
The mode of agricultural development still needs transformation and upgrading.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Agriculture is the foundation of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and realizing modernization. During the Twelfth five-year Plan period, China's agricultural development achievements and problems coexist. First, the comprehensive grain production capacity has reached a new level, grain production has reached two levels of 100 billion jin in five years, and the total grain output in 2014 has reached

Agriculture is the foundation of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and realizing modernization. During the Twelfth five-year Plan period, China's agricultural development achievements and problems coexist. First, the comprehensive grain production capacity reached a new level, grain production reached two levels of 100 billion jin in five years, and the total grain output reached 1.2142 trillion jin in 2014, stabilizing at more than 1.2 trillion jin for two consecutive years; second, farmers' income reached a new level, with an increase higher than that of urban residents and higher than the growth rate of GDP for five consecutive years. Third, new development has been made in the construction of agricultural material, technological and equipment conditions, with the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress and the comprehensive mechanization rate of cultivation and income of major crops reaching 56% and 61% respectively; fourth, new steps have been taken in rural reform. the pattern of joint development of household management, cooperative management, collective management, enterprise management and other modes of operation has initially taken shape.

Under the new normal, various challenges and structural contradictions faced by agricultural development continue to gather, prominently manifested in the "five increased pressures". First, there is increased pressure to ensure a stable supply of grain and other major agricultural products. The second is to crack "who will farm" and increase the pressure to speed up the cultivation of new types of agricultural operators. The third is to improve the quality and safety level of agricultural products and increase the pressure to ensure "safety on the tip of the tongue". The fourth is to increase the pressure to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture. Fifth, there is increased pressure to make overall use of "two resources and two markets" to ensure the safety of the domestic agricultural industry.

At present and for some time to come, efforts should be made to change the mode of agricultural development in the following five aspects: adjusting the structure, expanding the scale, ensuring safety, being sustainable, and strengthening science and technology:

One is to adjust the structure. It is necessary to face market demand, base on resource endowments, promote the transformation from quantity-based to equal emphasis on quantity and quality, and speed up the construction of a modern agricultural industrial system featuring the overall planning of grain economy and feed, the combination of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing, and the integration of one, two and three industries. It includes adjusting and optimizing regional production layout, adjusting and optimizing production structure, adjusting and optimizing industrial structure, and so on.

Second, expand the scale. On the one hand, it is necessary to promote the orderly circulation of land and develop appropriate scale operation. On the basis of steadily carrying out the registration and certification of the right of contracted management of rural land, contracted farmers are encouraged to transfer contracted land by means of subcontracting, leasing, exchange, transfer and shareholding in accordance with the law, so as to expand the scale operation of land. On the other hand, it is necessary to speed up the cultivation of diversified new agricultural operators. It is necessary to actively guide and support the development and growth of new business entities, such as family farms, professional large households, farmers' cooperatives, and leading enterprises, and improve the standardization level and development vitality of all kinds of main bodies. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the socialized service system of agriculture. We will speed up the construction of a new type of agricultural socialized service system that combines public welfare services with business services and coordinates special services with comprehensive services.

The third is to ensure safety. To make consumers not only eat well, but also eat safely and rest assured, this is a key goal of changing the mode of agricultural development. In this process, we should not only speed up the formulation of standards, promote standardized production, strengthen the control and control of inputs, promote green production, implement producer responsibility, promote large-scale production, establish a traceability system, and promote brand production. it is also necessary to strengthen law enforcement and supervision, strictly crack down on illegal addition, counterfeit sales, private slaughtering and other acts, carry out special rectification, and innovate the mode of supervision. We will carry out activities to create counties for the quality and safety of national agricultural products and promote social co-governance.

Fourth, it is sustainable. It is necessary to vigorously develop resource-saving and environment-friendly agriculture and promote the transformation of the utilization of agricultural resources from high-intensity utilization to economical and efficient utilization. The key point is to realize "one control, two reductions and three basics". One control is to control the total amount of water consumption and speed up the development of water-saving agriculture. The two reductions are the implementation of zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the reduction of the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other inputs. The three basic principles are to do a good job in the control of non-point source pollution and realize the basic resource utilization of plastic film, straw and livestock and poultry manure.

Fifth, strong science and technology. To promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, it is fundamentally necessary to rely on innovation to drive agriculture to insert the "wings" of science and technology. It is necessary to speed up the pace of scientific and technological innovation, deepen the reform of the agricultural scientific and technological system, establish a scientific and technological collaborative innovation alliance and a scientific and technological service cloud platform, strive to break through a number of common and key technologies, and promote the transformation and application of agricultural scientific and technological achievements. We will vigorously develop the modern seed industry, promote the pilot reform of the proportion of achievement rights and interests in the seed industry, and expand, strengthen, breed and promote integrated seed enterprises. We will speed up the development of agricultural mechanization, carry out a demonstration of mechanization in the whole process of grain, cotton, oil and sugar production, and build a technical system for the whole process of mechanized production of major crops. We will improve the level of agricultural informatization, carry out the "Internet + Modern Agriculture" campaign, speed up the promotion of agricultural and rural informatization, and raise the level of application of modern information technology in the agricultural field. We will speed up the cultivation of new-type professional farmers, expand the coverage of new-type professional farmers' training programs, and create a team of high-quality modern agricultural producers and operators.