
How to water gardenia (how often) how to fertilize gardenia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia is heat-resistant and cold-resistant, so different times, different seasons, different places, different requirements for its watering, in addition to watering, fertilization is also very important to its growth, may be a little confused by the editor. Let's do it.

Gardenia is heat-resistant and cold-resistant, so different times, different seasons, different places, the requirements for its watering are different, in addition to watering, fertilization is also very important to its growth, may be a little confused by the editor, let's take a look at its specific watering, fertilization specific methods.

How to water gardenia (how often)

Gardenia watering every few days is not necessarily, because the climate of different parts of our country is very different, watering should be determined according to their own actual situation. In spring, water is usually watered every three days, and water is sprinkled around potted flowers every morning and evening to improve air humidity.

Summer after the hot weather, less watering in the morning, watering thoroughly after two o'clock in the afternoon, with soft water irrigation is appropriate, because the hard water contains more calcium, magnesium salts, which is very disadvantageous to the growth of gardenia, light branches and leaves turn yellow, heavy die quickly. Winter should be controlled watering, do not dry do not water, long-term water content is too much, easy to cause rotten root death.

How to apply fertilizer to gardenia

1. Applying sufficient base fertilizer: gardenia grows slowly, its branches are thin and needs to be fertilized frequently, which indicates that the base fertilizer is insufficient when planting gardenia.

Before planting gardenia, add organic fertilizer (rotten animal manure, cake fertilizer) to the soil and mix it evenly with the soil.

2, apply slow-release fertilizer: in fact, most families grow flowers, fertilize few times, or even do not often take care of, in order to facilitate and save trouble, agricultural scientists have developed a lazy fertilizer-slow-release fertilizer.

When the fertilizer is applied in the basin, the fertility in the fertilizer will be released slowly, there is no need to worry, too much fertilizer will damage the plant. However, fertilization is stopped after October and during flowering.

3. Topdressing: from April to October, except the flowering period, topdressing once a month. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed once a week from April until buds appeared on most of the branches of the whole gardenia.

Watering the root with potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice after budding can enhance the stress resistance of the plant and promote the large flower and fragrance of the plant, but as long as the bud is cracked and exposed, fertilization should be stopped.

4. Change the basin to apply fertilizer: if you change the basin, put the plant in a cool place and apply fertilizer after the slow pot period.

Florescence of Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia blossoms normally from May to July. If you keep it warm, moist and sunny, it should blossom again in May-July. But gardenia is not cold-resistant, semi-overcast, afraid of stagnant water, requires loose, fertile and acidic sandy loam, can only be used as greenhouse potted flowers in Northeast, North China and Northwest China. On the Guangdong side, because the weather is better, it will blossom from May to July. Now flowers can blossom out of season after artificial cultivation, so it is not surprising that they have stamens in March.

Propagation mode of Gardenia jasminoides

1. Cuttage propagation

In the north, it can be cut in the greenhouse from October to November, and from April to the Beginning of Autumn in the south, but the survival rate is the highest between summer and autumn. Cuttings choose healthy 2-year-old branches with a length of 10-12 cm, cut off the lower leaves, cut the lower end into a 45-degree angle, tie them into bundles every 20 to 30, soak the slant in 0.05% rooting powder solution or 0.05% naphthalene acetic acid solution for 15 seconds, take out the drying solution and cut it into the sand, then insert the cuttings into 23 cuttings according to the row spacing 20~25cm and plant spacing 7~8cm. Compacted and watered, set up a low shade shed for shade.

It can take root in about 15 days under the condition of 80% relative humidity and the temperature of 20-24 ℃. It is better to soak in indole butyric acid of-6 power of 20-10 to-6 power of 50-10 for 24 hours. When the rooting seedlings begin to grow, they can be transplanted or put on the pot for a single plant, and can blossom after 2 years.

2. Striping propagation

In April, strong branches were selected from 3-year-old mother plants, which were 25cm long and 30cm long. If there were trigeminal branches, three seedlings could be obtained at the fork at one time.

Generally, it can take root after 20-30 days, can be separated from the mother plant in June, and can be planted separately or single plant in the next spring.

3. Sowing and reproduction

Most of them are carried out in spring, and the seeds germinate slowly, germinate about 1 year after sowing and blossom after 3-4 years, but it is not easy to receive seeds in the northern pot.

It seems that the most commonly used way of propagation of gardenia is cutting, which is not only simple but also greatly improves its survival rate. Friends who like it can plant a pot in this way. If there is a pot of gardenia at home, I feel very happy when I see it, and it also plays a decorative role.