
How to raise Cat's Eye Taro Culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cat's eye taro is rich in color, there are several different colors on a leaf, and its leaves are broad and unique, with many small black spots on the leaves, like the eyes of kittens, especially beautiful and generous, very suitable for indoor viewing and planting. So everyone knows that cats

Cat's eye taro is rich in color, there are several different colors on a leaf, and its leaves are broad and unique, with many small black spots on the leaves, like the eyes of kittens, especially beautiful and generous, very suitable for indoor viewing and planting. So do you know the maintenance skills of cat's eye taro? Next, let's learn about it with the editor.

How to raise cat's eye taro

As the cat's eye taro is not cold-resistant, also not resistant to drought, afraid of hot sun exposure, if direct sunlight will burn the leaves, so that the edge of the leaves partially scorched, the new leaves stop growing, the leaves turn yellow, so the cultivation should pay attention to shading. However, the growth environment should not be too shady, otherwise the plant growth will be weak, and the pattern on the leaf surface of some variegated varieties will decrease or even disappear, and it is best to keep it in a place with bright light and no direct sunlight. Bamboo taro is sensitive to water, so it should be fully watered during the growing period to keep the basin soil moist, but the soil should not accumulate water, otherwise it will lead to root rot and even plant death.

Because the leaves of bamboo taro are larger and the water evaporates quickly, there is a higher demand for air humidity. If the air humidity is not enough, the leaves will immediately curl, and the response is very sensitive, especially in the growing period of new leaves, so water should be sprayed frequently to the plants. Otherwise, the air drying will cause the new leaves to be difficult to stretch, the leaf edges are scorched and yellow, the leaves are small and dull, and the leaves of velvet taro varieties have no cashmere texture, which seriously affects the ornamental bamboo taro. Therefore, the indoor cultivation air humidity must be kept at 70% to 80%. In order to be beautiful, you can often use a clean soft cloth dipped in water to scrub the leaves to make them bright and shiny. When the air temperature exceeds 35 ℃ in midsummer, it is disadvantageous to the growth of leaves. Attention should be paid to ventilation and spraying water to cool down the plant, so that the plant has a cool and humid environment.

Culture method of Cat's Eye Taro

1. Temperature

Cat's eye bamboo taro is native to tropical and subtropical regions and is resistant to high temperature. It is suitable to be in the growth environment of 20-30 ℃. The most suitable growth temperature in winter should be about 16-18 ℃.

2. Lighting

Shade-tolerant plants, sexual preference for semi-shade, should be placed in a bright indoor light. Avoid direct sunlight, exposure, etc., in order to avoid burning leaves. Shading and ventilation should be done well in summer.

3. Watering

In the growth period of cat's eye taro, it is necessary to fully water the soil and keep the soil moist. At the same time, we should also pay attention to avoid causing stagnant water in the soil, so as not to cause rotten roots and even cause plant death. As the leaves of the cat's eye taro are larger and the water evaporates quickly, it is necessary to maintain a high air humidity around it. The leaves can be sprayed frequently to keep the air around the leaves moist, which is beneficial to the growth and extension of the leaves. Once the leaves are found to curl and atrophy, it means that the plant is in a state of lack of water.

4. Fertilizer

Follow the principle of "giving frequently and sparingly". Stop fertilizing during the dormant period in winter and the high temperature in summer.

Matters needing attention in Culture of Cat's Eye Taro

1. Change the basin

Change the basin every other year, it is appropriate to choose fertile, loose, good air permeability and drainage, containing rich humus slightly acidic soil.

2. Pest control

The main common insect pests are shell insects, red spiders and so on. For scale insects, 40% omethoate 1000 times or 50% dichlorvos 1000 times and 2.5% deltamethrin 3000 times can be sprayed to control the disease. For red spiders, the control is usually carried out during the adult period after the eggs are hatched, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of dicofol EC or 1000 times of omethoate EC.

How to survive the winter with cat's eye taro?

1. Temperature

In winter, if the temperature is lower than 13 degrees Celsius for a long time, the leaves of cat's eye taro will suffer frost damage. Therefore, the overwintering temperature of cat's eye taro should not be lower than 13 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to keep the temperature above 15 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will curb the growth of the plant.

2. Lighting

In winter, because the light is relatively scarce, it is necessary to meet the lighting needs of cat's eye taro, so it is necessary to make it more exposed to the sun. And make sure that the cat's eye taro is not exposed to strong direct sunlight, which may burn the leaves of the cat's eye taro.

When the temperature is too low in winter, it can not be placed in an overly hidden environment, which will affect the growth momentum of the plant and cause the pattern to decrease or even disappear. In winter maintenance, it is recommended to put the cat's eye taro plants in a place where there is no strong light and bright light for maintenance.

3. Watering

The leaves of Maoyan bamboo taro are relatively large, and attention should be paid to ensuring sufficient moisture in the basin and moist soil during winter maintenance. If the air humidity is not enough, the leaves will immediately curl to affect the viewing. But it should not be too much, otherwise it will cause root rot, and in serious cases, the plant will die. You can always pay attention to the water situation of cat's eye taro, if there is a lack of water, spray more water to the plant. Whether in winter or summer, let the cat's eye taro have a moist and cool growth environment.

As mentioned above, cat's eye taro is evergreen all the year round, and its adaptability and vitality are relatively strong, so it is a kind of foliage plant that can be planted very well. Although it is easy to raise, you should also pay attention to the methods. If the method is incorrect to cause the leaves to turn yellow, it will seriously affect the beauty.