
Methods and precautions of potted culture of cash cow on balcony how to survive the winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The cash cow is relatively simple to grow. As long as you pay attention to soil, water, fertilizer and temperature, you can grow very well. Planting a pot at home not only looks pleasing to the eye, but also feels very auspicious when you hear its name. I want to plant it in winter.

The cash cow is relatively simple to grow. As long as you pay attention to the soil, water, fertilizer and temperature, you can grow very well. Planting a pot at home not only looks pleasing to the eye, but also feels very auspicious when you hear its name. So how do we care if we want to plant a pot in winter? Let's take a look.

Methods and matters needing attention of potted culture of cash cow balcony

Culture method

1. Soil: the rich tree soil had better be rich in organic matter, good permeability and strong ability to retain water and fertilizer, but it is not the best acidic soil.

2. Watering: rich trees are generally watered twice a week, not too much, which will lead to rot and water. Moisture should be strictly controlled in winter, which is conducive to the safety of the winter.

3.Illumination: rich trees can grow well in bright or dark places, keep high air humidity in summer, pay attention to shady places, avoid direct sunlight, the light is too strong to burn leaves. Can maintain a relatively dry environment, but need bright light in winter.

4. Temperature: in a bright and ventilated environment like a fortune tree, the ambient temperature should be controlled at 15-25 ℃, and the winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.

5. Fertilization: water and fertilizer should be sufficient during the growing period, and the amount of nitrogen should be irrigated in January of each year. Fertilizer should be sprayed in autumn to promote the growth of leaves and improve cold resistance.

Matters needing attention

1. At noon or in late spring and early summer, when it rains for a long time and begins to clear up, you should pay attention to sunscreen and give proper shelter to the plant.

2. The basin soil should not be too wet in winter, otherwise the root system of the plant will rot under the condition of low temperature.

3. When the temperature is below 15 degrees, it is necessary to stop all forms of fertilization, otherwise fertilizer will damage the roots under the condition of low temperature.

4. when it is especially cold in winter, you should pay attention to the plant against cold. At night, you can cover the plant with double-layer plastic bags, and when the temperature rises, take off the plastic bags.

5. Listen to the weather forecast in time in summer and be prepared to shade the plant as soon as possible.

How does the cash cow survive the winter?

The temperature in winter must reach more than 5 ℃, otherwise frost injury is easy to occur. In the middle of winter, as long as the temperature is above 18 ℃ and there is plenty of sunshine, it can grow as usual. When the room temperature is lower than 8 ℃, wet, dry and not ventilated, the leaves are prone to waterlogged patches and fall off in bronze color. When the temperature was below 5 ℃, all the leaves fell, the twigs lost water and withered, and in serious cases, the whole plant withered. Usually enter the house in November for the winter, and then leave the room after "Grain Rain". The rich tree has a strong adaptability to water, and waterlogging and drought will not occur if it is watered outdoors or not watered indoors for more than 10 days. However, the basin soil in winter should avoid dampness, and it is appropriate to have a slight tide, otherwise the leaf tip is easy to scorch, and even the leaves fall off. If the room temperature is about 12 ℃, water can be watered once a month.

What if the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow?

1. If the cash cow is watered too much, it will make the soil too wet, and the water will accumulate, which will lead to rotten roots over a long time, and the symptoms of root rot will cause the leaves of the cash cow to turn yellow. As long as the rescue method is to control the amount of water, dig the cash tree out of the basin, be careful not to hurt the root, check whether the root is rotten, if it is rotten, bury it in the sand, do not water, just spray water around, wait for the root to return to normal, and then take it out.

2. In the process of growth, because the environment is not taken care of, the leaves grow all the time in a dark state, the branches become weak and withered, and the leaves become smaller, affecting their normal growth, which will lead to the yellowing of the leaves. The rescue method allows the plant to gradually see the sun, you can first move half of the plant to a sunny place, and then slowly move the whole plant to the light, giving it the light it needs to grow, so that the leaves gradually return to green, but be careful not to shine for a long time, or strong light.

3. If the temperature is too high, it will burn the leaves and turn yellow slowly. If the temperature is too low, and the basin soil is wet, it will cause rotten roots, which in turn affect the growth of leaves and turn yellow. Rescue method when the temperature is too high, appropriate shading, do not light for too long, will make the temperature rise, so irradiation for a period of time, it is necessary to move to a cool place to lower the temperature. When the temperature is low, pay attention to the cold, you can wrap the plant with plastic film, do a good cold prevention measures.

4. The leaves of the cash cow will be pierced by shell insects. Affect the growth of the plant, spread to the top of the leaves, will make the leaves yellow. First of all, the rescue method can be used to remove the bug with transparent tape, or you can wipe off the bug body with a wet cloth. The direct way is to spray with medicine: you can spray 1000 times of 20% propofol wettable powder to get rid of the insect source directly.

The role of a cash cow

1. Ornamental function

The cash cow plant has an even number of pinnate compound leaves, all of which are in the shape of a large leaf axis, which looks like a big, round belly as a whole. Its leaves are also covered with irregular dark brown markings, much like a girl in camouflage clothes, graceful and graceful. On top of the compound leaves, there are leaflets growing, fleshy, colorful, green, bright and beautiful, with light. Such a beautiful cash cow is of great ornamental value if potted plants are raised at home.

2. Purify the air because the leaves of the cash cow are mellow, large and strong, which can absorb the poison gas and release oxygen through photosynthesis, bringing fresh air to the environment where people live. During the day, the cash cow can absorb carbon dioxide in the room, as well as dust and debris in the air, while releasing oxygen at the same time. For indoor formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful gases are more absorptive, such a good natural purifier, is not a great role.

3. Fengshui cash cow is called a cash cow because it has a good meaning. When planting pot plants to maintain the money tree indoors, it can be placed on the bedroom or balcony, dining table and so on, which symbolizes the attraction of wealth and wealth, wealth and prosperity. Therefore, the fengshui effect of the cash cow is also deeply loved by people.

Cash cow has high ornamental value and can purify the air, but one of the important reasons why most people like it is that it has excellent moral meaning and has the effect of improving fengshui, whether it is placed in the living room or bedroom at home. From the point of view of fengshui, it is an excellent position to add wealth to the family.