
How to raise Gardenia Gardenia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Gardenia is an evergreen shrub, evergreen all the year round, not only that, it has a strong floral fragrance, whenever people do not see its figure, they are attracted by its taste, when they look at it, they will like its white flowers, so many advantages of plants in the end

Gardenia is an evergreen shrub, evergreen all the year round, not only that it has a strong fragrance of flowers, whenever people do not see its figure, they are attracted by its taste, when they look at it, they will like its flawless flowers. How to cultivate so many advantageous plants? let's take a look at it.

How to raise gardenia

According to the growth habits of gardenia, it will enter the dormant period in winter. It does not matter that the leaves of gardenia fall or stop growing during the dormancy period. When gardenia overwintered, it is best to put it in the coldest room where astigmatism can be seen. The temperature should not exceed 12 ℃, and 610 ℃ is the most appropriate. Water once a month, or according to the dry and wet condition of the home, the basin soil is thoroughly watered. Be careful not to freeze the gardenia in winter.

Culture method of Gardenia jasminoides

1. Choose suitable basin soil.

The cultivation of any bonsai flowers requires some requirements for basin soil. Gardenia is suitable for acidic soil, and the best PH value is between 5 and 6. If the choice of soil in the first step is not suitable, it will be more troublesome to change the basin soil in the future.

Breeding gardenia generally choose rotten leaf soil and peat soil plus general garden soil, can not use cinder, the most convenient is to buy the special soil of magnolia, which is also applicable to gardenia.

2. Lighting requirements

Gardenia is a sunny plant and can not be cultivated completely as an indoor plant. In particular, gardenia in the growing season to meet sufficient light, such as spring and autumn, gardenia flowerpot can be moved to the place of light. Of course, in the summer when the sun is burning, it should be shaded at noon to avoid being exposed to the sun to death.

3. Temperature demand

Gardenia is actually very suitable for the growth of the environment, but the best growth temperature is between 18 ℃-22 ℃. If it is below minus 10 degrees Celsius, it is easy to freeze. The weather in the south is very suitable for the growth of gardenia.

In summer, gardenia can be moved to a well-ventilated, humid and transparent shade.

In winter, gardenia can be placed in the positive outdoor, let it grow naturally, breeders do not have to worry too much.

4. Water demand

Gardenia likes a humid environment and needs to meet the water demand during the growing period. Each watering should be thoroughly watered, the summer weather is dry, we can spray water to the page 2 or 3 times a day to increase the humidity of the surrounding air. But the bud period should not be too much, lest the buds fall off.

5. The demand for nutritious fertilizer

Gardenia likes fertilizer, but pay attention to thin fertilizer, do not apply too much fertilizer or thicker fertilizer at one time. In order to ensure that the slightly acidic soil will not be destroyed in the process of fertilization, we can mix the ferrous sulfate prepared into the fertilizer solution. Four months after the peak season of gardenia production, you can top up once every half a month.

Notes on planting Gardenia jasminoides

The main results are as follows: 1. The propagation method of Gardenia jasminoides is cutting method, pressing method and plant division method.

2. Pay attention to the disease and pest control of gardenia. Generally, gardenia is easy to suffer from yellow horse disease. In addition, leaf spot and canker occur from time to time, and gardenia is easy to be attacked by a kind of whitefly pest. If encountered, please ask professional personnel to solve it.

3. Gardenia is very sensitive to water, so a tile basin with good permeability should be used as the bottom of the basin, so that watering gardenia will not cause stagnant water, resulting in yellowing and shedding of leaves, and even death of flower plants in serious cases.

4. As for the cutting time of Gardenia jasminoides, the first half of the year is in April, and the second half of the year is from August to September, which is the best season for gardenia to multiply.

5. It is not suitable to apply fertilizer before and after gardenia cutting. At this time, it only needs to grow naturally, even if it is natural fertilizer, urea, chemical fertilizer and so on.

How to prune gardenia

Gardenia is easy to overlap branches in the growth process, which can easily lead to airtight and dispersed nutrients, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of gardenia, so cut off some branches according to the real-time demand. After the gardenia blossoms every year, it can be trimmed lightly to trim off the weak and morbid branches and leaves, which will help gardenia to absorb sufficient nutrition.

Gardenia is not only good-looking and good-smelling, but also easy to raise, so it is one of the common cultivated plants. Although its flowers are ordinary, its white color reminds people of the dribs and drabs of college. How young and green it was at that time. Every time I see it, I can take you back to the good old days.