
How to grow kale planting methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people have never heard of the name kale, but as long as it is said that it is a plant that grows in a flower bed and looks like cauliflower, it is actually a variety of kale whose flowers are very big and look very beautiful. let's take a look at it.

Many people have never heard of the name kale, but as long as it is said that it is a plant that grows in flower beds and looks like cauliflower, it is actually a variety of kale whose flowers are very big and look very beautiful. let's take a look at how it is planted and what we need to pay attention to.

How to grow kale

1. Selection of improved varieties: select the excellent varieties of fresh kale with strong growth potential, green leaves, pinnately cracked leaves, strong cold and heat resistance, late bolting, long harvest time, tender texture and strong flavor, such as Kale, a new variety of kale jointly developed by Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and National vegetable Engineering and Technology Center. From the United States, Britain, the Netherlands introduced Vorster, Musibo, Apeda, Wimbert and other excellent varieties.

2. Raising seedlings: spring seeds are sown in January, seedlings are raised in greenhouse, planted in protected areas in winter, and sown 30-35 days before planting. The method of raising seedlings is the same as that of other cabbage vegetables, and the seedlings are prepared to be planted when the seedlings are 4-5 leaves.

3. Colonization: soil preparation and application of base fertilizer before planting. As kale has a long harvest time and needs a large amount of fertilizer, the planting land must be fully fertilized. Compost rich in organic matter, such as rotten chicken and pig manure, can be used as base fertilizer. 22500-30000kg per hectare, flat land, 110cm wide, double-row planting, plant spacing 45cm 50cm × 50cm, about 37500 plants per hectare, watering in time after planting.

4. Field management: kale needs a large amount of water and fertilizer, watering every 5-7 days after planting, watering the seedlings slowly for about 15-20 days, watering the second time, and topdressing, applying 150 kg urea per hectare, ploughing and weeding, often keeping the soil moist, paying attention to drainage in the rainy season, if drainage is not timely, stagnant water is easy to cause leaf yellowing, about 40 days after planting, start harvesting to early winter.

Planting method of kale

Planting method

1. Lighting: kale is a plant that likes light and is not very shady. When breeding, it should be placed in a place with enough light, preferably in a place with scattered light and good ventilation.

2. Temperature: it is a kind of plant that likes cool climate, which can be resistant to cold and heat, so it is relatively easy to cultivate kale. The suitable temperature for the growth of kale is between 15 ℃ and 25 ℃, and the germination temperature for sowing is between 18 ℃ and 25 ℃.

3. Soil: kale is not strict with the soil required for growth. it is suitable for growing in loose, fertile and well-drained soil and can tolerate saline-alkali soil.

4. Watered kale has a loose demand for water, it is not resistant to drought, and is afraid of stagnant water. Keep the pot soil moist during the growth of kale, but don't water too much, or there will be rotten roots.

5. Fertilizing kale has a great demand for fertilizer. It should be applied once or twice a month, mainly phosphate and potash fertilizer, and do not use too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it will lead to excessive growth of leaves.

Matters needing attention of kale

1. Propagation methods: when culturing kale, the most common method is sowing, but cutting can also be used for propagation.

2, flowering: breed kale, appreciate mostly its leaves, but it can also blossom.

Common diseases of kale

1. Black rot

The main harm to leaves is a vascular bundle disease caused by bacteria, which makes vascular bundles necrotic and blackened, and small black spots or black stripes appear on the veins of real leaves. Most of the bacteria invade from the water holes on the leaf edge and begin to show "V" shaped disease spots, and this part of the leaf veins necrosis and blacken. If invading from the wound, irregular yellowish plaques are formed, the diseased plants are removed in time at the initial stage of the disease, and the diseased plants are sprayed with 14% loramine copper or 77% wettable powder at the initial stage of the adult disease, once every 7 to 10 days for 2 times in a row.

2. Downy mildew

The main harm to the leaves, after the disease first appeared white frost, and then withered. When humidity is high, loose white mildew occurs on the back or surface of the leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, Chlorothalonil or 40% aluminum triethyl phosphate wettable powder or 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder or 72.2% Prike water agent were sprayed once every 7 days for 2 times in a row.

3. Sclerotinia disease

Sclerotia soft rot, also known as sclerotia soft rot, mainly harms the base of stems and leaves, light brown disease spots appear on the leaf margin in the early stage, soft rot in the later stage of the disease, white or gray flocculent mycelia are produced under high humidity conditions, and black mouse fecal sclerotia are formed. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% green ammonium nitrate powder or 20% methyl phosphos EC or 50% prohydantoin wettable powder were sprayed once every 7 days. To apply fertilizer reasonably, it is recommended to use loose soil fertilizer and loose soil to break the hardening, so that the root can be breathable, drained well, breathe well and grow well. Avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer resulting in excessive growth of branches and leaves, tissue tender and easy to be infected.

4. Cabbage worm

With biological pesticides, insect mites were diluted 2000 times and sprayed evenly, with an interval of 7-10 days, spraying 2-3 times to completely kill all kinds of aphids, green insects and so on.

Kale is both ornamental and edible, and it is deeply loved by everyone, and its breeding method is relatively simple, and we can also plant some at home, but we should pay special attention to it when planting. It is very vulnerable to diseases and insect pests and has a bad impact on it, so it should be detected and treated early.