
The picturesque feeling of "vegetables" embedded in the green mountains and green waters of Yunnan

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, there are 6 green food certified vegetable bases with an area of 35000 mu, 68 pollution-free vegetable bases with an area of 314000 mu, and 6 famous vegetable trademarks in Yunnan Province. Data show that in 2014, the total vegetable planting area in the state reached more than 150.

At present, there are 6 green food certified vegetable bases with an area of 35000 mu, 68 pollution-free vegetable bases with an area of 314000 mu, and 6 famous vegetable trademarks in Yunnan Province. The data show that in 2014, the total planting area of vegetables in the prefecture reached more than 1.5 million mu, ranking second in the province; the output of vegetables reached 2.333 million tons and the total output value of vegetables reached 2.68 billion yuan. The sales volume of vegetables outside the state reached 1.4 million tons.

According to statistics, at present, there are more than 700 vegetable professional cooperative economic organizations in the state, and 45000 vegetable farmers have joined the professional cooperative economic organizations. The major vegetable growers and the professional team of transportation and marketing of vegetables are growing continuously. there are more than 3000 professional households growing more than 5 mu of vegetables a year, and more than 8000 vegetable transportation and marketing professionals (including in-state and out-of-state).

There are 6 provincial leading enterprises of vegetable agriculture and 11 leading enterprises at the state level in the state, driving more than 20,000 peasant households, basically forming a group management model of "company + base + cooperative + peasant household".

Pollution-free white radish products from Shaochong Town and Longwu Town in Shiping County not only sell well in more than 20 provinces and cities across the country, but also are exported to South Korea, Russia, Vietnam, Singapore and other countries. Jianshui millet spicy, grass sprouts, onions, and so on, after becoming a "geographical indication certification trademark", walked out of the situation that "outsiders do not know her beauty in boudoir" and become a "hot cake" in domestic and foreign markets.

What is the strength of our state's vegetable industry? And by what has won the vast market? The answer is to build characteristic agriculture on the plateau.

Our state is located in the Tropic of Cancer, the state covers an area of 33000 square kilometers, has 48 million mu of land, "a mountain is divided into four seasons, ten miles of different days" three-dimensional climate, so that here "fruits and vegetables continue to spring at 04:00." The advantage of resources is not only the fertile soil for the development of agriculture, but also the "fengshui treasure land" to cultivate the vegetable industry. Mengzi, Kaiyuan, Maitreya, Jianshui and other counties and cities are writing new pieces of "vegetables" in the good mountains and waters.

Walking into Daxing Village, Central Town, Luxi County, I saw a patch of vegetables growing happily between the green hills and clear water, while on the field road, trucks were loading vegetables for transport to Hong Kong, Guangdong, Shanghai and other places.

"our vegetables are very popular in other places, and we have to pull five or six carts out of here every day." Yang Amu, a local villager, said happily.

"the vegetables here sell well in the market. The key is that Luxi County has a good environment. Our vegetables' drink 'Longtan water, grow in natural oxygen bars, absorb organic fertilizer, and the quality of the dishes is of course different." Luo Peixin, head of Luxi vegetable base of Honghe Xingzaiji vegetable Co., Ltd., said.

Based on the good ecological environment and excellent soil and climate resources, Luxi County is committed to developing agriculture with plateau characteristics, which is becoming the "green vegetable garden" of our province, attracting more and more foreign investors to invest in the vegetable industry in Luxi.

Good mountains and good water produce good dishes. Luxi County is only a microcosm of our state.

Good mountains and good water are resources, how to turn resource advantages into development advantages? In recent years, our state has based on the advantages of resources, adjusted the agricultural industrial structure according to local conditions, constructed the characteristic industrial system of the Red River Plateau, and promoted the rapid development of superior industries. gradually formed a new pattern of development of red tobacco, red wine, red fruit, red vegetables, mahogany, red rice, red medicine, brown sugar, red livestock nine "red series" industries.

While developing and strengthening the vegetable industry, our state actively strives for higher-level financial support and increases financial investment at the same level, through the implementation of the national "vegetable basket" project, the construction of vegetable standard gardens, the transformation of medium-and low-yield fields, dry farming demonstration and other projects, we will continue to speed up the construction of farmland infrastructure. Over the past five years, more than 100 million yuan has been invested in the construction of 11 standard vegetable gardens and more than 10, 000 mu of vegetable greenhouses, driving the planting area of vegetables in greenhouse to 151500 mu and transforming more than 120000 mu of medium-and low-yield fields. the high and stable yield vegetable planting area in the whole state has reached the standard of "four links and one leveling" with an area of 750000 mu.

To develop and strengthen the vegetable industry, our state continues to explore the effective multi-interest connection mechanism between leading enterprises, farmers' professional cooperatives, family farms, large farmers and farmers (especially those who transfer land), and to establish a community of economic interests. to realize the deep integration among the new agricultural operators and between the new agricultural operators and farmers. Efforts should be made to build a new agricultural management system with the combination of intensification, specialization, organization and socialization, so as to transform the main body of small farmers into a new type of modern agricultural management.

At the same time, our state vigorously implements the brand-driven strategy, in accordance with the brand strategy of "building a brand, driving many industries, and affluent people". Focus on building red rice, red fruit, red vegetables, mahogany, red medicine, brown sugar, red livestock, red wine, red smoke "Jiuhong" high-quality series of agricultural products brands.

In promoting the construction of brand strategy, our state has vigorously promoted harmless and standardized vegetable production technology, and put an end to the use of high toxic, high residual pesticides and substandard vegetable production inputs. We will actively carry out pollution-free, green and organic vegetable base identification, product certification and market circulation, and steadily promote modern marketing methods such as standardization, packaging, labeling and chain supermarkets, net vegetable distribution, auction, and e-commerce; speed up the construction of inspection and supervision system, quality standard system, reputation system and quality traceability system for vegetable production, circulation, processing and consumption. Since 2014, our state has successively implemented retroactive quality certification for 15 kinds of products from 8 bases in the million mu plateau characteristic agricultural demonstration zone, the quality is more guaranteed, and the brand effect is further highlighted.

In order to increase industrial efficiency, push Honghe vegetables to a broader market, and comprehensively launch the brand of "red vegetables", the state party committee and state government encourage leading enterprises, production cooperation organizations and other business entities to actively carry out "three products and one standard" certification and brand building by means of award replacement, tax relief, science and technology support, project investment, and so on. For example, "Heyuan" brand vegetables and fruits are exported to other provinces and Southeast Asian countries, so that Yunnan's vegetables and fruits are recognized by more consumers, this trademark can be called an outstanding representative of agriculture-related trademarks.

Today, Mengzi's Chinese cabbage and sweet pepper, old chili and green vegetables, Jianshui onion and millet spicy, Shiping cabbage and white radish, etc., green vegetable brands stand out one by one, fragrant in all directions, selling well in domestic and foreign markets.