
How to raise purple edge Jasper grass in pot culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Purple edge jade pepper grass is a very small and lovely plant, there are many varieties of purple edge jade pepper grass, and the difference between them mainly comes from the change of leaf pattern. So it's very easy to tell. And their breeding methods are also very strong.

Purple edge jade pepper grass is a very small and lovely plant, there are many varieties of purple edge jade pepper grass, and the difference between them mainly comes from the change of leaf pattern. So it's very easy to tell. And their breeding methods also have a strong commonness, so if you master a culture skill, you can master the planting methods of the whole class of plants.

How to raise purple edge Jasper pepper grass in pot

Like the warm and humid semi-overcast environment. The suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, the lowest is not less than 10 ℃, and it is not resistant to high temperature. Higher air humidity is required and direct sunlight is avoided. Like loose, fertile, well-drained moist soil.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jasper Pepper Grass in Zibian

1. The moisture needed by purple edge Jasper

Purple edge Jasper likes the humid environment, May to September is the growing period, the growing period should be more watering, when the weather is hot, the leaf should be sprayed or drenched, in order to maintain a large air humidity, keep the leaf clear pattern and green leaf color.

2. Fertilizer needed by Zibian Jasper

Fertilize once a month until overwintering.

3. The soil needed by Zibian Jasper

The soil requiring loose, fertile and good drainage can be mixed with river sand, mud fabric and rotten leaf soil.

4. The temperature needed by the purple edge Jasper

Like warmth, the suitable growth temperature is about 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

5. The light needed by purple edge Jasper

Avoid direct sunlight and grow in semi-shade. Pay attention to shade in summer and accept astigmatism in a place that will not be directly touched by the sun.

Varieties of Zibian Jasper Pepper Grass

1. Watermelon peel pepper grass

Also known as watermelon peel, originally from Brazil. The root leaves, and the plant height is about 20cm to 30cm. The leaves come from close to the matrix and are Obovate. The leaves are thick and shiny, semi-leathery to the touch, green on the surface and red on the back. There are silver-white stripes on the green leaves, much like watermelon peels. Therefore, it is called watermelon peel pepper grass.

2. Wrinkled leaf pepper grass

Also known as four-pronged pepper grass. It is small and tufted, the leaf is heart-shaped and wrinkled, the back of the leaf is grayish green, and the surface of the leaf is dark brownish green. If you look at it carefully, you will find that his leaf has a velvet luster. It is a fleshy inflorescence when it blossoms. The flower stem is very short and the plant height is only 20 cm.

3. Pepper grass with flowers and leaves

Also known as leafy bean pea green, milky pepper grass, originated in Brazil. For trailing vegetation, stems tea-brown, fleshy. Leaves broadly ovate, green, with yellow spots.

4. Qinye pepper grass

Originally from the West Indies. Erect plant type, 20-30 cm high. The growth is slow. Leaves long Obovate, thickly fleshy stiff, entire or irregularly lobed. The leaves are dark green and glossy, with red edges.

5. Round-leaf pepper grass

Originally from Venezuela. Erect plant, about 30 cm high. Simple leaves alternate, leaves elliptic or Obovate. The leaf tip is blunt and round, and the leaf base gradually becomes narrow and finally becomes wedge-shaped. The leaves are thick and stiff, smooth and shiny. The stems and petioles are fleshy and round. The petiole is short and it is easy to root. The Internode is short, and it is easy to take root at the Internode.

6. Sprinkle golden pepper grass

Similar to round-leaf pepper grass, only the leaf color is different. The leaves are dark green, but scattered in different sizes, irregular light green to milky yellow patches, or thick green patches or spots scattered on the yellow-green leaves.

The function of purple edge Jasper

1. Decorative application

Purple edge Jasper pepper grass, because the plant is short, so it is mostly used for pot decoration, because the purple edge Jasper bright luster and natural green, so it has been welcomed and loved by the majority of flower friends.

Purple Jasper is often cultivated in white plastic pots and white porcelain pots, and the color boundaries of white and green are separated, but as a whole, it is more harmonious and beautiful.

People often say that purple edge Jasper is placed on coffee tables, decorative cabinets, Bogu shelves and desks. it looks fresh and natural and very beautiful. Or allow the branches of purple Jasper to spread and hang down to form a long waterfall, hanging in front of indoor windows, bathrooms and railings, very fresh.

2. Purification and application

Purple edge Jasper has a certain purification effect on formaldehyde, xylene, secondhand smoke and other harmful gases.

3. Garden use

Because of the beautiful plant shape, purple Jasper is often used as garden decoration, such as flower border, flower bed, flower belt and so on.

4. The effect of traditional Chinese medicine

Dispelling wind and dampness, relieving cough and expectoration, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain.

It is used for dysmenorrhea, rheumatic pain, pertussis, asthma, lung abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, infantile accumulation and so on.

External use to treat injuries, fractures and so on.

Purple edge Jasper pepper grass is not only attractive in appearance, but also quite popular in use. Except for the ornamental plants that usually have. Purification and the role of the garden, but also has a certain medicinal value, for some daily ailments can play its role.