
How to water the rotting roots of Dryopteris?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The leaves of Dryopteris are very green. When you see the small green leaves, the whole person is in a very good mood. Do you know the secret of keeping the leaves green? In fact, it is very simple, as long as you keep enough water, you can achieve emerald green.

The leaves of Dryopteris are very green. When you see the small green leaves, the whole person is in a very good mood. Do you know the secret of keeping the leaves green? In fact, it is very simple, as long as you keep enough water, you can achieve the green effect. Let's take a look at how much water needs to be watered in the daily care of Dryopteris.

How to water Dryopteris

Dryopteris likes warm, humid and semi-overcast environment. It needs to be watered once a day during the growing period, and once in the morning and evening in hot summer. At the same time, water should be sprayed to the surface of leaves and the ground around flowerpots to improve air humidity. Only in this way can we keep the leaves green. If the water supply is insufficient or the air is dry, the leaves will turn yellow or scorch the hem. In order to make the leaves green, it is best to keep the flowerpot on a wet sand table.

Dryopteris prefers moist soil and moist air. After the fern begins to grow in spring, it should be watered more to make the basin soil in a moist state, and often sprinkle water around it to increase air humidity. When the temperature is high from late spring to early autumn, the watering times should be increased while keeping the basin soil moist.

When the temperature is low in late autumn, winter and early spring, the basin soil should be moist and the surface of the basin soil should not be dry. Sprinkle water around it regularly to increase air humidity at the same time.

What about the rotten roots of the fern?

1. Position of placement

Dryopteris is a tropical foliage plant that likes scattered light in the morning or evening. If exposed to direct light or exposure, the leaves suddenly turn brown.

Dryopteris is also suitable for raising in the shade of semi-shady trees, or in a shady environment indoors or in the yard, preferably with appropriate scattered light or light.

If it is a window, it is better to face south or west of the windowsill, and to regularly turn the basin, not only one side to receive light, 5 days turn about 30 degrees, regular rotation on the line.

2. Temperature and humidity are critical.

It is critical to maintain the temperature and humidity of Dryopteris Dryopteris. It is best to maintain the temperature between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius. Cold-resistant varieties can be selected in cold areas. The environmental humidity of the maintenance of Dryopteris should be kept at about 60%, and the water should be sprayed frequently when the air is dry to maintain a high environmental humidity.

3. Suitable soil

Planting Dryopteris needs slightly acidic soil with good ventilation, looseness and moisture retention (pH value is between 5.0 and 6.0). Generally choose slightly clayey soil, but it is also necessary to add fine sand to increase drainage. Other media are compost soil and peat soil to ensure soil acidity and water retention.

Do not plant Dryopteris too deep, there must be drainage holes at the bottom of the basin, padded with broken tiles to prevent stagnant water, and properly spread granular soil or gravel on the soil surface, which is helpful to maintain moisture.

If the root system of Dryopteris is found to grow out of the soil, then it is necessary to change the basin, change the basin after the spring is warm, properly clean the root system at the bottom, after proper pruning, it will grow better after resuming growth.

What if the leaves of Dryopteris are withered?

1. Note that it is best to choose pure water or Rain Water for watering the fern, and do not pour tap water (even if it has been dried), because the growth requirement of Dryopteris is too high, and a slightly higher EC value of the water will show discomfort. Fertilization can not apply general fertilizer, should be imported or domestic water-soluble fertilizer light application to meet its needs.

2. You are right that keeping the potted soil moist is the key to the cultivation of Dryopteris. Notice that it doesn't like the wind. Also to avoid direct sunlight, bright light can be, because it is a typical fern, so the conservation environment is best to create a native environment is the most appropriate. 65% of the time can show yellow leaves, coke edges and other adverse reactions, serious withered and died. The diseased leaves can no longer be recovered.

3. Note that it is best to choose pure water or Rain Water for watering the fern, not tap water (even if it has been dried), because the growth requirement of Dryopteris is too high, and a slightly higher EC value of the water will show discomfort.

4. fertilizing can not apply general fertilizer, but should be applied lightly with imported or domestic fully water-soluble fertilizer to meet its needs.

5. Keeping the basin soil moist is the key to the cultivation of Dryopteris Dryopteris.

Common diseases and control methods of Dryopteris Dryopteris

1. Pest of Pteris tenuiformis

Shell insects are common pests of Dryopteris Dryopteris, which are easy to occur in warm, humid and poorly ventilated conditions. When the disease occurs, it can be seen that there are white protuberances on the leaves, the leaves will droop and wither, and in serious cases, the whole leaves will be scorched yellow. There are many control methods in the leaves of Dryopteris, so it is difficult to check the scale insects on each leaf, so the leaves will be cut off directly when the scale insects are found. Drug control can be used in the soil around the roots of insecticides (flowers and birds are sold in the market), usually 10 to 15 centimeters and 2 to 5 grams. Or spray omethoate EC 1000 times solution at the time of onset, spray once every 5-7 days, and spray 2-3 times continuously.

2. Dryopteris disease

Symptoms of leaf blight often appear yellowing and scorched edges of leaves in the process of maintenance. the reason for improper maintenance is to suffer from bacterial infection, resulting in yellowing of your leaves. At the time of onset, the leaves appeared yellowish-brown disease spots, with the expansion of the disease spots, gradually fused, and then the leaves wilted.

3. Prevention and control methods

Strengthen maintenance, if the leaves appear yellowish-brown spots, need to appropriately reduce air humidity, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission. When the disease occurs, timely spraying agents, Bordeaux liquid and carbendazim wettable powder brake can be selected, spraying once every 10 days and spraying continuously for 2 or 3 times will improve.

It seems that although this kind of plant is very easy to raise, it is still lethal to it in the face of diseases, so we must pay more attention to it in our usual nursing, so as not to cause symptoms such as insect pests and withering of the fern.