
How to plant pineapple and its planting methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Speaking of pineapple, many people may not know what it is, in fact, pineapple is a very beautiful flower, its flowering period is longer, the flower is like a bright red pentagram, gorgeous, can always attract the attention of tourists. Let's go with the editor to get to know the United States.

Speaking of pineapple, many people may not know what it is, in fact, pineapple is a very beautiful flower, its flowering period is longer, the flower is like a bright red pentagram, gorgeous, can always attract the attention of tourists. Let's go with the editor to learn how to grow beautiful pineapple.

How to grow pineapple

Pineapple can be direct broadcast in the open field, can also be sown in a shallow basin, seedlings grow, with string traction, to make a variety of flower rack bonsai. Sow 5-7 seeds in the basin, cover about 0.5 cm of soil, keep the soil moist, and grow seedlings in about 10 days. after half a month, the seedlings are weak and strong, and 3-4 pineapple seedlings are retained. Seedling height 8-10 cm coring, promoting multiple branches and multiple flowering.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of pineapple

1. Water and fertilizer management

Pineapple has a great demand for water and fertilizer. In the growth process of pineapple, it is necessary to do a good job in water and fertilizer management.

In general, when pineapple plants grow to a certain size and can be transplanted or potted, a certain amount of base fertilizer should be applied first, and after that, fertilizer can be applied once a month. In addition to fixed fertilization, liquid fertilizer should be applied twice before flowering to ensure sufficient nutrients in flowering. When applying fertilizer, it is better to use nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer or granular fertilizer to ensure the growth of pineapple with sufficient trace elements, not to apply a certain kind of fertilizer, so as to prevent only growing and few flowers.

Pineapple must be watered thoroughly when transplanting, and then only need to be watered once a week to ensure water supply. However, with the change of plant growth and temperature, the watering time should be changed from once a week to once a day to keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water.

2. Light and temperature

Pineapple is native to the tropics, which is characterized by high temperature and plenty of light. So pineapple is a plant that likes warmth, is not hardy and is afraid of frost. The temperature of the growing environment is higher, and when the temperature is low, the growth of pineapple will slow down.

Pineapple requires plenty of sunshine, most species are not strict about the number of hours of sunshine, but also to ensure that the light is adequate.

3. Soil

Pineapple is not strict with the soil, but it is better to be loose and fertile, and you can choose the fertile soil in the sunny place.

4. Points for attention

Pineapple can be sown, cut and striped to propagate. The main method of reproduction is sowing, the method is simple, and pineapple can sow itself. Pineapple has strong vitality and good adaptability, and there are generally no diseases and insect pests.

How to water pineapple

The origin of this plant is near the equator, that is, the high-temperature and rainy tropics. Therefore, we can know that its demand for water is still relatively large. It can not stand too dry environment, which has higher requirements for our watering.

In late spring or early summer, this is a good time to sow seeds. After planting, the demand for water is relatively large, so the soil must be kept moist. In fact, needless to say, we also know that at this time of rapid growth and development, water is naturally indispensable.

However, in late autumn and even winter, when the growth of plants is almost stagnant, and even enter the dormancy stage, of course, the demand for water is also relatively small. It can be watered without watering, or once every half a month. If the soil is really too dry and cracked, you can properly pour some more water to make the basin soil slightly moist.

The method of propagation of pineapple

The ripening period of pineapple fruit is inconsistent, and it is easy to fall off after ripening, so it should be picked with ripening. Each fruit contains 3-4 seeds. If there are both red and white flowers, the seeds should be collected separately.

The pineapple seeds were sown in April of the following year and germinated a week later. The days of raising seedlings in the open field after the final frost are about 45 days, which should not be too long, otherwise the vines from the seedlings will be intertwined.

In fact, pineapple is not only beautiful and tenacious, hot but not cold, is a very good flower plant, widely cultivated in our country, like friends might as well try to raise some pineapple in the courtyard!