
How to water reticulate grass (how often) how to fertilize reticulated grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Reticulate grass is a common plant, which can be seen in many places in our country at present. Reticulate grass has a very high ornamental value, if the breeding is good, there may be the phenomenon of leaves turning red, more beautiful. A lot of people are raising reticulate grass.

Reticulate grass is a common plant, which can be seen in many places in our country at present. Reticulate grass has a very high ornamental value, if the breeding is good, there may be the phenomenon of leaves turning red, more beautiful. Many people do not understand the skills of watering and fertilizing when raising reticulate grass, so let's take a look at it.

How to water the reticulate grass (how often)

1. Reticulate grass consumes a relatively large amount of water in spring and summer, and it needs to be watered relatively more in these two seasons, so we can water it once every four or five days under normal circumstances. As the water demand is relatively high, in addition to watering the soil, we can also properly spray water on the leaves of the grass, which can increase the humidity of the soil and the surrounding environment.

2. Watering the reticulated grass in winter, the growth rate of the reticulated grass will be slower in winter, and the evaporation of water will decrease due to the decrease of temperature, so we should reduce the amount of water to the reticulated grass. We can water it more or less once a week. In winter, we can not directly sprinkle water on the leaves of the grass, so it is easy to cause the leaves of the grass to rot and fall off, and we should pay attention to the water temperature of the watering, not directly watering the grass with too low temperature.

3. We can directly touch the soil where the grass is planted, because the root system of the grass does not go deep into the soil layer, so we find that the surface soil should be watered immediately when it dries, but we should not water too much, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots, so as long as the soil is slightly moist.

How to fertilize the reticulate grass

The main results are as follows: 1. If the fertilizer contains more organic matter and humic acid, it can continuously produce the necessary nutrients for the growth of reticulate grass. The fertilization of reticulate grass should ensure the uniformity of nutrients, so that the stems and branches of flowers can grow well, the leaves are thicker, and the distribution of reticulated grass is more evenly distributed. This fertilizer is very suitable for reticulated grass.

2. During its growth period, it can be fertilized with thin water and fertilizer once every half a month or so. As the branches and leaves are dense, it is easy to get to the leaves when fertilizing, which requires our special attention. If dripping on the leaves, it will cause damage to the leaves. Therefore, fertilization must be careful. Don't forget to water while fertilizing, don't let the basin soil be too dry.

How to cut Rabdosia mandshurica

1. The best cutting time is spring and autumn. First of all, we should choose a strong mother plant, not any one can. For the selected reticulate grass, it is best to spread the branches. Then select the branches with terminal buds, about 5 cm in length and 3-5 stem nodes, cut off the leaves of the stem branches inserted into the soil, or cut off half of the leaves to reduce the consumption of nutrients.

2, the prepared branches will be cut in the flowerpot, about 10 centimeters of the flowerpot need to cut 8-10 branches, and then cultivate in a small pot. After cutting, put it in a cool and ventilated place and give it proper light. It can take root in 2-3 weeks. When the leaves gradually recover and grow small tender leaves, apply a small amount of slow-release fertilizer, and carry out proper pruning and coring. If you know enough sunshine and nutrients, you can make the cuttings grow quickly.

3. The growth of reticulate grass needs plenty of sunlight, otherwise, the stems and leaves will easily grow and lose their ornamental value. Once the reticulate grass grows in vain, it is difficult to recover. In addition, the reticulated grass is afraid of cold, the temperature is too low, it is easy to appear the phenomenon of falling leaves. It is not easy to cuttage in Spring and Autumn, so don't catch blind in winter.

What if the leaves of Rabdosia paniculata become dry

1. Lack of water causes the leaves to dry. In fact, the lack of water is also the reason why the leaves of the grass become dry. In fact, when you see the leaves of the grass dry, you will think that it may be the lack of water. If the water permeability of the basin soil is better, the water loss will be very fast, and watering is difficult to meet the water demand of the grass, which will lead to the drying of the leaves of the grass. In fact, this situation is relatively difficult to judge, but you can choose soil with better water retention when choosing soil.

2. It is not suitable for the temperature to cause the leaves to dry. The reticulate grass is not suitable for the temperature, in fact, it mainly means that the temperature is too low in winter. When the temperature is too low, the reticulate grass is prone to dry leaves, preferably even withered. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to the maintenance temperature and raise it appropriately to meet the needs of the growth of reticulate grass. It is also not easy to make the leaves dry. 、

Due to different seasons, there will be some differences in the amount of watering. It should be noted that water must not be sprinkled directly on the leaves in winter. When applying fertilizer to reticulate grass, we must pay attention to evenly, do not drop on the leaves. There are some detailed introductions above, which I hope can be helpful to all of you.