
How to raise the succulent plant villain sacrifice? when does the villain sacrifice bloom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The little man sacrifice is a very small succulent plant, and its plants are much branched. In sufficient light, its appearance will be particularly gorgeous. The villain sacrifice will not blossom and die, but the flowering branches will dry up. Today, let's learn the skills of raising villain sacrifices.

The little man sacrifice is a very small succulent plant, and its plants are much branched. In sufficient light, its appearance will be particularly gorgeous. The villain sacrifice will not blossom and die, but the flowering branches will dry up. Today, let's learn the skills of raising a villain festival and discuss when it usually blossoms.

How to raise succulent plants for the sacrifice of villains

1, lighting: the villain sacrifice likes the sunny environment, slightly resistant to semi-shade, the leaves turn green when the shade is long, and the plant type is not tight because of the long growth, which affects the ornamental. In addition, summer enters the dormant period, had better not expose to the sun, appropriate sunshade is OK. It is easy to judge whether the villain sacrifice goes into dormancy, just to see whether his leaves have a tendency to be wrapped up.

2. Temperature: the villain sacrifice likes a warm and dry environment, can endure the low temperature of minus 3 degrees and keep the basin soil dry, the leaves of minus 3 degrees will freeze slightly and the leaves will droop, but try to keep the leaves from freezing, otherwise they will freeze.

3. Moisture: the villain sacrifice is resistant to drought. If it is watered, it can be thoroughly watered without timely water supply. Properly prolonging the watering interval can make the leaves of the villain sacrifice more compact and brighter in color.

4. Reproduction: the reproduction of the little man sacrifice can cut off the rosette leaf disk in early spring, and tiller buds will appear on the rest of the stem. Varieties that breed well are easy to grow tall if they are not pruned. In addition, it is more suitable for planting alone, because its own growth rate is relatively fast, the branch and tree stump growth is easy to grow into a piece to cover other succulent plants, which can be used to create a separate landscape. It is said that they will die after flowering, so they are usually cut off to prolong their life.

5. Fertilization: spring is the season for villain sacrifice to blossom. You can fertilize properly when watering and give enough nutrition to blossom. If you do not want to watch, you can cut off the flower branches in advance.

6, cultivation soil: the villain sacrifice does not have too many requirements for soil cultivation, but can be planted with fertile and breathable aquaculture soil, almost breathable.

When will the villain sacrifice blossom

The villain sacrifice usually blossoms in spring, showing inflorescences, and the flowers are yellow. When blooming, basically every branch will not produce flower buds, it is very spectacular and gorgeous.

When the villain sacrifice is in bloom, it should be properly fertilized combined with watering to ensure that the plant has enough nutrients to blossom. But if you don't want to see the villain festival blossom, you can cut off the flower stem directly to reduce the consumption of nutrients.

Will the villain sacrifice blossom and die?

In fact, flower friends do not need to worry, after the villain festival blossoms, the flowering branches will dry up and die, which will not affect the growth of the plant, and will soon grow new buds.

But if every branch is full of flowers when the villain festival is in bloom, please pay attention to cutting off some flower stems properly to avoid a large area of death after flowering, otherwise the plant will be difficult to recover in a short time.

The morphological characteristics of the Lilliputian sacrifice

1. Branches

The plant type of the villain sacrifice is mini, much branched. Because its old pile is as strong as loose, there are also individual Japanese Komatsu.

2. Leaves

Small egg-shaped leaves arranged in the shape of lotus flowers, leaves with a small amount of pilose, sticky, green leaves with purple-red stripes in the middle, leaf edges also have red edges, under full light, the color of the leaves will change color, the purplish-red texture will become more obvious, the color of the leaves is changeable, very charming, dormant in summer, the leaves will be wrapped when dormant.

3. Flowers

The villain sacrifice is a raceme with yellow flowers. when it opens, almost every branch will sprout flower buds, which is very spectacular and gorgeous. after flowering, the branches will dry up and die, but the lower parts will sprout new lateral buds, therefore, there is no need to worry about death after the villain sacrifice blossoms. The surface of the leaf is a little sticky, it is easy to stick to the small flying insects, but the dirt can be sprayed off with a spray can when watering. The villain festival blossoms in spring.

Most succulent plants are protected against radiation. The villain sacrifice is no exception. The editor thinks that it is very good to keep such a small plant on the balcony, windowsill and office computer desk, which can not only provide viewing, but also achieve the effect of purifying the air.