
How to water morning glory the culture method of morning glory

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Morning glory is one of our common roadside wild flowers, not only beautiful and elegant, colorful and rich, but also especially easy to grow, is one of the flowers and plants that everyone likes to raise at home. But if morning glory is raised at home, we should also pay attention to it.

Morning glory is one of our common roadside wild flowers, not only beautiful and elegant, colorful and rich, but also especially easy to grow, is one of the flowers and plants that everyone likes to raise at home. But if morning glory is raised at home, there are also planting items that need to be paid attention to. Let's get to know it with the editor.

How to water morning glory

1. Watering method of morning glory in the north.

Because it is located in the north, water does not evaporate so quickly. Therefore, morning glory in the north can be watered every 15 days or so.

2. Watering method of morning glory in South China.

When autumn comes in time in the south, it will not be very cold, not only the temperature itself is very high, but also the so-called "autumn tiger". Water evaporates faster, compared with the north, the south must water morning glory more times than the north, such a simple truth is not difficult to understand? So how often do morning glory in the south be watered? In comparison, the speed of watering morning glory in the south should be twice as fast as that in the north, so morning glory in the south takes 3-7 days.

Warm reminder: how often and how much is watered according to individual circumstances. Therefore, it is useless to learn by rote, and do not ask your friends in other areas whether they have started normal maintenance and how to water them. Everything needs to find its own way, after all, everyone lives in a different environment. For example, now, friends in the north are covered with quilts, and they may wake up when they sleep at night, while friends in the south still need to turn on the air conditioner before they can sleep at night.

Culture method of morning glory

1. Soil selection. Morning glory pot planting is best in early April, choose ordinary culture soil and plain sandy soil each half. Potted Petunia is either sowing or digging directly from the outside. Pay attention to one plant in a pot, do not hurt the root system, the root with a small amount of soil cover, can reduce the damage.

2. Water and fertilizer requirements. Morning glory is easy to raise, as long as the environment is well lit and well ventilated, the rest is watering. If the basin soil is selected properly and the surface of the basin soil is white, it can be watered. As for fertilization, once every half a month, choose nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, pay attention to nitrogen fertilizer not too much, lest the stems and leaves are too luxuriant.

3. Pruning in time. Morning glory is a vine, the reproductive ability of branches and leaves is very strong, so after planting, it is best to set up a support. Insert a bamboo pole in the middle of the flowerpot, or put the flowerpot on the guardrail and let it grow. But this is still not enough to prune in time, when the branches grow to 6-7 leaves, pinch off the top, so as to ensure that the flowers are larger and blossom continuously, and can also prevent the lead cattle from growing too fast and difficult to control.

4. Pest control. Morning glory is easy to suffer from white rust, leaves, petioles, young stems may be damaged, the leaves will appear light green spots. Once found, remove the diseased plant in time to reduce infection. Then spray 500 times Bordeaux solution once every 10-15 days to avoid infecting other plants.

Morning glory management

Petunia usually blossoms in early March when it turns warm. If the initial flower pattern is not good-looking enough, it can be cut off; when the flower head appears a lot at one time, you can keep it and wait for it to blossom; scientific fertilization should also be carried out during flowering, and it is still recommended to fertilize for the cycle of 10-12 days. Petunia must make sure that there is plenty of sunshine: plenty of sunlight can greatly improve the quantity and quality of flowering, and if there is a lack of sunlight, it is prone to malnutrition-the leaves turn yellow and soft, and the flowers are dull and small.

The growth environment of morning glory

Born in shrubs on hillsides, dry valleys, garden houses, mountain roadsides, or for cultivation at 100,200 (~ 1600) meters above sea level. Strong compliance, like plenty of sunshine, but also can withstand semi-shade. Like warm and cool, can also withstand heat and high temperature, but not cold, afraid of frost. Like Feimei loose soil pile, can withstand moisture and dry early, more resistant to salt and alkali. The suitable temperature for seed germination is 18-23 ℃, and the seedlings can grow when the temperature is above 10 ℃.

Many people think that some flowers bloom very well on the roadside, and the wind and the sun make them look beautiful, but they are particularly hypocritical when raised at home. In fact, it is not that the flowers have become delicate, but that you do not know enough about them!