
How to grow Prunus bungeana how to grow it and its planting methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pu Baobao flower is a kind of flower introduced from abroad in our country. It is a kind of flower that integrates ornamental and practical features. Now Pubao flower is very popular with consumers, and there are more people who want to grow it. But if you don't know its planting method in advance,

Pu Baobao flower is a kind of flower introduced from abroad in our country. It is a kind of flower that integrates ornamental and practical features. Now Pubao flower is very popular with consumers, and there are more people who want to grow it. However, if you do not know its planting method in advance, it may lead to a lot of problems in the process of breeding.

How to grow Prunus chinensis

1. Sowing method. Prunus bungeanum is generally mainly sown and propagated, with a small amount of cutting, and the sowing is more than at the end of August and the beginning of September, when the climate is getting cooler. The culture soil was made of 6 parts of rotten leaf soil and 4 parts of river sand, sowed directly in "shallow basin" or "seedling shallow" without covering the soil, fed water with "basin bottom immersion method", covered with glass or plastic sheet after sowing, maintained for 13 minutes and 15 ℃, and emerged after a week. Remove glass and plastic sheeting in time after emergence to facilitate ventilation and prevent falls. Gradually see the light, so that the seedlings grow and thrive, and the room temperature is below 20 ℃. Divide the pots when the seedlings grow 2 true leaves.

2. Ventilation and shading. Balsam flower likes to be cool and cool, and the suitable temperature for growth is about 10 ℃. For example, the stems and leaves develop luxuriantly during the growing period, and the excessive humidity of the basin soil coupled with muggy heat will make the stem of the plant rotten leaves. In order to reduce the temperature, shading measures are often taken at noon to create a ventilated and cool environment. Especially after flowering in spring to the maturity of seeds from May to June, it is necessary to do a good job of ventilation and shade at noon, which is conducive to seed development and maturity.

3. Watering and fertilizing. Pu Baobao flowers like a warm and humid environment, but avoid too much wet pot soil and too much watering when flowering, generally watering when the basin soil is dry, if in the greenhouse, it is better to spray water regularly to increase air humidity. Watering can not directly flush the plant, such as water accumulates on leaves and buds, which is easy to cause rot. In the pre-flowering growing season, rotten cooked cake fertilizer and water were applied every 10 days (diluted 10 times), and phosphorus-based fertilizer was added at the early flowering stage. fertilizer and water should not pollute the leaves to avoid rotting heart and leaves.

Planting method of Baobao Flower

1. Seed sowing. The former preparation medium is suitable to choose the mixture of rotten leaf soil and fine sandy soil, the mixing ratio is about 4:1, and put it into a shallow sowing box after fine sieving. First put carbon slag or coarse sand at the bottom of the box, about 2 cm thick, then put about 2 cm thick coarse slag, and finally cover the upper layer with fine soil, about 2-3 cm thick. After leveling, after soil disinfection, 50% phoxim EC can be poured into the soil and mixed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times. Or separately stir-fry the culture soil, coarse sand and so on to carry on the disinfection.

2. Sowing method. After disinfection, rinse the residual solution with clean water and pour 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. Sowing generally adopts the method of sowing, because the seeds of Baobao flower are very small, it is not suitable to sow too densely, otherwise it is disadvantageous to seedling emergence and growth. Mix seeds with a small amount of fine soil or sand and sprinkle them evenly into the sowing box. Pay attention to the fact that the soil cover is not too thick, and it is OK not to cover the soil. After sowing, cover with glass or film to moisturize, and put the sowing box in a well-ventilated shade. When the seedling grows out of 2-3 leaves, it can be transplanted and placed in the shade place to slow the seedling, which can grow normally in about a week.

Matters needing attention of Baobao Flower

1. Soil requirements. Strict Pu Baobao flower has relatively strict requirements on the soil, and the soil is not suitable for raising it well. The sandy soil rich in humus with loose, good permeability and smooth drainage should be selected. In addition, a small amount of bone meal or base fertilizer should be added to the soil, and the soil should be disinfected before use.

2. Shading is important. Proper lighting can promote blooming, but it can also lead to early falling flowers. Pay attention to indoor maintenance, shade before October, do not need shade from October to March of the following year, and avoid direct light after flowering.

The Cuttage method of Baobao Flower

In addition to the above sowing method, there are still a small number of plants that need to be propagated by cutting. First of all, we can find a sturdy rhizome from its plant, and then cut it together, and then we can insert them together in the prepared potted soil, and then we have to shade and moisturize it properly. basically, it won't be long before it begins to take root, and after it comes out, we can transplant it. But because the survival rate of cuttings is very low, it is rarely used.

In fact, the planting method of Baobao flower is relatively simple, first of all, to understand its growth habits, and then choose a suitable soil for sowing. In order to do a good job of fertilizer and water in the later stage of sowing, shading is needed in summer and should not be exposed to the sun for a long time. Only in this way can Baobao flower grow healthily.