
Marguerite pot blasting technique Margaret cuttage propagation method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Marguerite, many people may be very strange to hear the name, in fact, Margaret is a kind of chrysanthemum, its flowers are also very similar to most chrysanthemums, but Margaret will be more special, because it is named by a princess after herself.

Marguerite, many people may be very strange to hear the name, in fact, Marguerite is a kind of chrysanthemum, its flowers are also very similar to most chrysanthemums, but Margaret will be more special, because its name is chosen by a princess and represents one of her favorites. There are many flower friends like to breed Marguerite as a potted plant at home. The following editor will introduce how Margaery burst the pot.

Marguerite's technique of exploding pots

1. Pre-preparation for basin explosion

The newly bought seedlings have to be planted in a large pot, which determines how big the bouquet is, because Marguerite has a strong reproductive ability, and the small pot cannot be put down. If the seedlings carry buds or flowers, they should be ruthlessly pinched off to store nutrients in the later stage.

2. Mid-term maintenance of basin explosion

The main results are as follows: (1) after the seedlings survive, they can begin to receive sunlight, ensure sufficient light time every day, and at least turn around in the direction of a basin, so that they can receive light evenly.

(2) exploding pots requires a lot of nutrients, and this plant likes to be nourished by fertilizer, so it needs fertilization. However, fertilization should be "a small number of times", every week with compound fertilizer, Merlot and other aqueous solution for root irrigation.

(3) watering method: it is time to water when you see that the plants are beating, the leaves are short of water, and the basin is lighter. Water should be watered thoroughly at one time, and if the specific operation is not clear, water can flow out from the bottom of the basin.

3. The operation method of basin explosion.

(1) if you want Marguerite to burst, one of the most important operations is to hit the top. After the first two steps, Margaret entered the growth period and began to hit the top. Leaf seedlings can be pinched off at 8 cm, leaving at least 6 to 8 cm of branches and leaves for branching.

(2) if you keep topping during this period, the branches will gradually become plump. There may be uneven branches and buds appear, which should be pinched off and cannot be allowed to blossom.

4. Waiting for the basin to explode

When the branch grows full of large pots, neatly shaped and forms a green ball, you can look forward to fireworks. However, we should pay attention to observe whether there are red spiders and green insects and other problems, to stop in time. A small number of red spiders and green worms can be caught by themselves, but if they are out of control or troublesome, they can be treated with drugs. In short, if you want to get a big natural flower ball, you have to pay patience and careful care!

Cutting Propagation method of Margaret

Marguerite flower water rooting method:

1. Water planting induces roots

Water root induction can be carried out all the year round as long as the environment is suitable, but the best season is autumn. Marguerite grows faster and can take root in 2 or 3 days, which greatly shortens your waiting time.

First of all, you should choose the branches, which are about 10 centimeters long, keep the leaves at the top, remove the leaves at the bottom, find a clean water bottle, insert the branches, and leave the rest to time. It will take about 1-2 weeks to take root!

2. Planting in pots

After 1 or 2 weeks, you will grow small white roots, and you will be half successful. When the root system grows to 2-3cm, you can plant it in a pot!

First of all, prepare a flowerpot filled with soil, water thoroughly, then use chopsticks or other tools to make a small hole, stretch and plant the roots of the branches, and then slow the seedlings in a cool place for 1 week or 2 weeks, normal maintenance.

Marguerite flower soil insertion

1. Branch selection

Branches generally choose green buds, usually topped or pruned under the new branches can be cut between. The cutting medium generally chooses pure vermiculite or vermiculite mixed with fine sand.

2. Cutting method

Cutting the selected branches directly in the flowerpot and cutting the branches on the edge of the pot as far as possible can improve the survival rate. After cutting, pour water thoroughly, keep it in a cool place, keep the temperature at about 20 ℃, and take root in about 20 days. After taking root, you can plant it in the pot again!

The watering method of Margaret flowers

Marguerite flowers in the growth period, watering does not need to have too much worry, the service of the flood and sun can, often check the basin soil, dry and water. However, pay attention to control their own hands, do not water the soil before it is dry, if there is water in the basin, it will be in big trouble!

Of course, when watering, do not wait until the soil is very dry, plants are dry, thirsty when water, so that it will grow well. This requires everyone to slowly accumulate experience in maintenance. But in a word, Margaret flowers are suitable for extensive management, and they can grow if there is water.

Growth habit

Like a cool and humid environment. Positive, not resistant to heat, afraid of stagnant water, afraid of waterlogging, leaves fall off in hot summer, cold tolerance is not strong, winter need to protect overwintering, require fertile soil and good drainage.

But because Marguerite is easy to reproduce and sometimes even has a rhizome to survive, in some places it has almost become an aggressive plant.

Through the above content, we have a more in-depth understanding of Marguerite. In fact, Marguerite's vitality is extremely tenacious and exuberant, it is easy to cause crazy growth, so we do not need to worry about raising Marguerite!