
What if the bird's nest fern doesn't sprout? the breeding method of bird's nest fern

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bird's nest fern is a common plant, its efficacy is very strong, not only can be ornamental, but also can be used as medicine, at present, it is very popular with consumers in the market. Many people will not sprout when raising bird's nest ferns. In fact, don't panic, you want to understand.

Bird's nest fern is a common plant, its efficacy is very strong, both ornamental, but also can be used as medicine, currently in the market is very popular with consumers like. Many people will not sprout when breeding nest ferns. In fact, don't panic. If you want to solve this phenomenon, you only need to use some skills.

What if the bird nest does not sprout?

1. Insufficient light. Insufficient light is also easy to cause the nest fern not to germinate, because the nest fern will be placed indoors for a long time, it will discriminate against insufficient sunlight and will not germinate. However, the light should not be too strong, so it should be placed in a bright place indoors when breeding, and it should not be hidden for a long time. In summer, it is necessary to shade.

2. Improper fertilization. When the plant of the nest fern is short of fertilizer, or too many times of fertilization, it will lead to the phenomenon that the nest fern does not germinate. Therefore, when potted bird's nest fern, it is necessary to apply fertilizer reasonably during its growth period, and to ensure the balance of various elements, but to stop applying fertilizer when it is high in summer and low in winter.

3. Improper temperature. During the growth period, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature, between 15℃ and-28℃. When the temperature is higher or lower than this range, measures need to be taken.

Breeding method of bird nest fern

1. Spore reproduction. In spring, the prepared sowing soil is sterilized by high temperature, put it into the basin and flattened, then sprinkle the mature spores on the basin soil, spread evenly, then immerse the whole basin in water, make the basin soil fully moist, cover the glass basin to keep moisture, finally put it in the shade, germinate in 7~10 days, grow green prothalli in about one month, grow several true leaves in 3 months, and then cultivate in the basin.

2. Reproduction by dividing plants. At the end of spring and early summer, when the new bud is about to grow, carefully cut the plant parts that need to be separated with a knife before the new bud is born, and then plant them separately. Bird's nest fern plant division method is more special, select the growth of more robust plants, in late spring will be cut from the base, cut into 2~4 pieces, and then cut the leaves by about one-third to one-half, each must have a part of the leaves and rhizomes, and then put them into the pot culture, so that they become individual plants. The temperature of the place where the potted plant is placed should be kept above 20°C, the environment should be semi-overcast, and the air humidity should be high, so that the wound can heal as soon as possible.

What if the bird's nest is rotten?

1. The rotten heart is lighter. The phenomenon of rotten heart of bird's nest fern is relatively light. This means that the leaves in the center of bird's nest fern are not rotten, but the tender leaves on both sides are rotten. At this time, the rotten leaves can be removed, the excess is dried, and it is maintained in a dry environment for a period of time. After it is dry, normal management can be resumed. Care must be taken to control ambient humidity.

2. The rotten heart is heavier. If the broken-core phenomenon is already severe, it may be difficult to save the plant at this time. At this time, you can decisively remove the leaves, you can reduce water, and reduce plant consumption. The remaining leaves and intact roots remain, and it can still germinate. The leaves can be removed directly and the decaying pseudobulbs removed.

3. Seriously rotten heart. When nest ferns are very badly rotted, decay may begin at the base of the stem. At this time, the plant can be taken out of the flowerpot first, the soil removed and cleaned up, and then all the rotten parts of the plant removed, disinfected with alcohol or potassium permanganate solution, dried and replanted.

What if the leaves are burnt?

1. Insufficient or excessive water. One of the main reasons for the scorched edges of bird's nest fern leaves is the lack of moisture, and if the surrounding air is too dry, it will also cause scorched edges.

Treatment methods: winter and summer watering methods are different, to distinguish. Summer temperature is high, evaporation is fast, to water frequently, if conditions permit, you must also wash leaves 2 to 3 times a day, at the same time to increase the humidity of the surrounding air, you can sprinkle water on the surrounding ground to humidify. When winter temperature is low, want to keep basin soil moist, should spray water more, not much watering. 2. Diseases and pests. Nematode can be said to be a major natural enemy of nest fern, which can cause yellow leaves of nest fern.

Treatment method: Kexiandan particles used to control nematodes is the best choice, will be ground and scattered on the surface of the basin soil can be.

The reason why the bird's nest fern does not germinate is mainly due to light, temperature, fertilization, etc., which can be carefully observed to solve this phenomenon from the root. If you want to breed a good nest fern, you can try breeding methods. Spore reproduction and ramet reproduction are two common types. You can choose one of them according to your actual needs.