
How to raise Saxifraga how to cultivate Saxifraga and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Saxifraga is relatively simple to raise, its adaptability is very strong, no matter outdoor or indoor, it is easy to survive, and this plant is hairy, furry, very lovely, like friends can keep a pot on the balcony and other places. How to raise tiger skin with Saxifraga

Saxifraga is relatively simple to raise, its adaptability is very strong, no matter outdoor or indoor, it is easy to survive, and this plant is hairy, furry, very lovely, like friends can keep a pot on the balcony and other places.

How to raise Saxifraga

In pot cultivation, rotten leaf soil and garden soil can be mixed in the same amount and a small amount of mature base fertilizer can be used as substrate. It grows well under the condition of sufficient light, and it should receive more sunlight in other seasons except to avoid direct sunlight in the middle of summer. If it is kept in the indoor light too dark for too long, the leaves will be dark and lack vitality. In addition, if it is placed indoors for a long time, it is not suitable to suddenly move directly to the sun. It is better to move to the light first, so that it can have an adaptation process to see the sun again, so that the leaves will not be burned. Watering should be appropriate and master the principle that it would rather be dry than wet. Usually scrub the foliar dust with clean water to keep the leaves clean and bright. When sprouting new plants at the root neck in spring, the basin soil should be properly watered to keep the basin soil moist; in summer high temperature season, the basin soil should always be kept moist; the amount of watering should be controlled after the end of autumn, and the basin soil should be kept relatively dry to enhance cold resistance. It does not have high requirements for fertilizer, and it applies dilute liquid fertilizer twice a month in the growing season to ensure that the leaves are green and thick.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Saxifraga

Culture methods of Saxifraga

1. Saxifraga potted soil selection

The best soil selected by potted Saxifraga is sandy soil rich in organic matter, and it also has good drainage, which can be made by mixing self-made culture soil with river sand.

2. Temperature and light

Temperature: Saxifraga likes warm environment, and the most suitable growth temperature is between 15 ℃ and 25 ℃. Saxifraga is also hardy and can spend the winter at a low temperature of 5 ℃.

However, Saxifraga tricolor is not cold-resistant, and the overwintering temperature is 15 ℃. If it is lower than this temperature, it will die, so it is necessary to keep warm in winter.

Light: if the light is not enough, the color of the leaves will become dim. Indoor shade is also needed in summer to avoid direct light. The room temperature is kept above 5 ℃ in winter. Place in a sunny place near the south window of the room.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Watering: during the growth of Saxifraga, a large amount of water should be watered to make the pot soil fully moist, but the flowerpot should not be immersed in water. The amount of water should be reduced gradually during the two weeks after flowering. When the plant enters the dormant state, as long as the pot soil is not dry.

Watering during the growth period, the basin soil should be kept moist, it is easy to wither and fall the leaves due to drought, and at the same time, it is also necessary to prevent stagnant water in the basin, otherwise the roots are easy to rot.

Fertilization: fertilizer should be applied under the leaves of Saxifraga so as not to stain the leaves and affect the plant growth. During the peak growth period in spring, nitrogen fertilizer was applied every 20 days, and no fertilizer was applied at high temperature in summer and low temperature in winter.

4. Methods of reproduction

Saxifraga can be propagated by sowing and ramet. Sowing is carried out from March to April, and ramet can be carried out in all four seasons, but it is the best in spring and autumn.

Matters needing attention in domestic cultivation of Saxifraga

1. Change the basin: Saxifraga likes loose and breathable soil, and the consolidated soil is easy to make the leaves dim. Therefore, Saxifraga should be changed every other year, in early spring.

2. Diseases and insect pests: Saxifraga diseases mainly include gray mold and powdery mildew. Saxifraga pests may have whitefly and whitefly.

What if the leaves of Saxifraga turn yellow?

1, watering, it is necessary to keep the basin soil often moist to prevent the basin soil from drying.

2. In summer, we should often spray water to the leaf surface and the surrounding ground to enhance the air humidity.

3. Avoid bright light and keep it under the shade in summer.

4. Thin pancakes should be watered every half a month in the peak growing season.

5. The room temperature in winter should be kept at about 12 ℃ to avoid freezing.

Water culture and nursing skills of Saxifraga

1. Water should be added in time when the water level is low, and the water should be changed in time when the water is turbid. It is usually changed every 10 days or so. The root system is easy to rot in high temperature, so the water should be changed frequently.

2. pay attention to clean the container and keep it clean. when the air is dry, you can spray around the plant and increase the humidity to facilitate the growth of the plant.

3. The wilting of leaves should be removed in time. Saxifraga must be cultivated in a semi-overcast environment in order to reflect the beauty of its leaves.

4. Saxifraga can be difficult to survive in places where the sun shines all day. If the light is too strong, the leaves will be burned. If the light is too weak, the color of the leaves will be very dim and not fresh enough. Proper shading treatment should be carried out in spring, summer and autumn, and light maintenance should be carried out with brighter scattered light.

Saxifraga can be cultivated either in soil or in water, and the maintenance of hydroponic culture is a little more difficult than that of soil culture, so it should be taken care of more carefully, but whether it is hydroponic or soil culture, the final effect is the same. can show Saxifraga the most beautiful state.