
The causes and Solutions of the withered leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium what is the reason for the yellowing of Chrysanthemum leaves

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flower of melon leaf chrysanthemum is very beautiful, colorful, colorful, small and delicate, is a kind of very beautiful flower plant. Many flower friends like to plant melon-leaf chrysanthemum potted to decorate balconies or rooms and courtyards, but there are also flower friends whose leaves are dry.

The flower of melon leaf chrysanthemum is very beautiful, colorful, colorful, small and delicate, is a kind of very beautiful flower plant. Many flower friends like to plant melon-leaf chrysanthemum potted to decorate balconies or rooms and courtyards, but there are also flower friends whose leaves are dry. How to solve this?

Causes of withered leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium and its solution

1. Water problem: melon leaf chrysanthemum likes to be moist and has high requirements for humidity. if the pot soil is too dry in the process of cultivation, it will cause leaf wilting, and even make leaves yellow, causing insect pests.

Solution: therefore, to control the amount of water, do not make the basin soil too dry or stagnant water, so as not to affect the normal growth of leaves.

2. Temperature problem: the growth temperature of melon and leaf chrysanthemum is suitable for 15-20 ℃. If the temperature is too high, branches and leaves will grow and affect flowering. If the temperature is too low, it will stop growing and cause frost injury.

Solution: be sure to control the temperature, keep it in a cool and ventilated place in spring, summer and autumn, and pay attention to shade in summer.

3. Lighting problem: melon-leaf chrysanthemum belongs to short-day light-happy flowers. If there is not enough light, it will make the flowers grow, the stem becomes slender, and the flower color is light but not correct. If the light is too strong, it will make the leaves wilt and gradually wither and yellow.

Solution: it is best to have 8 hours of sunshine every day, and keep it in a well-ventilated place with scattered light, and prevent insufficient light in rainy and snowy days in winter.

4, fertilizer problem: improper control of the amount of fertilizer, paint is in the case of poor ventilation, will also cause wilting leaves, or even die.

Solution: adjust the amount of water, usually apply thin fertilizer for two weeks, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, plus a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer.

What is the reason why the leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium turn yellow

1. Boron deficiency and calcium deficiency

Boron deficiency and calcium deficiency will cause the leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium to turn yellow. if Chrysanthemum morifolium is deficient in boron and calcium, it will shorten the top internodes of the plant, become fragile and easy to break, and the new leaves grow slowly and the leaves turn yellow. This is mostly because the soil is relatively dry, which affects the absorption of boron in roots. Generally, when this phenomenon occurs, it should be watered in time, and then the basin soil should be kept dry and wet. Can also be sprayed with some borax aqueous solution, can be sprayed once a week, continuously sprayed 2 or 3 times, can be improved.

2. Potassium deficiency

When the melon leaf chrysanthemum is deficient in potassium, it will cause the edge of the leaf to change from brown to withered yellow and constantly expand inward. Generally, appropriate amount of potassium sulfate is applied to the roots, and some potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed on the leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium to make it recover and grow normally.

3. Dry in winter

When breeding melon and leaf chrysanthemum in winter, it is best to maintain a suitable humidity, not too dry, too dry will lead to wilting, easy to wither and yellow, but also prone to disease. So it must be watered reasonably in winter.

Growth habits of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Melon leaf chrysanthemum line likes a warm, moist and ventilated environment. Not resistant to high temperature, afraid of frost. General temperature greenhouse cultivation, the temperature of the leaf tip is not less than five degrees. If the room temperature is too high, it is easy to grow, resulting in elongation of internodes and lack of commercial value. The temperature is too low, which affects the growth of plants and the development of flowers.

Melon-leaf chrysanthemum is a light-loving plant with plenty of sunshine, thick leaves and bright flowers, but the sun is too strong, which can also cause leaves to curl. Melon leaf chrysanthemum needs to maintain sufficient moisture, but not too wet, it is appropriate to leave leaves absent.

Main value

Chrysanthemum morifolium is one of the main ornamental plants in winter and spring. Its bright flowers can be used as flower beds or potted plants arranged in the corridor, giving people a fresh and pleasant feeling.

1. Decorative application

Melon-leaf chrysanthemum is a greenhouse flower, potted as indoor furnishings, its flowering is early, especially precious in the cold winter, rich and bright colors, especially blue flowers, flashing velvet-like luster, elegant and moving.

Melon leaf chrysanthemum blossoms neatly, the flower shape is plump, can be furnished on indoor short shelves, can also be arranged with multiple pots to form a pattern to decorate the inner courtyard or venue of the hotel, the vestibule of the theatre, the flowers are colorful and jubilant. Usually, a single basin can be watched for more than 40 days.

2. Ornamental value

Melon leaf chrysanthemum flowers are colorful; the main varieties are "red flowers" in Europe, "pink flowers" in Africa, "red spots" in the Mediterranean, and so on. Melon-leaf chrysanthemum is one of the main ornamental potted flowers during New Year's Day and Spring Festival. Melon-leaf chrysanthemum is cross-pollinated, so there are more horticultural varieties.

As mentioned above, if you want the flowers to be beautiful, you need to put a little more effort into dealing with the problem as soon as possible, and don't wait until you can't fix it. If the farmed melon leaf chrysanthemum is beautiful and generous, it can not only decorate the room, but also make your mood beautiful!