
The reason and solution of the yellow leaf of the silver queen

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Silver Queen is a kind of ornamental plant with leaves. The leaves have many shapes and are of great ornamental value. Silver Queen is currently on the market sales are very good, many people like to buy some home farming. But in the process of cultivation, there is also no lack of

The Silver Queen is a kind of ornamental plant whose leaves have many forms and are of great ornamental value. At present, the sales of the Silver Queen on the market are very good, and many people like to buy some and raise them at home. However, in the process of breeding, there are also some problems, such as leaf yellowing is more common.

The cause of the yellowing of the leaves of the Silver Queen

1. Overwatering. Too much watering results in soil consolidation or excessive stickiness, which makes the roots of the Silver Queen not breathing smoothly, causing the roots to rot, reducing the ability of the roots to absorb water and nutrients, seriously affecting the growth of the plant, resulting in wilting and yellowing of the leaf tips of the plant.

2. The air is dry, the light is too strong and the temperature is too high. These three situations usually occur in summer and autumn, because the Silver Queen likes to grow in the humid semi-overcast environment, once the air is dry, the sun is strong, and the temperature is just above 30 ℃, it is easy to cause the Silver Queen's leaf tip to dry up.

3. The temperature is too low. The Silver Queen likes a warm living environment and stops growing when the temperature is below 10 ℃. When the temperature is below 5 ℃, it will affect the growth of the Silver Queen and cause the leaves to turn yellow.

4. Do not change the basin for a long time. Without changing the basin for a long time, the soil at the bottom of the basin is hardened, and the growth space of the root system is not abundant. In the environment of high temperature and high drought, it is easy to cause the silver queen root tip to wither and make it lose its absorption function.

The solution to the yellowing of the leaves of Queen Silver

1. Overwatering. After the Silver Queen enters the house, the space is not as open as the outdoor, and the moisture on the basin soil and plant surface will be reduced, so watering should be reduced properly. if it is still watered as usual, it is easy to cause rotten roots and yellowing leaves. Therefore, the Silver Queen watering should pay attention to the amount of water, regular, basin soil almost dry watering, watering should be thoroughly.

2. The air is dry, the light is too strong and the temperature is too high. If you encounter this situation, immediately move the Silver Queen to a semi-shaded environment, cut off the dead leaves, and often spray water and ventilation, and the leaves of the newly growing Silver Queen will return to normal. The Silver Queen likes the semi-overcast environment and is very shady. Don't worry that long-term shade will also affect its growth.

3. The temperature is too low. At the same time, in the process of maintenance, try to control the temperature to be constant, do not ignore the low.

4. Do not change the basin for a long time. If you encounter this situation, you can pour the Silver Queen out of the flowerpot, cut off the dead branches and leaves, cut off the necrotic root system, replace half of the new soil, and then put it in a cool, moist, semi-shady environment, and pay attention to spraying water in time. The newly drawn young leaves of the plant can return to normal.

The breeding method of Silver Queen

1. Silver Queen Cuttage Propagation: cutting in late spring and early summer, the stem of the plant is cut into one or two segments with a sharp knife and inserted in sterilized plain sand, vermiculite and perlite. The cuttings can be inserted horizontally into the medium, but be sure to put the bud head up; it can also be inserted vertically, but do not insert it down. Proper shading after insertion, film spray at noon on a sunny day. Spray sterilization solution every 7-10 days (0.1% carbendazim, topiramate, acetaminophen diluent can be used), generally 20-25 days can take root. When the root grows to about 2cm, it can be transplanted and planted.

2. The split propagation of the Silver Queen: the dividing way of the Silver Queen is slightly different from that of other plants. Not every Silver Queen can split to observe whether there are buds coming out at the base of the Silver Queen. If so, it can be sown and replanted.

Law on Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Queen Silver

1. Silver Queen Leaf spot

Prevention and treatment: remove the diseased and residual leaves in time, and remove the leaves as soon as black spots are found. 0.5%-1% Bordeaux solution or 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution can be sprayed in the early or late stages of the disease.

2. Silver queen brown soft scale

Control methods: if there are few damaged plants, or the number of insects is not much, generally use bamboo and other things to scrape off the insect body. If the leaves have been damaged, try to cut off the damaged leaves. Then spray the fungicide and disinfect it.

The yellowing of the leaves of the Silver Queen is generally caused by watering, temperature, basin soil and other reasons. If we want to solve the problem thoroughly, we must start from the root. The Silver Queen has many breeding methods, which are generally based on cuttings and ramets, and can be chosen according to their own preferences when breeding.