
How to raise shellfish flower culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The shape of the shell flower is quite special, the leaves are curled into a circle, and there is a little white flower in the middle, which looks as beautiful as the pearls in the shell. Shell flower attracts a lot of people because of its high ornamental value. But before breeding,

The shape of the shell flower is quite special, the leaves are curled into a circle, and there is a little white flower in the middle, which looks as beautiful as the pearls in the shell. Shell flower attracts a lot of people because of its high ornamental value. However, before breeding, we must still be more concerned about its breeding technology.

How to raise shellfish flowers

1. The vitality of shell flower is relatively tenacious, so generally speaking, no matter where the seed is sown, it can survive. However, if you want shell flowers to grow beautifully, it is better to choose fertile soil. Sterilizing the soil before sowing can eliminate the seeds of weeds on the one hand and remove some insect eggs on the other. Reduce the risk of shellfish infecting diseases and insect pests. Finally, keep the soil moist.

2. The propagation of shell flowers is often carried out by sowing and propagation, which can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn. To ensure the right temperature, germination will be relatively fast, growing to 6 leaves can be transplanted. When transplanting, it is best to transplant with soil, in order to get a good ornamental effect, can be planted in batches.

Culture method of shell flower

1. Selection of potted soil. To cultivate shell flowers, you need to determine the size of the flowerpot according to the condition of the plant. If you sow seeds, you can plant 10 to 15 seeds in a flowerpot with a diameter of 15cm.

2. Soil needs. Use fertile, well-drained basin soil, not too sticky, otherwise it will affect the growth of plants, choose garden soil with good drainage. Light and temperature shell flowers like sunshine and prefer a warm living environment.

3, in the maintenance process, need to maintain sufficient light, but do not expose to the sun in summer, so as to avoid burns. The suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃-30 ℃.

4. Shell flower needs reasonable operation in water and fertilizer management. The seeds can be watered frequently during germination, and fertilized normally after the seedlings grow and survive. Watering depends on the water shortage of shell flowers. There is no need to water the wet soil. Watering should be thoroughly done.

5. Fertilization can be applied once or twice a month, and should be stopped after flowering. Propagation methods: the propagation of shell flowers is often carried out by sowing and reproduction, which can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn.

6, to ensure the right temperature, germination will be relatively fast, growing to 6 leaves can be transplanted. When transplanting, it is best to transplant with soil, in order to get a good ornamental effect, can be planted in batches.

Matters needing attention in shell flower culture

1. Pick the heart. The shell flower needs to be enucleated in the process of growth in order to have more branches and shape a certain shape.

2. Diseases and insect pests. Shell peanut is relatively strong, diseases and insect pests are still relatively few, but sometimes there will be the harm of leaf miner, the need to often observe the growth of plants, timely detection of diseases, prevention and control.

How to trim shell flowers

1. First of all, it is necessary to keep the light properly, the light should be sufficient, the indoor farming should have access to the sun, and each other should be ventilated.

2. There is also the need for proper pruning, because the shell flower grows very fast, so it should be pruned frequently to help it grow new leaves, and some problematic leaves can also be cut off during pruning. There is water and fertilizer, it is found that the lack of water to replenish water, and timely replenishment of nutrients, but do not apply too much fertilizer.

In fact, the cultivation of shell flower has mastered the skill is very simple, you can start from its growth habits. After breeding, proper maintenance is needed, fertilizer and water, insect pests and pruning are all inevitable. only when these are done well can the shell flowers grow more beautiful.