
What kind of fertilizer do you use to grow spring onions? planting methods and matters needing attention of small chives

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Presumably everyone is no stranger to chives, which is a common cooking material at home. Many friends who like to eat chives do not want to bother to run to the vegetable market or supermarket, so they open the mode of planting chives on the balcony at home. They all say do it yourself.

Presumably everyone is no stranger to chives, which is a common cooking material at home. Many friends who like to eat chives do not want to bother to run to the vegetable market or supermarket, so they open the mode of planting chives on the balcony at home. It is said that they have plenty of food and clothing by themselves, but friends who grow chives have found that even if they take one or two pieces of seasoning every day, the potted plants are still not satisfied. Today, the editor will tell you what fertilizer can make chives grow fast.

What fertilizer do small chives use to grow fast?

Seedling land should be based on organic fertilizer, mainly human and animal organic fertilizer, such as (human dung, cooked chicken manure, cow and sheep manure, etc.) and fine soil preparation.

Planting, according to the elongation of the leaf sheath, to carry out soil cultivation, the soil should be cultivated under the green onions to prevent the soil from entering the heart leaves and cause decay, and the soil should be cultivated for 2-3 times, so that the onions can grow, the yield is high and the quality is good. The soil can be diluted 3-5 times with mature human feces and urine, and irrigated along the stem. If you do not add water to dilute the application, immediately watering, so that the feces seep into the ground.

In fertilization, we should mainly promote leaf growth and apply available nitrogen fertilizer. Spring spring onions harvested in summer, generally every 20 days or so, apply quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer once, combined with the application of appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer green onion seedlings, timely irrigation of green water, topdressing back to green fertilizer, promote early growth of seedlings, can be applied urea, or other nitrogen fertilizers with similar nutrients.

After that, ammonium sulfate was applied every 20 days, combined with topdressing and fully watered to strengthen vegetative growth, prevent or delay extraction, and increase the yield of green onions.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of small chives

First, the planting method of chives

1. Sowing season

Four seasons are fine. Spring and autumn are the best seasons for growing chives, but summer can also be planted. Flower friends who have heating in winter can also grow, small chives can collide with food in any season to spark on the tip of the tongue, so you might as well leave the balcony in a corner to enjoy the delicious seasoning at any time.

2. Selection of basin soil

The flowerpot is breathable and the soil is fertile. You can choose a variety of flowerpots for growing chives, but make a few leaking holes in the bottom of these pots so that the excess water can be drained smoothly. The soil should be loose and fertile and watered the day before sowing. You can mix some flower fertilizer in the soil.

3. Planting method

Sow seeds. Soak the chives in 55 °water for 20 minutes before sowing, remove and dry.

II. Points for attention

1. Transplanting method

It can be divided and transplanted after sowing for about 40 days. If small chives grow fast and find that the pot is very crowded, they can also be transplanted in advance.

Transplanting potted soil should also be watered in advance. Dig a 4-6 cm hole in the soil surface, select the green onion seedlings that are growing well, bury them in a small hole, gently compact them, cover them with moist fine soil, gently pat and compact them, and pour some water.

2. Feeding method

Green onions and green onion leaves can be eaten, but it is recommended that when eating, just pinch the leaves, do not pull up the roots, in this way, small chives can continue to grow, continue to send out leaves, there is an inexhaustible sense of abundance.

Management skills of Water and Fertilizer for planting small chives on balcony

1. Watering

Small chives should keep the soil moist after sowing until they grow leaves. Small chives grow to about 15 centimeters, to ensure sufficient water, in order to promote the rapid growth of chives. In the middle stage of growth, the amount of water can be reduced appropriately.

2. Fertilization

Small chives can be fertilized every ten days. Fertilizer can choose ordinary compound fertilizer, or flower fertilizer. The most economical fertilizer is rice water. Amoy rice water is not only environmentally friendly, but also provides water and nutrients, so it is very suitable to be used as fertilizer for chives.

Brief introduction of chives

I. growth habits

Small chives have strong tillering ability, short growth period, high multiple cropping index, strong adaptability and easy to cultivate. Chives are native to Germany and belong to 2-year-old or perennial root plants of Liliaceae.

Precocious, generally harvested 50-80 days after transplantation or direct seeding, cold-resistant, heat-resistant, drought-resistant and not waterlogging-resistant.

II. Environmental requirements

Spring onions are cold-resistant and heat-resistant, and can be planted in four seasons. The optimum growth temperature is 18 ℃-23 ℃, and its root distribution is shallow, water requirement is small, and it is not resistant to drought, so it is suitable to be planted in sandy soil.

The requirement of light intensity is medium, it is easy to age under strong light condition, and the quality becomes worse. The quality of water, soil and air should meet the requirements of pollution-free producing areas.

III. Mode of reproduction

Sowing: sowing can be carried out in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the soil is fertile and loose.

Ramet: when ramet, you should pay attention to burying the whole onion in the soil and gently cover a layer of fine soil.

The planting method of chives is very simple, as long as you master certain watering and fertilization skills, the growth of chives will not be very bad. If you have friends who like it, plant it quickly, which can not only increase the fun in life, but also eat green and healthy food.