
How to plant the seeds of the money tree? how to plant the money tree seedlings for several months?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Falling gold coins in the sky is something that everyone hopes and dreams of. Although this kind of thing can not be realized, and there is no real cash cow for people to rely on in the world, there is indeed a cash cow in real life, at least its name.

Falling gold coins in the sky is something that everyone hopes and dreams of. Although this kind of thing can not be realized, and there is no real cash cow that people can rely on in the world, there is indeed a cash cow in real life. At least its name is very attractive.

How to plant the seeds of cash cow

1. Seed collection

When choosing the seeds for sowing and reproduction, the plants with good growth, strong branches and leaves and full fruit should be selected as the mother tree.

The seeds in the fruit should be collected immediately when the fruit grows to reddish brown or orange and the capsule has not yet cracked.

2. Treatment of the fruit used to collect seeds.

After collecting the fruit with seeds that you want to use, it is necessary to carry out simple treatment.

After the fruit is collected, remove the pericarp and pedicel, then dry until the capsule is cracked, and then knock with a stick to separate the seed from the fruit.

Use screening to select better seeds, preferably pure black and nearly spherical in shape.

3. Seed storage and pre-sowing treatment

The sowing of the cash cow is best sown in the autumn of the year, so that the seeds can complete the process of accelerating germination in the soil, lay a good foundation for future growth, and grow stronger in the coming year.

Before sowing, you should choose good drainage, fertile and nutritious soil, and put it in the leeward and sunny place.

The seeds should be disinfected before sowing, soak the seeds in 80 ℃ warm water in advance, mix with wet sand to promote germination, and then sow mixed with wet sand. When the number of seeds is more than 30%, strip sowing can be carried out.

4. Sowing seeds

First of all, sowing should choose loose and breathable soil, good water conservation and drainage performance, but also have a certain degree of fertility, without underground pests and germs.

After sowing, the seeds should be covered with a layer of loose and fine crushed soil with a thickness of 2cm to prevent the seeds from being affected by insect pests and irrigated with a small amount of water. In the maintenance after that, to ensure that the soil is moist, pay attention to ventilation, and light, but do not shine directly, should be properly shaded.

The seedlings of money-making trees have been planted for several months.

The saplings can be planted all the year round, but they are best planted in the warm spring season.

Growth habit of cash cow

Money tree, is a positive tree species, like light, slightly tolerant to half-shade, cold-resistant (Huangshan clover is poor), resistant to drought and barren, but also resistant to low humidity, saline-alkali land and short-term waterlogging.

Deep roots, strong roots, strong sprouting ability, medium growth rate, slow growth when young, and then gradually fast, wide adaptability, lax requirements for soil, can grow in both slightly acidic and alkaline soil, preferring to grow in calcareous soil.

It has strong wind resistance, can resist minus 25 ℃ low temperature, and has strong resistance to dust, sulfur dioxide and ozone. There are few diseases and insect pests, and cultivation and management is easy.

The role of a cash cow

1. The ornamental function of the cash cow

The cash cow plant has an even number of pinnate compound leaves, all of which are in the shape of a large leaf axis, which looks like a big, round belly as a whole.

Its leaves are also covered with irregular dark brown markings, much like a girl in camouflage clothes, graceful and graceful.

On top of the compound leaves, there are leaflets growing, fleshy, colorful, green, bright and beautiful, with light.

Such a beautiful cash cow, if potted farming at home, it really beautifies the space, the enjoyment of beauty ah, so it is of great ornamental value.

2. The effect of cash cow on purifying air.

Because the leaves of the cash cow are mellow, large and strong, they can absorb the poison gas and release oxygen through photosynthesis, bringing fresh air to the environment where people live.

During the day, the cash cow can absorb carbon dioxide in the room, as well as dust and debris in the air, while releasing oxygen at the same time.

For indoor formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful gases are more absorptive, such a good natural purifier, is not a great role.

3. Fengshui effect of cash cow

The reason why the cash cow is called the cash cow, because it has a good meaning.

When planting pot plants to maintain the money tree indoors, it can be placed on the bedroom or balcony, dining table and so on, which symbolizes the attraction of wealth and wealth, wealth and prosperity. Therefore, the fengshui effect of the cash cow is also deeply loved by people.

The method of planting a cash cow is not very difficult, and the cultivation and management is very simple, so it is good not to really weigh a cash cow to plant a cash cow to comfort yourself, not to mention that the cash cow can also provide us with many benefits, such as beautifying the house, purifying the air and so on.