
How to grow Chrysanthemum morifolium how to grow Chrysanthemum morifolium planting methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chrysanthemum morifolium is the main ornamental flowers, its flowers are generally yellow, petals are more, the ornamental value is very high, so it is deeply loved by people. Chrysanthemum morifolium is attracting a lot of people to want to plant it at present, but before planting, it needs to be planted.

Chrysanthemum morifolium is the main ornamental flowers, its flowers are generally yellow, petals are more, the ornamental value is very high, so it is deeply loved by people. The big flower golden rooster chrysanthemum currently attracts a lot of people to want to grow it, but before planting, you need to know its planting technology.

How to grow Chrysanthemum morifolium

The main results are as follows: 1. Chrysanthemum morifolium has low requirements for soil, cold and drought tolerance, and the suitable temperature for germination is 15-20 degrees Celsius. It is easy to cultivate and can often reproduce on its own. Sowing or ramet propagation are often used in production, and cutting propagation can also be carried out in summer.

2. Sowing and propagation is generally carried out in August, and it can also be broadcast in the open field at the end of April in spring, blossom from July to August, and blossom one after another to the middle of] October. The biennial golden chrysanthemum blossoms at the end of May and the beginning of June in early spring and lasts until the middle of October. If you want to make the golden rooster chrysanthemum blossom more, you can pick the residual flowers after flowering and chase the fertilizer once from July to August, so that the National Day can blossom.

Planting method of Chrysanthemum morifolium

1. Soil. Chrysanthemum morifolium is not strict with the soil, and likes the sandy loam with fertile, wet and good drainage. It can grow on the soil formed by the weathering of shale, granite, sandstone and limestone with a pH value of 5 to 8, especially on the soil with a pH value of 5 to 7 formed by granite weathering.

2. Sowing: the granule of Chrysanthemum morifolium seed is small, sowing can be used to sow, the seed mixed with sand, evenly scattered on the pre-made seedbed, the seedbed should be about 15 cm higher than the surrounding ground, in order to facilitate drainage.

3. Cover the soil: cover the seeds with thin film and pour water thoroughly after sowing.

4. Watering: Golden Rooster Chrysanthemum is resistant to drought and waterlogging and should be drained in time after rain.

5. Fertilization: nitrogen fertilizer was applied for 2 or 3 times during the growing period, and phosphorus and potash fertilizer was used when topdressing nitrogen fertilizer. In order to make the golden rooster chrysanthemum blossom more, you can pick the residual flowers after flowering, and fertilize once from July to August, so that the National Day will blossom and flourish. Golden rooster chrysanthemum has luxuriant branches and leaves in fertile soil, but its flowering decreases, so in order to achieve a good effect of flowering, fertilization should be moderate and not too much.

6. Pruning. The plant of Chrysanthemum morifolium is taller and needs coring and pruning to maintain the beauty of the plant type. The plant height 6cm picks the heart once, the branch 10cm picks the second heart, removes the willow bud in time.

Matters needing attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

1. Seed collection and preservation. Chrysanthemum morifolium is suitable for sowing and reproduction, and seed harvesting and preservation are very important. From August to October every year, most of the ripe inflorescences of the fruit are cut, dried to remove impurities, and the seeds are carefully selected, placed in a dry and cool place and packed in moisture-proof paper bags. The seeds were stored in a dry, dry and well-ventilated place with a good germination rate when the ambient temperature was 10-15 ℃ and stored for 1-2 years.

2. Common diseases and insect pests. Common pests of Chrysanthemum morifolium: aphids, ground tigers, grubs. Omethoate can be sprayed every ten days. Common diseases of Chrysanthemum morifolium: powdery mildew and black spot. It can be prevented and treated with dimethoate EC.

How to reproduce Chrysanthemum morifolium

1. Sow and reproduce. Methods sowing can be carried out from March to April every year, and the seeds can be spread directly on the sand, and then a thin layer of soil should be covered with a thin layer of soil. Before sowing, the soil should be watered evenly, and after sowing, the soil should be kept in the same humidity. It can be covered with plastic film, then the film is opened for air in the morning and evening, and the cover is covered at other times. When the seeds give off small buds, remove the plastic film and raise them in a place of astigmatism. When one or two leaves are produced, they can be transplanted and planted.

2. Ramet propagation. This method is very simple, because the golden rooster chrysanthemum itself has a strong ability of reproduction, just dig out the ramet to plant, you can choose to carry out in its growing period. However, it should be noted that the newly planted ramet should not be directly exposed to the sun, waiting for normal maintenance after it has passed the slow seedling stage. It can also be propagated by cuttings, and cuttings can also be done in hot summer, but this method is rarely used.

Chrysanthemum morifolium must be planted at an appropriate time, both in spring and summer. After planting must do a good job of fertilizer and water control, and then timely pruning. If you want it to grow more, you can choose to reproduce, generally sowing and ramet reproduction are more common.