
How to raise Anoplophora acuminata Culture methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dry golden lotus is more common in life, and many flower friends like to raise it, not only because it is easy to breed, but also because its flowers are bright and colorful, its leaves are green and beautiful, and its flowering period is very long, if it is raised well, it can also be raised all the year round.

Dry golden lotus is more common in life, and many flower friends like to cultivate it, not only because it is easy to raise, but also because its flowers are bright and colorful, the leaves are green and beautiful, and its florescence is very long, if it is raised well, it can blossom all the year round. So let's take a look at how to breed the dry lotus together with the editor.

How to raise dry golden lotus

1. Soil: potted lotus plants prefer soil that is easy to drain, adequate nutrients and conducive to root respiration. They are afraid of waterlogging and can not accumulate water. Potted soil can be mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil, compost soil and sandy soil according to the ratio of 4-4-4-1-1-1.

2. Lighting: Hanjin Lianxi needs enough light. It is not acceptable to be exposed to direct sunlight in summer. It is placed in a cool and ventilated place. North China is put indoors in mid-October and placed in a place where the sun can shine. The dry lotus will grow with the light, and the plant should be turned constantly to receive uniform light.

3. Watering: Hanjinlian likes to be wet because it is not resistant to waterlogging, and the soil moisture should be controlled at 50%. It should be watered less many times during the growth period. It should be watered every 1-2 days in spring and autumn, once every day in summer, and the leaf surface should be sprayed in the evening. Reduce the watering times at the flower bud stage and increase the amount as appropriate.

4. Temperature: the most suitable temperature is 18: 24 ℃, afraid of high temperature, it is difficult to blossom if the temperature is too high in summer, and slow down or stop growing when it is higher than 35 ℃. Golden lotus is not resistant to cold, 0 ℃ can only survive in a short time, and the winter temperature should be higher than 10 ℃ to facilitate overwintering. When the winter temperature is controlled at 12: 16 ℃ and suitable fertilizer and water, the growth of Clematis can be maintained.

5. Fertilization: during the growing period, 20% rotten bean cake water can be applied once a month, 0.5% superphosphate or rotten chicken and duck dung water should be applied every half a month, and 30% rotten bean cake water should be applied once after flowering. Golden lotus does not need to apply fertilizer in summer, and a compound overwintering fertilizer is applied at the end of autumn, which is beneficial to cold resistance and growth in the coming year.

Culture method of Clematis paniculata

1. Basin soil

The sandy loam soil rich in organic matter should be used for the cultivation of Clematis paniculata, and the PH value is 5-6. Fertilization is generally applied every 3-4 weeks during the growing period, and the soil should be loosened in time after each fertilization to improve ventilation and facilitate root development.

2. Water and fertilizer management

Watering: dry golden lotus likes to be wet and afraid of waterlogging, and the soil moisture is maintained at about 50%. During the growth period, small water should be watered frequently, watering once every 2-3 days in spring and autumn, watering every day in summer, and spraying water on the leaves in the evening to maintain high humidity.

3. Fertilization

In the process of growth, rotten bean cake water with a concentration of 20% is generally applied once a month; nitrogen fertilizer is stopped during flowering and 0.5% superphosphate or mature chicken and duck manure water is applied once every half a month; after flowering, 30% rotten bean cake water is fertilized once to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowering. Stop fertilizing in hot summer. The compound overwintering fertilizer was applied again at the end of autumn to enhance the cold resistance of the plant.

4. Lighting

Dry golden lotus like sunshine, spring and autumn should be placed in a sunny place, summer should be properly shaded, winter room temperature should be kept at about 15 ℃, sufficient sunshine, it can continue to grow and develop.

5. Mode of reproduction

Golden lotus can be self-pollinated and seeds can be sown and propagated. Golden lotus can also be propagated by cutting, which can be carried out in the Spring and Autumn period.

Matters needing attention in the culture of Clematis paniculata

The main results are as follows: 1. During the growth period, the phenomena of long nodes and yellow leaves, small stems and leaves or luxuriant branches and leaves but few flowers often occur due to improper management of fertilizer and water. In the process of growth, rotten bean cake water with a concentration of 20% is generally applied once a month; nitrogen fertilizer is stopped during flowering and 0.5% superphosphate or mature chicken and duck manure water is applied once every half a month; after flowering, 30% rotten bean cake water is fertilized once to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowering. Stop fertilizing in hot summer. The compound overwintering fertilizer was applied again at the end of autumn to enhance the cold resistance of the plant. Watering is a daily management work, watering times and amount of watering should be determined according to the weather and plant growth. In spring and autumn, it is generally watered once every other day and once a day in summer to maintain high air humidity. When the flower bud appears, the watering times should be reduced appropriately, but the amount of water should be increased each time to make the pot soil dry and wet. Watering should be reduced after flowering.

2. Handelia lanceolata is fond of sunshine, it should be placed in a sunny place in spring and autumn, proper shade in summer, room temperature in winter at about 15 ℃, sufficient sunshine, it can continue to grow and develop.

Pruning and maintenance of Clematis paniculata

After topping: after topping, and then give fat water, generally about 10 days of new branches can reach several centimeters long. When the plant grows 15cm to 20cm above the basin, it is necessary to set up a bracket, tie the vine stem evenly to the bracket, and make the leaves face in one direction.

The size of the scaffold should be covered with vine leaves in the later stage of growth, which is generally about 20 cm higher than the basin, even if it is tied up with the growth of the stem, and pay attention to the uniform distribution of the vine stem on the support.

After adult pruning: adult pruning is to make it more branched in order to achieve the beautiful shape of luxuriant flowers and leaves. After pruning, pay attention to timely water supply, so that the plant to maintain a good growth state.

As mentioned above, for flowers and plants, maintenance methods are very important, the quality of maintenance has a direct impact on the overall appearance of potted plants. So if you want to cultivate a beautiful pot of flowers and plants, it is very important to understand the methods of planting and conservation.