
Introduction of New vegetable varieties by High grafting in Yongfeng, Jiangxi Province

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In view of the difficulty in measuring the input in the introduction of new varieties and new technologies, in recent years, the vegetable Research Institute of Yongfeng County has innovated and implemented the method of high grafting, which has been scientifically screened and tested for the introduction of new varieties and new technologies. combined with voluntary farmers' entrepreneurship

In view of the difficulty in measuring the input in the introduction of new varieties and new technologies, in recent years, Yongfeng County vegetable Research Institute has innovated and implemented the method of "high grafting", introducing and testing scientifically screened new varieties and new technologies. Combined with voluntary farmers' entrepreneurship, the experiment "one step forward" can not only effectively calculate the cost, further improve the effect of the experiment, but also serve and train farmers. It has played a positive role in popularizing new varieties and technologies of vegetable production and promoting the upgrading of Yongfeng vegetable industry.

"in early November, the first batch picked more than 3600 jin, and the second batch picked more than 3000 jin, which can be picked until July next year. According to investigation, the yield per mu can exceed 20,000 jin." Under the careful guidance and help of the technicians of the County vegetable Research Institute, Liu Renxing, a farmer who returned from Guangdong to start a business, planted 70% of the new pepper variety "Liangjian Mingchi" in a vegetable greenhouse of more than 5 mu, which not only successfully staggered the peak period of local chili peppers on the market. it can also greatly increase the yield, and the benefit is naturally much higher than that of ordinary varieties. I heard that he planted chili peppers well, and seven or eight family farmers around him rushed to learn from them.

Closely combined with agro-technical service, Yongfeng County vegetable Research Institute, on the basis of fully doing a good job in the preliminary investigation, analysis, comparison and research of introducing new varieties, actively introduced voluntary entrepreneurial farmers to jointly carry out the trial planting of excellent new varieties such as vegetables, melons and fruits, and combine the trial planting of new vegetable varieties with the development of vegetable cultivation by farmers. It can not only accurately control and calculate the input costs of labor, chemical fertilizers, facilities and materials, but also train farmers well, guide and help them to take the road of the development of modern agricultural industry, and lay a solid foundation for the popularization of fine new varieties. Truly realize the "1-1 > 2" between technical researchers and farmers.

The combination of training and service, and the unity of technical demonstration and demonstration. On the one hand, the institute meets the entrepreneurial needs of the broad masses of farmers, takes the modern agricultural demonstration park as a platform to "build nests and attract the Phoenix", and guides voluntary farmers to join in the development of the agricultural industry by leasing greenhouses, self-built greenhouses and other ways. seamlessly connect with the introduction of new varieties of vegetables, and support farmers to develop gradually by means of technical services and policy support. On the other hand, comply with the development trend of modern agricultural new management organizations such as family farms, and actively guide farmers to update excellent new varieties in time and improve industrial efficiency in the whole process of tracking technical services. Through their personal participation, the demonstration drives more farmers to accept and introduce new varieties. It was after mastering the new technology that farmer Zhong Guangping began to develop greenhouse planting independently, and now he has become a famous family farmer far and near.

Over the years, the institute has won 4 provincial and municipal scientific and technological achievements awards, promoted more than 100 new vegetable varieties and more than 20 new technologies, introduced more than 60 foreign new and strange vegetable varieties and new technologies every year, and received more than 1000 visits and exchanges among vegetable production and technical personnel every year.