
How to raise Phalaenopsis and its planting methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Butterfly flower, upon hearing this name, do unfamiliar friends think it is a butterfly? In fact, butterfly flower is a kind of flower plant, because when it blossoms, the flower swings with the breeze like a flying butterfly. It not only has high ornamental value, but also

Butterfly flower, upon hearing this name, do unfamiliar friends think it is a butterfly? In fact, butterfly flower is a kind of flower plant, because when it blossoms, the flower swings with the breeze like a flying butterfly. It not only has high ornamental value, but also the whole plant can be used in medicine, so it is one of the most important traditional Chinese medicine. Can't you wait to learn how to grow it?

How to raise butterfly flowers

1. Temperature requirement

The suitable temperature for cultivation is 25-28 ℃ in the daytime. It is also seen that the frontal temperature is 18-20 ℃, and the seedlings should be raised to about 23 ℃ at night. In this temperature environment, butterfly flowers grow almost all the year round, especially the seedlings grow rapidly, and the seedlings removed from the test tube can blossom in about 1-2 years.

2. Humidity requirements

The humidity of the original place of the butterfly flower is relatively high, so Aipei butterfly flower should create an environment with high air humidity. Generally speaking, humidity should be kept at 60-80% throughout the year. Since the climate is dry in spring, autumn and winter in the vast areas of the north, we must try to improve the air humidity of the cultivation environment. We can increase the humidity of the local environment by sprinkling water on the ground, platforms, walls, etc., several times a day, or a small amount of waterlogging on plant pages.

3. Lighting requirements

The cultivation of butterfly flowers should have a good shading condition when exposed to strong light. Although the leaves of butterfly flowers are too wide and thick, and abundant water is stored on them, the stratum corneum and drought-resistant structure on the leaf surface are relatively poor, so once they encounter direct sunlight, they lose more water, or are not replenished in time. Leaves are prone to sunburn.

Planting methods and points for attention of Phalaenopsis

I. planting methods

1. Sowing seeds

It is best to sow seeds in autumn in September, with 700 seeds per gram. The suitable temperature for germination is 13 ℃ to 16 ℃. It will germinate 12-15 days after sowing, and it will take about 100-110 days from sowing to flowering.

2. Cuttage

In May-June, cut off the sprouting branches from the base of the plant, insert them into the peat, keep the air moist, take root 15-20 days after planting, and the survival rate is high.

3. Ramet

Often carried out after flowering, cut off the new branches with roots that germinate in the place with adventitious roots or rhizomes, which can be potted directly and restored in the semi-shade.

II. Points for attention

1. Temperature

The suitable temperature for germination of Phalaenopsis is 18-21 ℃. Under the condition of avoiding light, it germinates in 7-10 days, the temperature of growth is 10-13 ℃, and blossoms 14-15 weeks after sowing. If the temperature is too high during sowing, it will affect seed germination and seedling growth, resulting in low seedling rate.

2. Lighting

After sowing, the butterfly flower is covered with vermiculite and the soil temperature is kept at 18-24 ℃ to keep the medium moist. The bacon does not need light before it grows, and the seedlings can emerge in 7-14 days.

3. Watering

Let the soil dry before watering, but avoid permanent wilting of the plant, which is good for root growth. The PH planting of the soil should be kept at 5. 5-5. 8 and some N fertilizer or potassium nitrate fertilizer should be applied alternately.

The efficacy and function of butterfly flower

1. Traditional Chinese medicine

Butterfly flower is a kind of natural traditional Chinese medicine with bitter cold taste. Its greatest efficacy is detoxification and detumescence, and it also has a certain effect on relieving pain. Usually used to treat hepatitis, liver energy and a variety of common stomach problems, in addition, butterfly flower also has the role of Xiaoshi in the treatment of accumulated food, toothache and constipation.

2. Aid digestion

Butterfly flower can treat diseases such as food accumulation, gas accumulation and hematocellosis. the specific usage is to dry the root of butterfly flower with stinky grass root and other Chinese herbal medicine into powder, and then eat it with liquor.

3. Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Butterfly flower has obvious therapeutic effect on knee distension. It can be taken after 30 grams of butterfly flower root is fried, or three grams of fresh butterfly flower root can be cut into filaments and eaten together with rice soup.

4. Anti-inflammation and pain relief

Butterfly flower also has the effect of treating toothache. During the treatment, you can prepare a green-shelled duck egg and cook it with water. After cooking, eat all the soup and duck eggs, the symptoms of toothache will disappear, and other symptoms of oral fire will also be significantly alleviated.

What about the rotten roots of butterfly flowers?

1. Selection of basin soil

In the selection of basin soil, we should first choose a loose, aerated, permeable matrix. Such as peat mixed with perlite, peat mixed with pine needles, moss and so on. Use organic fertilizer as base fertilizer.

2. Proper watering

Keep the basin soil moist, but do not accumulate water, which is the main cause of rotten roots. Should pay attention to observation, after watering, can not seep down for a long time, indicating that the basin soil for a long time, increased density, should quickly change the soil, so as not to rot the root. Once the rotten root occurs, the basin soil can be knocked out and scattered, rinse the root with clean water, cut off the rotten root, and keep the intact part as far as possible.

3. Trim and disinfect, turn over the basin and change the soil.

When the rotten root of the plant is serious, remove the plant from the basin, clean up the soil of the root, then remove the rotten part of the root, soak the cut and the residual root with 2 ‰ potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes, dry, and then smear the cut with plant ash. You can put it back on the basin. The basin soil must be disinfected. It can be thoroughly watered with boiling water and used again after it is cooled.

When re-potting, press the rhizome, pour water thoroughly, put it in the shade, cover with a film, keep the temperature at about 20 ℃, and new roots can grow in about 20 days.

When does the butterfly blossom

The flowering period of butterfly flower is relatively long, it usually blossoms from late winter to spring, and the flowering period is from April to May every year.

The flowering form of butterfly flowers

Butterfly is a perennial herb. The plant is not tall, but it blossoms beautifully. Butterfly flowers are rich and varied in color, such as white, yellow, lavender and so on, which make it look like a beautiful butterfly.

Butterflies like cool and ventilated environment, flower friends pay more attention to control the temperature and humidity environment suitable for its growth when planting, as mentioned above. Butterfly flower not only has high ornamental value, but also has the medicinal value of anti-inflammation and relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.