
How to raise Pocket Coconut Culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The pocket coconut is small, with slender leaves, looks green but weak, and looks very difficult to maintain. In fact, as long as pay attention to pocket coconut is not difficult to raise, the difficulty is how to maintain in order to get a basin of brilliance and beauty. Green sleeves

The pocket coconut is small, with slender leaves, looks green but weak, and looks very difficult to maintain. In fact, as long as pay attention to pocket coconut is not difficult to raise, the difficulty is how to maintain in order to get a basin of brilliance and beauty. Pocket coconuts full of green. So how do pocket coconuts need to be maintained and how do they breed?

How to raise pocket coconuts

1. Lighting

Pocket coconuts prefer a semi-shaded environment, so their leaves will turn yellow in the hot sun, and if placed in places with insufficient light for a long time, it will lead to short plants and poor growth and development. So care for pocket coconuts should be placed in a bright position by the indoor window.

2. Temperature

Pocket coconut likes temperature, so the suitable temperature can make it grow better. The suitable temperature for pocket coconut is 18-24 ℃. When the temperature is below 13 ℃, pocket coconut will go into dormancy. The winter temperature had better not be lower than 10 ℃.

3. Moisture

Pocket coconuts like water and should keep the soil moist during its growth. When entering the dormant period, they should wait until the basin soil is dry before watering. In addition, the air humidity of pocket coconut should be kept high, the air is too dry will make the leaf tip yellow and change color, so it is often necessary to sprinkle water around the pot soil to ensure the humidity needed for plant growth.

4. Fertilization

It is necessary to apply fertilizer every other month during the growing period of the plant. Apply thin liquid nitrogen fertilizer every half a month to stop fertilizing or apply less fertilizer in the autumn.

5. Soil

The basin soil should choose to use rich loam that is drained and breathable. That is, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and so on are mixed with river sand.

Cultivation methods and matters needing attention of pocket coconut

I. Culture methods

1. Potted soil: potted pocket coconuts should be planted in well-drained, loose and fertile loam.

2. Lighting: pocket coconuts prefer semi-shade, and their leaves will turn yellow in strong sunlight. If placed in places where there is not enough light for a long time, the plants will become thin and long.

3, temperature: pocket coconut likes to be warm, the suitable temperature for growth is 18 Mel 25 degrees Celsius, 13 degrees Celsius goes into dormancy.

4. Watering: pocket coconuts like water, keep the soil moist during the growth period, and wait until 2/3 of the basin soil is dry during the dormant period. In addition, pocket coconuts like high air humidity. If they are too dry, the leaf tips will turn brown.

5. Fertilization: pocket coconut can apply compound fertilizer to the plant once a month during the growing period.

6. Diseases and insect pests: pocket coconuts are prone to social brown spot under high temperature and high humidity. If brown spot is found, it should be prevented and treated with 800Mel 1000-fold topiramate or carbendazim in time. Scale insects are also easy to occur in dry air and poor ventilation. If shell insects are found, they can not only be scraped manually, but also be sprayed with 800m / 1000 times omethoate.

II. Points for attention

1. Suitable temperature. In general, the optimum temperature for the growth of pocket coconut is 20: 30 ℃, the indoor temperature in winter is between 12 and 14 ℃, and the lowest temperature can not be lower than 10 ℃.

two。 Keep the ambient air humid. Need to often spray water on the leaves of pocket coconuts to increase air humidity.

3. Acid soil should not be used in basin soil, and a small amount of clay should be added.

4. The basin needs to be changed every 3 years.

5. In the seedling stage, the dilute liquid fertilizer should be applied for 3 to 4 times in spring and spring.

Can pocket coconuts be cut

Pocket coconuts cannot be cut because they are not easy to survive. They are generally sown and propagated.

How to grow pocket coconuts

1. Before the pocket coconut is sown, you need to choose the right seed first. When sowing, it is best to choose the seeds harvested in the same year. Seeds are preferably full and complete without diseases and insect pests.

2. The selected seeds need to be disinfected, and the soil needs to be disinfected. The sterilized seeds need to continue to germinate and soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours. When the seeds are absorbed and inflated, it will be fine.

3. The seeds of pocket coconuts that promote budding can be used for sowing, which can be carried out in spring and summer, autumn and winter.

3. Sow the seeds of pocket coconuts on the prepared soil, and pay attention to cover a layer of soil, about one centimeter, after sowing. After sowing, put the whole sowing pot into the water and pay attention to the water depth up to 2/3 of the height of the flowerpot.

In fact, for pocket coconuts, it is not difficult to raise pocket coconuts as long as you pay attention to the conditions that suit them. A beautiful pot of pocket coconut requires patient care, and pay close attention to whether the pocket coconut has diseases and insect pests, timely prevention and solution, so it is very simple to raise a pot of exquisite and elegant pocket coconut!