
Methods of water culture and propagation of Dryopteris Dryopteris

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dryopteris is not only good-looking, but also easy to raise. We can plant it in the yard, on the balcony or in the yard. As long as a small flowerpot, whether potted or suspended, it is very easy to survive.

Dryopteris is not only beautiful, but also easy to raise. We can plant it in the yard, on the balcony, or in the yard. As long as a small flowerpot, whether potted or suspended, it is very easy to survive. Such a beautiful and generous plant that can add a touch of gorgeous color to the family, why not have a pot?

The method of Water Culture of Dryopteris

First of all, wash the root of the fern, disinfect it with potassium fern, then find a container to add water, match it with a proper proportion of nutrient solution (which can be bought on the market), or fix it on the mouth of the container or on the surface of the water. The fern should be planted on the coral stone, stick to it, and then put the coral stone in the water to grow well after survival. When hydroponic culture, we should pay attention to the coral stone to use water bubble to remove salt, the water should not flood the head of Dryopteris, in order to let the stone grow moss, can not be kept indoors for a long time.

Propagation methods of Dryopteris Dryopteris

1. Ramet breeding method

Ramet propagation is the longest-used propagation method of Dryopteris. Ramets can generally be carried out indoors in four seasons, but it is most suitable to change pots in early spring. First of all, several small flowerpots should be prepared and filled with soil. Take the mother plant out of the basin, cut off the aging rhizome, and divide the plant into several clumps with a knife, requiring each clump to have roots and leaves. Then the plants were planted in a small basin, then covered with soil around the rhizome, watered and maintained in a cool place.

2. Spore reproduction

Spore reproduction refers to sprinkling the leaves with spores on the wet soil without covering the soil and using the evaporation of water to promote the growth of the leaves. The specific methods are as follows: disinfect peat and fine sand before planting, expose them in the sun or irrigate disinfectant. Then put the soil in a shallow basin and pour enough water. Cut the leaves with spores. Spread the spore-bearing leaves in a shallow basin without covering the soil, cover it with a piece of glass and soak it in water from the bottom of the basin to keep the soil moist. Put the flowerpot in a 20-25 ℃ semi-shady environment, new leaves can grow in about a month, and after the pot is full, it can be planted and transplanted.

Spore reproduction of Dryopteris Dryopteris

1. Whether they are used directly by spores or with leaves, they are all the same, and the flower friends in this article are planted directly with leaves. The leaves in the picture above can be cut off and planted directly on the soil.

2. The focal point of the spore reproduction of Dryopteris is humidity and temperature, and it is easier to succeed in the environment of high temperature and humidity. Spore reproduction is to grow something like moss first, and then grow the first leaf of Dryopteris in the moss.

3. Spores can be properly covered with a little bit of soil, and then covered with plastic wrap to achieve the purpose of moisturizing and heat preservation. If nothing happens, moss will grow out in 1-3 weeks, and then the small leaves will come out. Long moss and the first few leaves are very slow, but as soon as they grow up, the pot will burst very quickly. In 3 or 4 months, Dryopteris can grow into a large basin.

How to raise Dryopteris

1. Selection of potted plants.

Pot, the pot can choose light glaze basin and tile basin; basin soil must have good water permeability and ventilation, generally with humus-rich peat soil or rotten leaf soil, and then add about 1 stroke 3 coarse sand and fine sand, and put in some bone powder, and the bottom of the basin should be covered with some broken tiles or coarse sand to facilitate drainage, rhizome planting depth of 1.5 cm 2.5 cm. Plant or turn the pot to change the soil in spring. Humus soil or peat soil is commonly used in potted plants, and a small amount of river sand and base fertilizer are added to form the culture soil. Change the box every spring, do not hurt the root when changing the basin, avoid the wind blowing, and keep the basin soil moist and high air humidity. It can be managed normally after the new branches grow.

2. Temperature and light

Dryopteris prefers a warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 21-25 ℃ in daytime and 12-15 ℃ at night. In winter, the leaves can keep fresh green when the temperature is above 5 ℃, but frost injury will occur when the temperature is lower than 5 ℃. Like bright scattered light, afraid of direct sunlight. Summer can be properly shaded, long-term direct light will cause most of the leaves withered and yellow. It should be placed in a brightly lit place indoors so that it can grow normally even if it is placed for 1 year.

3. Watering and fertilization

Dryopteris likes the humid environment and should be fully watered in the peak growing season. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist, we should also pay attention to the high air humidity and sprinkle water around the plant when the air is dry. Especially in summer, water should be watered 1-2 times a day. If there is a lack of water, it will cause the leaves to shrink. Watering taboo basin soil when dry and sometimes wet, easy to make the leaves yellow. Apply thin liquid fertilizer 2-3 times a month, do not stain the leaves, so as not to cause rotten leaves, because of the calcium-loving habits of Dryopteris, basin soil should add appropriate amount of lime and broken eggshell, the effect of regular application of calcium fertilizer will be better. In winter, we should reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

4. Prevention of diseases and insect pests of Han nationality

Potted Dryopteris, often with leaf blight, can be controlled with Bordeaux solution at the initial stage, and 70% methyl topiramate 100-1500 times in severe cases. If the plant is damaged by scale insects, 40% omethoate 1000 times solution can be used for control.

There are a variety of breeding methods of Dryopteris, but the more common method is spore reproduction, but no matter which method, we all need enough sunlight, water, and fertilizer to make it grow well, so as long as we pay attention to these points, we will be able to grow a beautiful fern.