
How to grow camellias planting methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Camellia is one of the traditional ornamental flowers in China, and its early culture history is also very long. Camellia is loved by many flower friends because of its dignified and generous external image and powerful nutritional value. But there is not enough experience on how to properly take care of the camellias.

Camellia is one of the traditional ornamental plants in China, and its early cultivation history is also very long. Camellia because of its dignified and generous external image and efficacy of a strong nutritional value to win many flower friends love. But on how to properly maintain good camellia experience is insufficient, camellia how to plant it? Today's article gives you the answer.

How to grow camellia

1. Cultivation environment

Camellia likes half shade and half sun, refuse full sunshine, otherwise it will get sunshine disease, leaf necrosis.

2. Cultivated soil

Camellia requirements loose ventilation, water filtration is good, if potted, vegetarian pot best (earthen pot).

3. Fertilizer and water management

The soil should not be kept dry but wet, and too much watering should not be allowed, otherwise it would not be conducive to the ventilation of the root system. For each flowering cycle of Camellia, it would be good to fertilize four times, not too frequently, too much fertilization, flower buds are not easy to bloom, or even fall off. After flowering every year, fertilizer should be supplemented once to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowering. Fertilization depends on the size of seedlings. mainly phosphorus fertilizer, supplemented by compound fertilizer.

4. Management of newly planted seedlings

Soak in clean water after receiving, soak the soil used for moisture preservation on the road, and plant again. Newly planted seedlings must be watered thoroughly and placed in a cool and ventilated place for more than one week. After the new seedlings take root and survive, they can be moved to a semi-shady place. After the seedlings survive and are strong, they can be transplanted into the soil for field planting.

Camellia planting methods and precautions

1. Camellia planting method

1. Soil

Four seasons camellia on the soil requirements are quite high, generally its soil humus is higher, PH value is between 5-6.5, slightly acidic, the best soil configuration for the mountain soil 50%, sawdust or edible mushroom residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus powder 10%.

2. Light

Camellia avoid strong light, planting must pay attention to the sun, spring and autumn when the light is sufficient, but summer must avoid direct sunlight, as long as it is too long to be exposed to strong light is easy to die.

3. Temperature

Four seasons camellia is not cold and not resistant to heat, its most suitable temperature is 18-25 degrees, so the environmental temperature should not be too high and too low, otherwise it will affect its growth, winter indoor temperature must be above 3 degrees, if lower than 0 degrees will frostbite.

4. Watering

Camellia likes wet environment, not too dry, not too wet, not dry and wet, spring can be watered more, summer should be watered twice in the morning and evening, autumn and spring, winter is best before and after watering plants.

5. Fertilization

Four seasons camellia more like fertilizer, but fertilizer also has a degree, must not be too much, generally in the nearly half a year after flowering fertilization about 3 times, winter fertilization can be, in order to make the flowers more beautiful, the best fertilizer put more phosphorus.

6, pruning

The pruning of camellia is very important, generally will affect the tree branches and sick, weak branches cut off, as well as bud finishing, once the bud is too dense, but also to comb, flowers wither after timely picking, can reduce nutrient consumption.

7. Turn over the basin

Four seasons camellia generally turn pot once every two years, change a large pot is conducive to its growth, turn pot time is best in April, do not remove all the old soil, but also add a small amount of base fertilizer, and then water.

8. Diseases

Four seasons camellia is very easy to get sick, common mainly black mold, anthracnose two diseases, then only need to spray 0.5 degrees Bordeaux mixture, pests are mainly tea shoot moth, then mainly cut off insects can be.

II. Precautions

1. It is best to remove the buds of newly planted small seedlings, otherwise it will affect the growth of seedlings. If the temperature is low in winter, water less to avoid freezing the roots. In winter, strong adult plants do not need to freeze.

2, fertilizer water should not be too much.

Breeding method of Camellia sinensis

1. Cutting

More in May-June, it is appropriate to select healthy growth of the current year branches for cuttings, cut it into 10-12 cm long, leave the upper 2-3 leaves, remove the lower leaves. Insert it into the seedbed or flowerpot. River sand or loose mountain soil can be used as basin soil. After planting, irrigate water, spray water properly later, keep the soil moist, and shade, about 60-70 days can take root.

2. High pressure

The method is to select the annual branches, peel them annularly at the high-pressure part, the girdling width is 0.5 cm, wrap the girdling part with a plastic film of appropriate size, the wrapping length is 10-15 cm, first tighten the lower opening, contain moist culture soil, keep the soil moist, then tighten the upper opening, cut off and plant separately after rooting.

What are the common varieties of camellias?

1. Dropping branches and golden hearts

The leaves are oval in shape. The branches are soft and drooping, flowering in spring, red.

2. Purple Gold Heart

Zihua Jinxin is a cultivated variety of Camellia. Its flower bud is heart-shaped, its flower color is purple red, and its flowering period is February.

3. The golden light

Saijinguang is a cultivated variety of Camellia. Its leaves are long oval, curly, leaf tip drooping, flowers are complex, white background is pink stripe, occasionally pink flowers, and flower length is oval. The flowers bloom from December to January.

4. Beauty tea

Beauty tea is a cultivated variety of camellia, long oval leaves, shiny, leaf margin has obtuse serrations, more sparse, red or red color, trumpet, more numerous flowering 1-4 months.

5. Red peony

Red peony is a cultivated variety of camellia, leaves elliptic, apex pointed, slightly well-behaved, leaf margin sharply serrulate, pink or red flowers, flowering 3-4 months.

Camellia is a very beautiful flower plant, want to grow beautiful flowers or not everyone's daily care, like watering is mostly a flower problem, Camellia is also the same, in different periods, watering amount and method are not the same.