dry season, often spray water to the leaves and the ground to increase air humidity and ensure that the leaves are fresh and tender.

Autumn and winter season, to properly reduce watering, low-temperature and humid environment is easy to cause rotting roots! In order to avoid low temperature, white palm frostbite, pay attention to cold, keep the basin soil slightly wet.

3. The best pot soil replacement method.

The white palm needs to change the pot every 1-2 years, and the root system of the plant should be trimmed when changing the pot. Cut off the old roots and overgrown roots, remove part of the old soil, and replace it with new soil, which is beneficial to the flowering of white palm.

In addition, when changing the pot, divide the plant reasonably according to the size of the plant, and let the white palm change two pots in one pot.

Do white palms need pruning?

White palms need to be trimmed, and there are generally three cases of pruning.

1. Cutting leaves. White palm sometimes needs to be pruned, because with the growth, the leaves of white palm will be very exuberant and need to be pruned in time. In addition, pruning is needed in order to inhibit plant growth and reduce nutrient consumption.

When pruning, you can use scissors or fingers to directly erase the growing point on the tender tip. If it is to reduce the consumption of nutrients, it can be cut off before the adventitious buds are mature. After a short pruning of the branches, they will not grow new buds for a long time.

2. Trim the root. White palms sometimes need to trim their roots. Mainly when pruning, it is necessary to cut off part of the old roots and overgrown roots. After the root is cut, it can be replanted with new soil. Root trimming can be combined with changing pots.

3. Cut flowers. Flower cutting is mainly about pruning flower stems. Carry on after the white palm blossoms, be careful not to cut off the flower stem directly, just cut off the part of the flower, the rest of the flower stem will turn yellow and fall off naturally. If you accidentally cut off the stem of the flower, be careful not to touch the water before the wound dries, there is basically no big problem.

The growth habit of White Palm

Like high temperature and high humidity, but also more resistant to shade. White crane taro leaves are larger, more sensitive to humidity, afraid of strong light exposure, summer shade 60-70%, but long-term lack of light, it is not easy to blossom. The soil should be rich and humus-rich loam. The optimum temperature for growth is 22-28 ℃, 24-30 ℃ from March to September, 18-21 ℃ from September to March of the following year, the winter temperature is not lower than 14 ℃, the temperature below 10 ℃ hinders the growth of plants, and the leaves are vulnerable to freezing injury. During the storage and transportation of potted white crane taro, the temperature is controlled at 13-16 ℃, the relative humidity is 80-90%, and it can withstand dark environment for 30 days.

Through the above content, I believe you have a certain understanding of the culture technology of white palm. After all, flowers and plants, if not good care, it is easy to wither, but usually pay attention to maintenance methods, basically no problem!