
Cultivation methods and matters needing attention in pot cultivation of Gardenia jasminoides how to fertilize gardenia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia is one of the common ornamental plants in balcony and courtyard. Its leaves are evergreen all the year round and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing. It plays a very significant role in cleaning the air and improving the home environment. However, many people do not know enough about its breeding, and they often think that gardenia flowers

Gardenia is one of the common ornamental plants in balconies and courtyards. Its leaves are evergreen all the year round and fragrant. It has a very significant role in refreshing the air and improving the home environment. However, many people do not know enough about its cultivation, and often feel that gardenia is difficult to raise. In fact, gardenia cultivation method is not difficult, and the paper cuttings are very easy to let it burst pot. How did they do it? Let's learn together.

Gardenia potted cultivation methods and precautions

I. Breeding methods

1. Suitable basin soil

Gardenia likes acidic soil, the appropriate pH is 5 to 6, prepare the appropriate soil before planting. Cultivation soil usually choose rotten leaf soil, peat soil plus half of the garden soil, do not use cinder, or directly buy special soil, convenient and practical.

2. Reasonable fertilization

Gardenia like fertilizer, planting in the soil when adding decomposed cake fertilizer as base fertilizer. Growing season with cake fertilizer, ferrous sulfate retting made of fertilizer, irrigation once a week. Organic liquid fertilizer with full nutrition can also be used. Bud stage topdressing can make flowers plump, floral rich. Summer temperature above 35℃, autumn temperature above 15℃, stop fertilization.

3. Watering

Gardenias like a moist environment. During the growth period, keep the pot soil moist, water dry and wet, spray at night to wet the leaves to maintain humidity. If the plants grow too vigorously, do not water them at night, but water them after the sun comes out in the morning.

4. Light

Gardenia growth needs sufficient sunlight, if placed in the semi-shade for a long time, thin slender flowers. Maintenance, in addition to 7/8 and noon need shade and winter hibernation, other time in the sun can be maintained.

II. Precautions for breeding

1. Winter dormancy

Gardenia is cold-resistant, but potted gardenia will suffer damage to its roots after severe winter and recover slowly in spring. The best way is to put the potted plant in an environment of 5 ° C to hibernate, or to wrap the flowerpot with insulation materials and put it outdoors in a sunny and leeward place for winter.

2. Proper pruning

Gardenia stems grow to 20 cm, hit the top, leaving 3-4 branches to promote branching. Every year after flowering, light pruning, weak branches, sick branches cut off. But gardenia spring can not be short cut top, otherwise difficult to bloom that year.

3. Change basin soil in time

Gardenia vitality, seedlings from a few centimeters long to dozens of centimeters, so according to the size of the plant for pots. When changing pots, prune old roots in time, change half of the soil, irrigate thoroughly, put them in semi-shade for a week, and move them to the sun after growing new buds.

4. Soil acidification

Gardenia likes fat, but afraid of thick fat. During the growth period, the decomposed cake fertilizer water should be applied once every half month, and the concentration should be low, so as not to burn the roots and affect the growth of flower buds. At the same time, attention needs to be paid to acidifying the soil in time. Changing the acidity of the soil can promote plant growth. Gardenia is more prone to yellow disease, leaf spot disease and scale insects. After discovery, it shall be disinfected by spraying chemicals in time, isolated from other plants to avoid infection.

How to fertilize gardenias

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Gardenia flower in the maintenance process, slow growth, thin branches, need frequent topdressing, indicating insufficient fertilizer when planting. Before planting gardenia, add organic fertilizer (decomposed animal manure, cake fertilizer) to the soil and mix it evenly with the soil.

2. Apply slow release fertilizer

In fact, most families raise flowers, fertilize less often, or even do not often take care of, in order to facilitate trouble, agricultural scientists have developed lazy fertilizer-slow release fertilizer. When fertilizer is applied to the pot, the fertility in the fertilizer will be released slowly. There is no need to worry about excessive fertilizer damage to the plant. However, fertilization is stopped after October and during flowering.

3. Topdressing

4-10 Monthly topdressing except flowering. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed once a week from April until buds appear on most branches of the whole gardenia.

After budding, irrigating roots twice with potassium dihydrogen phosphate can enhance plant resistance and promote plant flower size and fragrance. But as soon as the flower bud dehisces and whitens, stop fertilizing.

4. Change pots and fertilize

If the pot is changed, put the plant in a cool place and apply fertilizer after the slow pot period.

When do gardenias bloom?

Gardenia flowers in spring and summer, can bloom continuously from May to June to August, but there will also be individual early or relatively late cases. Different regions have different flowering times due to different climates. Gardenia flower is relatively long, a flower can open 3-5 days. Sometimes the flowering period of a larger plant can last up to a month.

How to make gardenias bloom

1. Water and fertilizer management

Pay attention to reasonable watering and fertilization in daily life, and pay attention to increasing fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in flower bud differentiation period to promote flowering.

2. Light

Generally, we should pay attention to shade in summer, and put gardenia in warm indoor places with good light in winter to avoid gardenia not flowering due to light problems.

3. Soil acidification

Before planting gardenia, the soil can be acidified to change the acidity of the soil, which is beneficial to gardenia growth.

4. Daily maintenance

According to gardenia growth timely pruning plants, so that its normal growth, flowering. In the process of planting, attention should also be paid to insect control.

As mentioned above, Gardenia cultivation method is very simple, even very easy to burst pot, so we do not reach the expected state in the breeding process do not lose heart, carefully analyze the reasons, the right medicine. Believe that as long as careful care, gardenia will certainly live up to expectations.