
How to grow thyme thyme cultivation methods and precautions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Thyme in China is usually known as pepper, thyme, etc., mainly produced in the northwest region. Its fragrance is just like its name, hundred miles fragrant, thick but not strong. And of course, thyme has a charming fragrance, but it also has a romantic, wonderful fragrance.

Thyme in China is usually known as ground pepper, ground pepper, mountain pepper, thyme and so on, mainly produced in the northwest region. Its aroma is just like its name, a hundred miles fragrant, strong but not strong. Of course, apart from its charming fragrance, thyme also has a romantic and beautiful meaning-"good luck". The planting methods of thyme are also various and simple.

How to grow thyme

The main planting methods of thyme are seed propagation, cutting propagation and ramet propagation.

1. Seed propagation

Sowing and raising seedlings from March to April in spring. As the thyme seeds are small, the seedling ground must be carefully prepared, and the soil must be fine and flat, then slightly suppressed, watered and sowed, then covered with a thin layer of fine soil and covered with plastic film to keep warm and wet. After 10-12 days of emergence, the temperature is timely uncovered. Attention should be paid to keeping the soil moist and weeding at the seedling stage. When the seedling height is 10-15 cm, it can be planted in the field directly according to row and plant spacing (30-45) cm × (25-30) cm, and watered after planting.

2. Cuttage propagation

The cuttage method is very easy to root and propagate. In order to achieve consistent quality in mass production, cuttings with 3-5 nodes and about 5cm with apical buds can survive, but the rooting speed is slow and the root groups are few. The cuttings should be cut in a paper tube seedling plate with a diameter of 2cm to facilitate transplanting after survival. The striping and split method make the branches touch the ground and grow roots automatically, and the direct cutting is an independent plant, which is more suitable for home gardening growers.

3. Ramet propagation

Select more than 3-year-old plants, dig out the mother plants with roots in late March or early April, and then divide them into 4-6 parts according to the size of the clumps. Each clump should have 4-5 buds before planting. In addition, there is clustering breeding. During the growth period, the stolon was cut off and then transplanted.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of thyme

The main results are as follows: 1. in terms of growth habits, thyme likes warm, light and dry environment, and does not have high requirements for soil, but grows well in calcareous soil with good drainage. Loose and well-drained land, facing the sun. Born in stony mountains, slopes, valleys, gullies, roadsides and weeds, 1100-3600 m above sea level.

2. In terms of cultivation media, thyme does not have high requirements for soil quality, but its thick leaves and fleshy characteristics make it not resistant to moisture and need a medium with good drainage, so if peat soil is used as the cultivation material, about 20% of the media that are easy to drain should be added.

3. In terms of watering, it is better to dry a little and then water it, rather than being wet all the time, otherwise the root can not stretch well to play its function. Watering should be done immediately after planting, and attention should be paid to keeping the soil moist until the seedlings are slow. The growing period can be watered once a month, and the soil should be ploughed and loosened in time, and drainage should be paid attention to in the rainy season. If the medium is wet all the time, the ventilation will be poor. The growth rate of thyme is slow, and it does not need too much fertilizer. If peat is used as the medium, about 5% of mature organic fertilizer is added, and when the plant grows up, the branches are cut and used.

4. In the aspect of fertilization, when the new buds began to grow, 1000 times diluted liquid fertilizer should be irrigated in 10-15 days, the plant growth was weak in summer, and fertilization could easily lead to root rot and death, so we should stop fertilization in summer and put it in a cool place for summer. Combined with watering, urea can be applied 1-2 times according to the growth situation, each time the amount of urea per mu is about 5 kg. After pouring over-winter water before winter, cultivate mature dry manure and cultivate soil to facilitate overwintering.

Ecological value of thyme

The main results are as follows: 1. Thyme plants are relatively low, with stolons growing along the ground surface and extending nearly horizontally. Adventitious buds on the stem can sprout a lot of roots, can form a very strong root network, and effectively prevent soil erosion.

2. Thyme has become a rare excellent ground cover plant in urban landscaping because of its outstanding cold resistance, drought tolerance, barren resistance, disease and insect resistance, rapid growth, large number of flowers, long flowering period and pleasant fragrance. Because of its strong resistance, extensive ecological diversity and clonal growth characteristics, it can form natural dominant plant species or single excellent populations in many areas with serious soil degradation. It plays an important ecological role in desertification community composition and ecological succession.

Medicinal value of thyme

Improve digestive system and gynecological diseases, promote blood circulation, enhance immunity, reduce neuropathic pain, antibacterial. Help wound healing, treatment of eczema and blister skin. Activate brain cells, improve memory and attention, fight depression and soothe the soul. It is very effective for dandruff and suppressing hair loss. Antibacterial, anti-spasmodic, anti-insect venom, sterilization, strengthen the body, promote scarring. Strengthen nerves to prevent nightmares.

Leaves can be combined with all kinds of meat and shellfish dishes, making tea can help digestion, eliminate flatulence and relieve alcohol, and adding honey in the extract can cure spastic cough, cold and sore throat. Bubble bath also has a soothing and calming effect, refined essential oils have bactericidal effect, and can be made with freckles ointment to eliminate freckles, repair aging skin, and make soap and mouthwash.

Among the many herbs, parsley is generally believed to ease pain and promote digestion, symbolizing recovery and integrity; sage has represented strength since ancient times; rosemary is a gift used by lovers to express love, symbolizing loyalty, love, and eternal memory; while the design of thyme is embroidered on the shawls of knights, representing courage, planting a thyme, and showing our courage.